- 25,189
- Dayton, OH
- GTP_KeefRacer
- GTP Keef
So when can these guys (now up to 126) be thrown in prison for sedition?
It couldn't be done until the next administration but unfortunately that would be political suicide. Can you imagine anything easier for the GOP to spin, and anything easier for their voters to rally around, than a Democratic administration trying and jailing literally a hundred GOP politicians? Bah gawd, it would be an act of sedition!
And that's why nothing will happen because it would flip the script in an instant. It is in the nature of GOP constituents to respond to aggression so unfortunately the Democrats cannot take aggressive moves because those GOP folks will go into bar-fight/road-rage defense mode, where despite having made the mistake they get angry at the people who didn't. These people have extreme tempers and under duress do not think before they speak or act. The only tactic that really works is to wait for them to trap themselves through their own idiocy, exactly like Trump has done, but which all these other GOPers have nearly done and/or are trying to hide by pretending they weren't milking him during this Texas lawsuit debacle, the prior four years notwithstanding. Every single one of them are so close to shooting themselves in foot, absolving Democrats of any blame, that it would be political suicide to push the issue.
How the polls predicted that I have no idea. Hell they could've given me a clipboard and sent me on a bender to the local bars and I could've gotten more accurate data than that. There is absolutely zero evidence here in the suburbs of Dayton OH that non-college whites would ever, and I mean ever, flip blue. Wow, whoever published that data should be fired.Just saw this summary of voting demographics in the 2020 election. I can't say if it's accurate & there are many other stats to be extrapolated, but broadly speaking this is the swing nationally from the 2016 election:
White College D+11
White Non-Coll D+1
Hispanic R+12
Black R+2
Asian/Other R+6
This what the national polls just prior to the 2020 election predicted:
White College D+6
White Non-College D+11
Hispanic R+12
Black R+3
What it appears to show is a big swing to the Democrats on the part of college educated whites - significantly larger than the polls suggested - but on the other hand, the swing on the part of non college educated whites was much smaller than predicted. Hispanic voters also moved heavily towards Trump (about equivalent to what was expected) & a small number of black voters (about equivalent to what was expected) moved towards Trump.
I swear my observed stereotypes could basically be a voter demographics database lmao.The figures are affected by local & state particularities (like Florida, where the Cuban-American vote went strongly for Trump), but overall they reveal something concrete about the election results. White college educated voters (ie "suburban") moved very strongly against Trump, but white blue collar voters barely budged from 2016, notwithstanding the polls. This is what prevented a stronger Democratic "blue wave" & is the primary reason why the polls again undercounted Trump support. This was further reinforced by the move towards Trump by Hispanic voters (& "Asian" voters) - something the suggests that Democrats can't count on unquestioning support from Hispanic voters, who (presumably) actually favour quite "conservative" social positions.
In my own personal experience, there is only one word you need to say to a Cuban-American to instill fear and dread and convince them to follow any cause to counter it: Communism. Oh man, I got chills just typing that. According to Cuban-Americans at large, literally any day now Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, and Fidel Castro will rise from the dead and gather to renegotiate their terms, after which the very first houses and cars and monies they will steal will be those of Cuban-Americans, all of whom are clearly traitors for moving to the US and giving up on communism. Can you imagine the delusional fear it must take to believe that full-blown Stalinistic murder and pillaging is right around the corner if the Radical Marxist Joe Biden gets elected? But I've had some very long, colorful, painful conversations and that is indeed what I've gleaned. Cuban-Americans believe that Joe Biden is Fidel Castro reincarnated, but worse, and Donald Trump is their Lord and Savior who will finally strangle communism once and for all with his own bare hands.
Pure insanity.