The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Ugandan president to sign anti-gay law threatening life in prison

"This comes after 14 medical experts presented a report that homosexuality is not genetic but a social behaviour"

I haven't read the studies so I'm not sure of the validity, but I've been saying this all along. It is not genetic by any means. It has always been considered a disorder and why the sudden change, I don't know. (Disorder: illness; a medical condition involving a disturbance to the usual functioning of the mind or body)

Sexual fetishism
Sexual perversion

Nothing more, nothing less.

Sexual fetishism: The sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation. The object or situation of interest is called the fetish.

Perversion: A type of human behavior that deviates from that which is understood to be orthodox or normal. It is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are considered particularly abnormal, repulsive or obsessive. It is often considered derogatory, and, in psychological literature, the term paraphilia has been used as a replacement

So the psychological definition of a perversion is...

Paraphilia: The experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, or individuals. Paraphilic behavior (such as pedophilia, zoophilia, sexual sadism, exhibitionism, homosexuality, etc.) may be illegal in some jurisdictions, but may also be tolerated in others.

Sorry, but I just don't see any logical reason to accept and promote that type of lifestyle, especially to children.

I can already hear @Famine slapping his palm to his face.
A woman or a black man could not "consciously avoid" being female or black, literally because that is who they are and it is plain for all to see.

They were born that way, is the point you're getting at? Ah, good. Now where else have I heard that...

Not quite, as I said before. Hating someone for race or gender is a lot different from thinking someone's behavior choices are sinful. Like I said, two of those things are concerned with rigid, completely genetic, highly obvious physical properties, while the third deals with a property visible only via the conciously-resistable choices it encourages, and which is likely much more malleable via external effects post-birth, even assuming genetics actually does have anything to do with it.

Rigid? I suppose you believe sexuality is a simple one-or-the-other affair now, too. Also, if you think sex or color of skin aren't easily changeable, perhaps you should take a look into this little-known thing called cosmetic surgery.

The difference is, as I have now stated many times, the expression of the trait. Homosexual urges can be conciously resisted, and when this is done, there is no indication that they are even there.

So can you resist all heterosexual urges - should everybody ensure they're completely devoid of hints of sexuality of any sort, like some bizarro dystopian novel? Those have always worked so well.

Alternately, I just suppose you're suggesting people live their entire lives as a lie so as not to offend others. Small request, surely.

This is in contrast to things like skin color and gender, which are completely a function of genetics and persist throughout an individual's life. If you're born black, you stay black, and there's no use trying to not be black.

Quote above

Interesting to read such and have little to no conflict in the writing it'self. For many people it's just due to religion which I'm completely fine with that, it's just the people that take it to extremes and basically don't want gays to be around which is something that is wrong.

For me I don't really care about who is gay or not. The discussion of sexuality is just getting more and more frequent and I just find it annoying. Call me ****ed up or just an idiot or whatever you want to say but I just don't care what sexuality you are. I support gay rights but I'm just getting extreme saturation from everything like articles, radio, Twitter, Facebook and so on. I just want a day where people aren't worrying about the sex preferences of others and also race.
I don't hate gay people, but I don't know what sexual attraction to men and woman is like.

"The best thing ever" is a good way to describe it.

No has really discovered what being gay actually is, I'm not sure myself but some believe its a error in the codes in your genes, or just a problem with woman.

"The gay gene" is commonly believed to exist, but saying that it's an "error" makes it sound a bit wrong.

And I have had problems with women like any straight man.

but still I don't believe god can make a man have sexual attractions with another man.

Me either, but I do not believe in God, or any other god. I'll just go with hereditary traits as the reason for it.

Its just totally out of order for me. I don't hate you but, I cannot judge god, he has Given us a reason to live, not alter the methods of life.

Were all here because our parents wanted to have children (or in some cases, the contraception failed to do it's job). I'd rather find my own reason to live from within, not from a old book.
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However as a business, doing something like that is stupid because you're just denying yourself a good sale and it will bring in negative PR. A business that does that is simply shooting its foot. It's an anti-capitalist bill too.

