The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
There's always a stigma against tattoos. You just don't see it as much anymore, since the trendy thing to do this decade is to get full sleeves on both arms.
There's always a stigma against tattoos. You just don't see it as much anymore, since the trendy thing to do this decade is to get full sleeves on both arms.

Stigma, yes (in the Christian Western world). Going to hell for it alone, not so much.

Even when stigmatised its never been even close to the carry over from the OT that homosexuality has among the same group. I simply find it absurd that the only logic (and its an inconsistent one at that) that I have seen put forward for the reason why its a sin (and this is not just from GT Planet) is that it was good for ensuring the population of an Iron age tribe.
Why not let homosexuals adopt babies who would otherwise grow up without a home or a family? Today's world NEEDS homosexuals, and it needs them to have equal rights as heterosexuals.

I'd rather grow up with 2 dads and no mom, than no dads and no mom...
It should be noted that most monotheistic religions that frown upon homosexuality also frown upon premarital heterosexual sex. Similarly, heterosexual sexual activity without the intent of procreation was also a sin. In fact, Onan was put to death by God himself for it.

Genesis 38:8-10
Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

As there was no homosexual marriage, or even a recorded mention of it as a concept at the time, it is not inconsistent to view homosexual activity as sinful, it was sexual activity outside of marriage and without the goal of procreation.

The religious rule on homosexuality, when it originated, is/was consistent. Nowadays people pick and choose, which is why I haven't claimed a denomination in about ten years.

Does consistency make it reasonable and logical? No. But then Jesus cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season and refered to those who ate figs negatively. But then there is not the discrepancy that has been claimed either (at least not in the origins). Pulling out (or using a condom) is just as bad as being gay, arguably worse since God didn't wait for other humans to find out and kill you.
Pulling out (or using a condom) is just as bad as being gay, arguably worse since God didn't wait for other humans to find out and kill you.

Yeah, and the funny thing is? It's useless. Pulling out is useless, and it shows how outdated that text really is. (Some random information on the side :P)
Yeah, and the funny thing is? It's useless. Pulling out is useless, and it shows how outdated that text really is. (Some random information on the side :P)

It was the only form of birth control (aside from abstinence) in existence at the time. From a statistical standpoint, it was very effective.

And we are talking about texts originally written on either stone or some early form of Egyptian paper about a time when the cultures described were barely more than tribes living in mud huts. They thought fire was a pretty impressive piece of technology.

All that said, I am sure there are plenty of teens and college-aged males who will say it wasn't useless. It works at preventing pregnancy far more than full insemination. Does it take just one? Yes. Does just one have a good chance at success? No. We produce millions per go for a reason.

That doesn't mean I am saying it is safe sex, it just severely hurts your odds if you are trying to get pregnant.
Leviticus 18:22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There it is, in black and white.

I'm willing to bet 99% of people who use that bit of Leviticus to justify their pathetic, narrow minded homophobia will quite happily eat shellfish...
Leviticus 18:22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There it is, in black and white.
Yeah true the Bible does say that... But it still doesn't give anyone the right to force or tell someone how to live their life. To even say "your living the wrong way" is to Judge which the Bible also says "thou shall not judge" which this is the hypocritical mind set that a lot of Christians have when it comes to this topic. Not all but some.
I'm willing to bet 99% of people who use that bit of Leviticus to justify their pathetic, narrow minded homophobia will quite happily eat shellfish...

True. I get you. That's why i have torn myself away from churches. It just seems hypocritical to me. Someone who quotes the bible all the time and starts to try to change someone else's life, disown them, hate on them, look down on them ect (even though the Bible says "thou shall not judge " in the ten commandments and doing so just because the Bible says within scripture "man laying with another man is a abomination". I don't no which one is worse.

I mean let's people live how they want.
All anti-homosexuals and religious people should read this:

"Humans, like all creatures, have urges which lead to reproduction. Our biological urge is to have sex, not to make babies. Our “instinct to breed” is the same as a squirrel’s instinct to plant trees: the urge is to store food, trees are a natural result. If sex is an urge to procreate, then hunger’s an urge to defecate.

