This was posted in a different thread, in response to a suggestion that there may be a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality in some people:
I'd like to continue this discussion here. What are your thoughts about the causes of homosexuality? About the consequences of homosexuality?
Wow amazing op, I'm not out to attack it or the member, it's a genuine artefact... But what? This was only published in 2003? If I'm attacking anything, it's that its continued existence is a reality.
I've resisted posting in this thread for a while, but somehow it keeps coming up as a thread someone's 'just' posted in, which is amazing really.
I think firstly people should identify, that regardless of whether or not your religion defines some of/all of the practices of a homosexual female or male couple, as a sin, science has shown in animals other than the Homo sapien (that's us, humans), homosexuality occurs there as well. This isn't even really anything, that should be a point of debate, it's natural, let's move on.
Choice/Born with it, I'm leaning toward 'born with it', however that doesn't fully explain bi-sexuals, my only answer for that would be, they do both, they are born straight but choose to have relations with the same gender as well, or vice-versa.
In terms of my personal beliefs, I've never been religious, but I was once all for the protection of marriage between a man and woman, I'd previously say things like 'fine, let them do what they want, but just don't call it marriage' this was when I was 16/17, and for the life of me now, more than half a decade later, I can't fathom why I thought that.
Simply put - who cares? We're denying a portion of our society, no matter how small they are 10%, 5%, even if it were less than 0.001%, we're denying them the same legal rights that the majority of us have enjoyed for centuries, and it doesn't make sense.
I do so many things that are likely considered a sin by many religions, I ate a non-kosher meal today, I've given blood, I campaign for abortion, but because I'm in the majority as a heterosexual, my other infractions are over looked? In the reverse, why isn't this one ignored/overlooked by members of religious and social groups that don't like it?
Why? What better does it make your or my lives, if we actively participate in removing their rights to feel free, to marry, to do whatever? Our rights remain at x, and theirs go down, so... relatively are we going up? No, of course we're not going up, they go down (or stay down), we remain the same.
That's why I find it so strange when threads like this exist, forget the purely ancient poll choices, the least 1950s one being along the lines of 'let the gays judge themselves', there are only a few relevant poll questions here.
Q1. Does allowing the freedom of homosexual people to be diminished, improve upon the freedoms of the heterosexual population?
A1. Y/N. I can't for the life of me understand why any sane person would answer yes... if you 'haven't' been declared "insane" and would answer yes, and would give me your thoughts, that might be interesting.
Q2. Pretending that it did, do we have the right to elevate majority groups, at the cost of lowering minority groups?
A2. Y/N. Again, in what universe a sane person would believe that this is ok, is I hope so far removed from this one, that I can barely imagine it.
Q3. Given that homosexuality has been proven in science in multiple Earth animals, and that religious and social groups focus on this issue more than the others, do you think it's time they move on, give up, and find something possibly productive to do with their time, for example, aiding world hunger and poverty?
A3. Y/N. To think for a moment, that answering "No, condemning homosexuality is more important" than curing real problems in the world, is utterly absurd, I'm sure you could find a psychiatrist that wouldn't declare you insane, perhaps on all three of my questions, answering differently than I have, but I would struggle to believe he wasn't a member of one of these groups, or at the very least, being paid by them.