The GTPFIA GT World Cup Season 2 2012

  • Thread starter Jav
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We running this Sunday guys?

It is Father's Day. It would be nice to know if we are postponing the pre-season race. I as a father would like to enjoy it without worring about a race at 5pm my time. I will be here if it's being ran.
We had the RX7 LM in GT1 before. Can this car be tested and implemented. Or that fancy homologated term you use.

I picked up an Orange one last night. Maybe my favorite car in the game. (New excitement not really my favorite). None the less be a great lil addition.

Here is a pic of the jewel! Not for sale!


It can be done, I'm pretty sure it can be made to be competitive. I'll test it out tonight! Never seen an orange one before, looks pretty sweet!
But I'm tired.....

isn't my current place good enough for right now?

Hmmm... Was Ricky Bobby ever tired?? No sir he wasn't!! And look at all he achieved! You should feel ashamed of yourself for beign tired! :P
Hmmm... Was Ricky Bobby ever tired?? No sir he wasn't!! And look at all he achieved! You should feel ashamed of yourself for beign tired! :P

Ricky Bobby is not a thinker; Rick Bobby is a driver.

I, sir, am both. I think, therefore I'm tired.

It's so scary that place. Dark, dank, and full of 370z.
that RX7 is a really nice drive , I would have considered racing with that if it was available when we picked , sounds like it's laughing at idle
I absolutely hate the GTA 370z. Bad trail braking oversteer with bad on throttle understeer, but snap oversteer at speed on throttle.. after 10 minutes i want to shoot someone.
I absolutely hate the GTA 370z. Bad trail braking oversteer with bad on throttle understeer, but snap oversteer at speed on throttle.. after 10 minutes i want to shoot someone.

Man I feel you! What settled me in was setting up a song list and going at it. Never run music when racing. But this got really redundant. So needed something to keep it fresh. The music was my ticket to sanity.
Are we still doing Rome this Sunday? I remember the last time I did Rome was the first time I met you Jav last year. That guy mitch kept telling you to kick me because I was a dirty racer. All I did was pass him, which was apparently illegal, lol. Do you remember that Jav, probably not?
Are we still doing Rome this Sunday? I remember the last time I did Rome was the first time I met you Jav last year. That guy mitch kept telling you to kick me because I was a dirty racer. All I did was pass him, which was apparently illegal, lol. Do you remember that Jav, probably not?

Lol! I sort of remember something like that! I did the rules for the cars on that championship and then they got bent twisted and destroyed in no time! The Endurance Championship that got canned the day it started!! Yeah Mitch he was a good guy kind of miss seeing him arround, but God he had a real bad temper! He had a similar episode with Blaze in a practice session...
I'm having the same problem as TnT about Fathers Day too, but I'm still going to get some practice laps in just in case'
that RX7 is a really nice drive , I would have considered racing with that if it was available when we picked , sounds like it's laughing at idle

I just tried this one. No killer idle. Thinking you are speaking of the RX7 TC which would be another sweet option. However I had the pleasure of racing that in a series. Great car.

Now this car I picked up. Is one of a few I have. Standard model RX7 LM. However this orange version just does it for me. Got a blue, white, silver, and black/white top. Silver and white were cool. But this orange is so perfect.

Ok last pic of it:

Lol! I sort of remember something like that! I did the rules for the cars on that championship and then they got bent twisted and destroyed in no time! The Endurance Championship that got canned the day it started!! Yeah Mitch he was a good guy kind of miss seeing him arround, but God he had a real bad temper! He had a similar episode with Blaze in a practice session...

And yeh me too I believe it was about punctuation and grammar on GTplanet....
if we could do the GT course, then sure, but i hate Le Mans with a bloody passion DX

Why are you all hating on Rome, it's an awesome track, but backwards is better.
Tokyo would be fun; it's like a bigger Rome
I know I'm not gonna be here for it, but +1 for Le Mans, just so certain people get pissed off ;]

Besides, it's only fitting.
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