So because manufacturers spend money on a technology and to be up front where they rightfully belong by spending the money, you think the races are boring? Maybe if it's Audi vs. privateers. But not Audi vs. Toyota. You should probably pay more attention to the WEC and LeMans if you thought it was boring and over after one turn. There's fuel strategy, tire conservation, wheel to wheel action, multi-classes, state of the art tech that you don't see on cars now but will in the future. What do you get with DP? A mock up Corvette not even close to the street Corvette. If you like GT type cars, you have a GTE class with Porsche, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Corvette, Viper and BMW. You can't tell from watching the race they have traction control. You can't tell they don't have ABS. But you can definitely tell LMP's are only 10 seconds a lap slower than F1's best. And the Audi is part time 4wd. They can't run their front hybrid power until after 120kmh. And the power is limited to 500kilojoules (about 200hp for 4-5 seconds).