Good point. I'm trying to figure out the position of the "tea party" and the "liberatarian" movement because their positions seem to contradict their supposed values in many cases despite being related or in the "same camp." For example you have a guy like Ron Paul who wants marriage privatized, and you have Bachmann who wants gay marriage outlawed & maybe even wants homosexuality outlawed altogether enforced by the government. Its a vary strange situation with different politicians going in different ways. If I had to pick the best position I'd say Ron Paul has the best position on marriage as the government should not write laws against sexuality (in my opinion), although discrimination under libertarian society would be interesting, I'd be curious to see what happened there.

I do notice that gay rights advocates are firmly on the "left" politically, or many of them are. Not all but most.
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I'm not that old myself, your all probably 20 years older than me.

While I may not know the average age of GTP members (I'm guessing between 17-28), but I can assure you that you were responding to one person not all of us.
Good point. I'm trying to figure out the position of the "tea party" and the "liberatarian" movement because their positions seem to contradict their supposed values in many cases despite being related or in the "same camp." For example you have a guy like Ron Paul who wants marriage privatized, and you have Bachmann who wants gay marriage outlawed & maybe even wants homosexuality outlawed altogether enforced by the government. Its a vary strange situation with different politicians going in different ways.

I do notice that gay rights advocates are firmly on the "left" politically, or many of them are. Not all but most.

I guess answering for GTP's libertarian contingent, most of us see marriage as something the government shouldn't be a part of in the first place. If the government is involved in marriage it should be non discriminatory, but ideally they wouldn't be involved and it would be handled by existing contract law (as marriage is essentially a contract for the purposes of the state).

As for left/right, I guess it makes sense because there's overlap with religious/social and fiscal conservatives but as said it isn't the rule. I suspect it's more to do with the Democrat/Republican split and that people tend to fall in line with one side.

Ideally it wouldn't be that way and there's tons of people on this site who are pro-gun, gay rights supporters, fiscal conservatives, and for drug legalization. Hard to plot that on a left/right line.
Last edited: my religion we believe that god has made a solution, and that problems like HIV caused by extreme homosexuality is, 'what god has done about it' ;).

I find this a pretty scary idea. God created HIV to kill off the homos? That's not cool, either as something for a god to be doing or even as something for God's supposedly loving and tolerant followers to be endorsing.

HIV is NOT caused by homosexuals, it affects everyone the same. If anything, currently it's more of a problem for straight people in third world countries who give birth to HIV+ babies and keep the cycle going. It's merely that it became extremely common in the gay community simply because the use of contraceptives that might have mitigated the problem in that population was very low (for understandable reasons, it's hard for a guy to get another guy pregnant) and gay people tended at the time to have more sexual partners and more casual sex (what with not being terribly burdened generally with hangups about sex being sinful and all that).

HIV is just something that happened, and the homosexual community was unlucky enough to be in a position where it was really vulnerable. Even if you think that gays are against God, I find it to be a horrendously awful thing to say that HIV is what God gave them for being gay. So much for Christian tolerance. These people haven't done ANYTHING to you, and yet you're proud that your God gave them HIV.

Sorry if that's a bit ranty, but it gets right up my nose when someone IS HAPPY FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO DIE based on a part of their lifestyle that doesn't really affect anyone else.
@Imari - I'm glad someone else said it. That entire line of reasoning falls terrifyingly close to WBC territory.

I don't hate gay people, but I don't know what sexual attraction to men and woman is like.

It's just like how you or I are attracted to women; it's how we've always been. The same is true for homosexual or bisexual people.

In my religion its prohibited, I'm not offending you but sexual attraction from man to man is abit scary.


Some say no has really discovered what being gay actually is

No no, I'm pretty sure we've, er, nailed that one down.

I'm not sure myself but some believe its a error in the codes in your genes, or just a problem with woman.

Wait... what?!

but still I don't believe god can make a man have sexual attractions with another man.

...but you believe he made everything, no? Not to drag this too far into the territory best reserved for the God thread - but don't you also believe he is a loving God? I can't even begin to fathom how you'd then rationalize he's made millions of people gay despite apparently not liking them enough to create HIV to kill them off.

Its just totally out of order for me.

