The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Someday, all the assholes in power that are signing anti-gay laws will leave office, the laws will be overturned, and the world will be just little bit better.
It's not about laws, it's about people's mentality. It can't change so fast. You can cancel the Milonov's "gay propaganda law", but it won't make the society tolerate this. You can allow a gay pride, but it will get attacked by some nationalists and other homophobes.
It should take a generation, maybe not one, for people to face this thing. But today, most people who grew up in the Soviet Union find it disgusting. The officials struggle against the gay activists, those become only more active in their "propaganda" work, then they get their asses kicked hard, this gets attention of the rest of the world... A hysteria. Sad but true.
Quite relevant; Alan Turing (father of modern computing, national hero, etc) has finally had his conviction for homosexual activities overturned in a Royal pardon. It shows, when we look at the likes of Russia and other nations around the world who still persecute people for something natural which they cannot help, that even a country which once treated homosexuals in such an horrific, barbaric way, can within a few generations completely change its opinion. And perhaps it should serve as a reminder that when we condemn Russia for imprisoning people, we once did things far worse.

But I would also say that I think the implementation of this is very misguided. To ‘pardon’ one person is simply a statement about that individual, not about the law itself. It implies that Turing has been pardoned because of his contribution to society, not because the law itself is wrong. What should really be done is that everyone who was convicted under this law should be retroactively pardoned, and apologies issued to them and their families, for the way they were treated.
Not entirely sure how to feel about this although I suppose his reasoning is the lesser of two evils right now.

At the same time however, Vladimir Putin warns about gays "spreading gay propaganda" at the Winter Olympics, because Russia has a ban on propaganda which promotes homosexuality (and paedophilia). Of course, he was merely listing what they have bans on and the two are in no way related.

The amendment to the child protection law prescribes fines for providing information about homosexuality to people under 18. These range from 4,000 roubles (£78; $121) for an individual to 1m roubles for organisations.

"You can feel free in your relatinoships but leave children in peace", was another comment he said.
"You can feel free in your relatinoships but leave children in peace", was another comment he said.
Yes, it's often forgotten that the law actually bans spreading gay propaganda among children. However, it sometimes it's applied to any gay propaganda because "children could have seen it".

BTW, more correct translation is "leave children alone", not "in peace". :sly:
Relocate the Olympics because of some homophobic politicians and actors? This is ridiculous. :ouch:
If there can be a real reason for relocation, I see another one. This is... possible terrorist activity, that is.
I dont believe once a city is selected it ever can be relocated....could be wrong but the infrastructure is an extreme long term project. Cost over runs are enourmous always, for the Russian games its been that way for sure. I think the IOC is less corupt than FIFA, but for sure there are some IOC guys getting some "kick backs" from the guys who construct the olympics, like storing the snow for Sochi from the previous year's snow totals along with everything else that they didn't have like a sliding track....

The only thing that's close to this level of anti gay controversy I guess would be the 2022 FIFA world cup in Qatar, which is one of the Gulf countries working on a screening test for foreigners to try and block gays from entering their territories.
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I dont believe once a city is selected it ever can be relocated....could be wrong but the infrastructure is an extreme long term project.
I mean, the "anti-gay scandals" are so ridiculous thing to worry about when Caucasus is still on fire.
The war is still on. Recent terrorist attacks in Volgograd, Pyatigorsk and Dagestan (another explosion yesterday!) show it clearly. And people worry about violation of gay rights... facepalm.
I don't mean terrorist activity is an excuse for anti-gay actions. I mean, it's a real danger for people's lives (and gay people's lives, too), and this is what should be paid attention at in the first place.

Gay athletes are scared of possibility of getting fined $121/£78 for "propaganding", but not of getting bombed or shot for nothing. This is what I think is weird.
Russia has a lot of problems.... we all know that. The "West" can pick on the Russians because their gross domestic product is not the same as China or other economic power houses. But also its true Russia has political problems... We'll see what the terrorists do, but obviously its another talking point besides the anti gay law (as I mentioned above the tremendous "kickbacks & embezzlement related to these games too!)
as I mentioned above the tremendous "kickbacks & embezzlement related to these games too!
Yes. Kickbacks are a Russian national sport. :lol:
These are Cutolympic Games.

This is another problem that I think is much more serious than the "anti-gay problem".
And the anti-gay law is not as serious problem as people on the West think (in terms of actual inconvenience for the gays, not "relevance of human rights"). Do you really think a gay sportsman will get fined (or even imprisoned) for saying something like "I am gay and it's okay"?
I don't really care, but just like religion/dietary concerns etc, don't shove it in my face.

You can 🤬 whoever, eat whatever, worship whoever you want, I just don't care.
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I would hope not, but it would rather make a mockery of the law if they weren't.
First: actually, this law is a mockery. In my opinion, the real reason why Putin signed it (which means "activated", not "created") is: the Russian society is mostly homophobic in some way (sad but true), so this was a way of pretending that "the government is doing something right" and distract people from real problems. Gay propaganda never was a problem. When the law was just signed, I asked myself - "Damn, what is gay propaganda? Does it really exist?".

Second: let me tell you some trivia about laws in this country. Some laws (like this, containg unclear definitions - what is "propaganda"?) actually work only when the government/officials/police need it to work. If an Olympic sportsman gets penalised for "gay propaganda", this will make the world say "WTF?" and cause a scandal. Does the government want the Sochi Games to be remembered for this? No.
Saying "I'm gay and it's okay" (e.g. on an interview or a press conference) is not yet a propaganda (aww, so annoyed of typing this word)... or it is? Who knows... An unclear definition. This is up to those who give orders to the police. If the boss doesn't want to get himself compromised, he won't let his subordinates to make undesireable things happen.
As well, for anyone who was on the fence, I don't think we'll be voting UKIP any time soon.
Remember the Hong Kong businessman who offered $40m to any man who could turn his daughter straight? He's doubled it.
The Independent
Shipping magnate and property developer Cecil Chao Sze-tsung made global headlines in September 2012 when he offered a reward to the man who could persuade his daughter Gigi to marry him, despite the fact she had already entered into a civil partnership with her female partner of almost nine years, Sean Eav.
May I please request a name change to the thread title? Maybe to just Homosexuality. It's neither a serious problem nor an alternative lifestyle.
So, apparently the soap world is going nuts over a Dutch tv show. They are showing a gay wedding tonight on tv and this is supposed to be special.

Nobody, ok maybe a few people, here in the Netherlands gives a rats ass about the whole thing as we are so used to it, but for the rest of the world it is something to watch. It will be live on Youtube and Facebook I believe, with English subtitles.
Just to give you some insight about whats going on currently in my country, Portugal:

Our laws allow gay marriage.

Currently there is a referendum being appreciated by the state institutions to go live this year.
The referendum will have two questions:
Adoption of step children by gay couples (already approved by the parliament but killed due to the referendum)
Joint adoption by gay couples (already opposed by the parliament but killed due to the referendum)

My guess is sooner or later it will be both allowed due to our constitution:

2. No one shall be privileged, favoured, prejudiced, deprived of any right or exempted
from any duty on the basis of ancestry, sex, race, language, place of origin, religion,
political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation, social circumstances or
sexual orientation
I'm in one of the more backward, Bible Belt, prejudiced places in the US and we allow both those.