No with that said, I give you this. I can't :censored:ing stand it:
Homosexuality is not a brand. It is not an accessory. It's not a badge. It does not define you. You define you. I'm not defined as a person by being a heterosexual, so why should one's homosexuality define them? I hate that and I hate it in all of its foolishness. I know Perez Hilton is an extreme example, but he's also a perfect one. I've seen many a-holes like this and I wish I didn't. It boils my blood. There's nothing wrong with being gay, but there's nothing to brag about either.
Warning, this response ended up being much longer than expected, kudos if you read it all.
Devils Advocate/Counterpoint:
While heterosexuality may not define
you, it certainly seems to define some others. I don't think you can tell me you've never seen someone (who likely goes by "bro") who simply must inform every man, woman, more women, and child that he is the most virile man on the planet. You can decide if your heterosexuality is a "brand" or "accessory" but if I want to wear a shirt that says "I'm super manly" that seems like my business.
There are plenty of heterosexual individuals who are plenty obnoxious either because, or unrelated to them being heterosexual. I struggle to see much of a problem with homosexuals, or anyone else, wanting to dress/act like the person in that photo.
Side note:
I just find it somewhat telling.. or interesting(?) when people make claims like you did. Please don't take offense, as I may be wrong, but it often sounds like "Sure they can be gay as long as I don't know about it". If someone were to ask you, randomly, outside of a discussion on homosexuality, "How do you feel about guys being straight?". Would you answer: a) "No problem, whatever" or b) "No problem, as long as I don't have to see it". Be honest. Insert any minority you want into the question and think about it again.
The common answer during these sorts of discussions is "No, I don't like seeing two straight people make out either", but if
unprompted would you really say the same? Would you really say "Yeah sure, but I don't want those guys acting all manly and acting like they love their girlfriends in public".
If you really would answer (b), unprompted, I find that interesting, but also somewhat sad. If everyone acted the same and looked the same, while we may get annoyed less often, I think it'd also be boring. Every friday night in my city large masses of hippies gather in a city park downtown and have a wacko drum circle, dance and hula-hoop, party thing. I find it incredibly obnoxious and dumb, but on the other hand I wouldn't ever ask them to stop, and I think I'd be more bummed out if they left. It just wouldn't be the same.