- 4,573
- Moscow
- Rage_Racer_VOLK
- RageRacer48
Lolwut? Don't you know that countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc were in the Union? And Russia itself is far not a mono-national country (Caucasians, Tatars, Bashkirs and over 100 other nationalities - where do you think they were all this time in the USSR?). And all these people were living together, working together and building communism together. Because the ideology of communism makes no difference in nations, races or cultures - the Fraternity of peoples.If that's correct it must only be on a technicality, such as an infinitesimally small number of minority groups in the country under the Iron Curtain.
Not disputed. The Glasnost (or "publicity", what you call "freedom of speech") led to the rise of nationalism and separatism, which also caused a lot bloody conflicts - the Nagorno-Karabakh war, the Chechen war (which is still not over), 1991-93 South Ossetian and Abkhazian wars, the civil war in Tajikistan, and others.And it isn't like it's lasted, since modern-day Russia is hardly free of racism.
Modern-day Russia is full of racism (or, closely - nationalism), not even "hardly free of". This is the echo of the Soviet Union's collapse.
Rodnina says her Twitter account was hacked. There was no reason for her to post that.Or this, which has come to light fairly recently.
The only surprising thing here is that the Caucasians didn't shoot first.Still, at least Obama wasn't shot in the face.