Just as it is for me to believe a really old book simply because someone told me to. I'll judge life based on how it unfolds around me, and for this particular situation, I'll just quote Frank Ocean: "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and woman, but between love and love".
Fine point, nice avatar :) , but in my religion we believe that god has made a solution, and that problems like HIV caused by extreme homosexuality is, 'what god has done about it' ;).
I'd hate to know what I did to be born with a serious heart condition that has nearly resulted in my death (as in seconds from) on at least two occasions. And what is cancer for? I mean, I know more people from church with cancer than outside of it.

Basically, I'm saying its OK to be abit gay,
Is that like when I'm home alone on a Friday night with a couple drinks in me? Good. I thought I was going straight to Hell for that.

I don't believe god can make a man have sexual attractions with another man.
Moving mountains, parting seas, creating the universe, raising the dead, making straight people, sure. Making a man who is attracted to another man? That can't even be done without resting on the seventh day.

Sorry, but if you believe God created everything that means he created everything. That means gay people, cancer, hurricanes, earthquakes, traffic, douchebags on Bluetooth headsets, and even cats and dogs that get along. You know that piece of the popcorn that gets stuck between your teeth or under your gums? That too.

I just don't believe in neglecting a book given by god.
Which book is that? (Please be The Bible)

Ok, I've had a bit of fun at your expense. But I'm trying to make a point. I am also religious. But I cannot see how homosexuality is evil or worse than heterosexuality. My religion, Christianity, has many denominations.Those many denominations, from Catholism to Puritanism, are very different in many aspects. From many years of trying to find where I fit in best in those I discovered the issue isn't Christianity, it's the people who preach and teach it. They have their own biases and spins on things. They all pick and choose what they agree with. Then those that attend their sermons and teachings believe them to be the expert.

Do not presume something a man told you is the word of God, just because he has a title and/or a funny robe.

I am actually glad you are young. I would rather you get exposed to different views and be challenged in your beliefs now, rather than after you get older and are just some white and nerdy guy set in your ways to the point that you think that your opinion is all that there is.

Good point. I'm trying to figure out the position of the "tea party" and the "liberatarian" movement because their positions seem to contradict their supposed values in many cases despite being related or in the "same camp." For example you have a guy like Ron Paul who wants marriage privatized, and you have Bachmann who wants gay marriage outlawed & maybe even wants homosexuality outlawed altogether enforced by the government. Its a vary strange situation with different politicians going in different ways. If I had to pick the best position I'd say Ron Paul has the best position on marriage as the government should not write laws against sexuality (in my opinion), although discrimination under libertarian society would be interesting, I'd be curious to see what happened there.
I see your confusion. Let me point out your error.

If you think Ron Paul and Michelle Bachman are in the same camp you are mistaken. The current Tea Party has been co-opted by the Republicans. They are rarely the same people who participated in the original tea party rally to support Ron Paul's presidency bid. They share some views with libertarians, but so do liberals/progressives and the Occupy movement.

Listen to Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric when she ran for VP. At one point she talks about government not telling people what to do, and then later on says government shouldn't allow gay marriage. They don't even see they are contradicting themselves.
@Imari - I'm glad someone else said it. That entire line of reasoning falls terrifyingly close to WBC territory.

It's just like how you or I are attracted to women; it's how we've always been. The same is true for homosexual or bisexual people.


To me it is

No no, I'm pretty sure we've, er, nailed that one down.

I don't know my self, I don't believe this. Its what people say about it.

Wait... what?!

Again, I don't know or believe the facts. Just some scientific facts.

...but you believe he made everything, no? Not to drag this too far into the territory best reserved for the God thread - but don't you also believe he is a loving God? I can't even begin to fathom how you'd then rationalize he's made millions of people gay despite apparently not liking them enough to create HIV to kill them off.

I agree with you, I also love god and believe he's loving/forgiving.

Just as it is for me to believe a really old book simply because someone told me to. I'll judge life based on how it unfolds around me, and for this particular situation, I'll just quote Frank Ocean: "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and woman, but between love and love".

Good quote, a man can love a man, but not have sex.

Anyway, sorry if the posts are coming out weird, and I'm double posting. I'm using a android device so its hard to type out and edit.

Which is?

Not going into far detail, did you mean religion as all together or just me ?
Never mind skinheads roaming the streets screaming "QUEER!" at gays and beating them up, look, some gays are prank-calling!