I think, the attempts of gay parades are intended to make the society tolerant BUT they create an opposite effect here. Because they are disgusting - all those men in makeup and dressed like 🤬 just provoke more hatred. Russian mentality is full of stereotypes about gay people. When we say "gay", we imagine "men in female clothes, earrings, makeup, anal sex, AIDS!

". Media, pop singers dancing in pink panties and Boris Moiseyev (sometimes called the "Russian Elton John", but he's a lot differnent in his "gay image") create a negative image about homosexuals in the society.
IMO, if there wasn't such image imposed by that, homosexuality could be slowly tolerated by the society. People would realize that gays are not different from the others, they just have a man (woman) waiting for them at home instead of wife (husband).
People's mentality can't change so fast. And no law can help that.
I am so glad this wasn't the mentality in America 40-60 years ago.
YES we have a different mentality. And this is the main problem, not the legislation.
And remember, 40-60 years ago (and 20-40 years later) Soviet people were behind the Iron Curtain and did not know anything about homosexuality being normal. But Soviet Union had no racism...
What do you think is the real reason why Vladimir "The Crab" Putin signed that "ah, stone age homophobic law"? He obviously is not a homophobe. But Putin doesn't care about human rights, he cares about his ratings. This law made millions of Russian homophobes say "wow, Putin is doing something right, we'll be voting for him!". Gays won't vote for The Crab? That's not a problem, there's not so many of them. When Putin is asked about gay rights, he always keeps a cool face - politics, nothing personal.
Again, this law does not seriously harm the gays (are there many idiots ready to wave a banner with a risk or getting ass-kicked by some drunk bullies, not even cops?) - it's active for over a year, but there are only three prople fined ($130) under it in the whole country.
Russia is, in general, more oppressive than the US was in the 1960s. So, it takes a bit more to get the attention you need.
Hmm, that is debatable. At least we don't have laws banning gays from visiting restaurants (opposite - there are a lot of them in the restaurants, hehe) or using any other goods... They're just not allowed to donate blood/sperm and to serve in the military (I'd say, they even have an advantage here - they
are allowed not to serve in the military. Conscription sucks.).
But if you want to stand up for your rights here, it'll be tough. When you ask the government for something, they just...
to come out and make noise
As I said before, that
noise is not likely to cause any positive changes here. But the government may be likely to stop you from making that noise.