106 House Republicans have now tied themselves to the Texas Supreme Court lawsuit....err....let's just call it "Act of Sedition". While I'm sure there are a few who are "True Believers" those who simply lack the foresight or perspective to see it for anything other than what it is, I suspect many are just playing politics. But I think it's a dangerous game and one that they're destined to lose.
Far be it from me to second guess over 100 wily politicians, many of whom have made quite a career out of this. Yet I think they're planning to to fight the "next" war, the election of 2024 and are planning to attack it with an outdated concept. Much in the same way that Trump himself and Peter Navarro approached their China trade policy in 2017--by applying concepts and fighting a war we already lost decades ago, instead of the kind of battle we need to fight in the future. It's why Trump lost his trade war with China and it's why they'll lose the political battle they're trying to win by sticking with Trump in the dying days of his Presidency.
Despite losing the Presidential election, Trump still finds himself sitting on the GOP's throne. Politically, he's finished. And in so far as making a run for the Presidency in 2024, he has no chance. He's almost the equivalent of Hilary Clinton now--persona non grata. The popular vote shows this. This election was less about support for Biden than it was about disdain for Trump. He governed by pumping up his base and showing outright hatred for everybody else. And everybody else just returned the favor.
And yet somehow, GOP politicians don't quite see it that way. And it's clear why. While campaigning for
Perdue and Loeffer last week in Georgia, the crowd barely acknowledged the Senate duo's presence. Yet they cheered loudly for Trump. They were there for HIM. He knows it. And so do other GOP politicians who have had to join the Trump train over the last four years or be ostracized by their own party.
And yet, to what end. I suspect they're all desperately hoping that Trump WON'T run again in 2024. And that he'll pass on the mantle to a worthy underling. Be it Tom Cotton or Ted Cruz or Jim Jordan--heck, maybe even Tucker Carlson. Who knows. They want what he has. That being 70 million rabid followers. The kind who are "willing to die" for Trump. (That's not a metaphor--more than one has actually said it). I don't see it happening.
There is always the possibility that the economy crumbles and Biden has a series of huge missteps and there is enough anger and spite and hatred billowing by 2024 that Trump or somebody like him has a chance. (I mean, hate WAS the singular message of his campaign. And in that sense, it was effective). Otherwise, his base is growing smaller. Many have already left. More still are starting to understand that it was NEVER really about them, and it was always about...HIM. Some will simply die of old age before the next election. And as younger people, who are more liberal come of voting age, and more immigrants with a more worldly view become US Citizens, the GOP base, such as it was under Trump, will continue to diminish.
I believe that the politicians fighting to now overturn the election, seeking to subvert the will of the people, and destroy the democratic process, will be remembered. And they will face a political backlash in the years to come. People's memories are short. But this is a very dark and distasteful moment in our nation's history and students of history will not forget it. Nor should they.
I think
@Biggles was right. Trump DID destroy the Republican party. I don't think they can run again with the same destructive message. They can try but they won't win. They need a new message if they're going to have any chance. And those 106 politicians have just destroyed their own chances.