Culturally-induced desires can be so strong that they seem to be biological, but no evolutionary mechanism for an instinct to breed exists. Why do we stop breeding after we’ve had as many as we want? If the instinct is to reproduce, how are so many of us able to over ride it? There are too many who have never felt that urge: mutations don’t occur in this high a percentage of a population.

Looking to our evolutionary roots, imagine Homo erectus feeling the urge to create a new human. He then has to understand that a cavewoman is needed, sexual intercourse must be engaged in, and they will have to wait nine months.

Considering how often our species has the urge for sex, it’s likely human sexuality serves primarily a pair-bonding function rather than procreative. Human infants are vulnerable for so long that their survival, in prehistoric times, may have depended on a strong pair bond between parents. Bonobos, perhaps our closest biological relative, are reported to engage in sex for social reasons more than for reproductive reasons."
^ Right! Humans have been trying to shed their nature piece by piece over time. We are surely becoming lifeless automatons. We create taboos and laws to strip humanity of itself in favor of blind productivity. That will be our fatal flaw.
"Humans, like all creatures, have urges which lead to reproduction. Our biological urge is to have sex, not to make babies. "
Are you sure that is valid for all creatures? Why does a male lion kill cubs that are not his own offspring?
Are you sure that is valid for all creatures? Why does a male lion kill cubs that are not his own offspring?

"Infanticide is a common practice in most mammals. Male lions use infanticide to get rid of offspring in a newly acquired pride that are not genetically related to the male coalition. Solitary males are also capable of killing the offspring of an encountered pride. Female lions have also been observed to kill cubs from a rival pride, but they would never kill cubs from their own pride. The dead offspring are sometimes consumed as an energy source and other times they are simply just eradicated for the sake of it. Older cubs and sub-adults have a better chance of being able to escape incoming infanticidal males than younger cubs."

The lions are probably offended that the lioness had sex with another lion. It has nothing to do with reproductive urges. It's like when you break up with a girl, you get rid of everything that reminds you of her.
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I'm sorry but how do you provide a source for trying to explain animal behavior when these animals can't talk? It's pure speculation and empathy, bro. How about you provide a source proving that lions eat other lions' cubs because of reproductive reasons.
Homosexuality appears in hundreds of species, homophobia only in one.

Which is more natural?

Lots of animals kill and eat their children or the children of others of the same species as routine matter when food is scarce, for territoriality, for competition etc. . Humans tend not to.

Which is more natural?

Picking and choosing examples that suit your cause is convenient but not really relevant.

That too, nothing like a nice cub's stew. :P

I'd go for the Cubhouse Sandwich myself..little less gamey...
Lots of animals kill and eat their children or the children of others of the same species as routine matter when food is scarce, for territoriality, for competition etc. . Humans tend not to.

Which is more natural?

Early humans most likely killed and ate the children of others. How could we ever know? And don't forget abortions. We certainly kill our own young. Didn't China have a one-child-only law for a while? I fully expect something like that to become more widespread soon, or else we're in serious trouble.
I'm sorry but how do you provide a source for trying to explain animal behavior when these animals can't talk? It's pure speculation and empathy, bro. How about you provide a source proving that lions eat other lions' cubs because of reproductive reasons.
Nock off with the 'bro' attitude. Thank you.

Do you really think you need a subject (human/animal) to be able to speak to come to a decent conclusion for their behavior? You can learn a lot from observation alone. But I'll grant that one can never be 100% sure, so yes, there is speculation involved. It is quite accepted though that the reason that male lions kill a rival's cubs when having taken over its pride, is to bring the pride's females back in heat, so the male can mate with them. Eating the cubs is not common though.

I didn't find a very good source, but this one reflects my thoughts on the subject: clicky
well thats dumb. Can you just cleverly edit it then? My point was valid, I was not vulgar...I thought everyone here was an adult and we could have a discussion of such a nature. I wasnt trying to offend anyone but since the bible was quoted it is kindd of implied that "G" would be entered into conversation at some point :grumpy:
well thats dumb. Can you just cleverly edit it then? My point was valid, I was not vulgar...I thought everyone here was an adult and we could have a discussion of such a nature. I wasnt trying to offend anyone but since the bible was quoted it is kindd of implied that "G" would be entered into conversation at some point :grumpy:

Not because God.

Because you were unable to post without using a derogatory term, you want an adult conversation, then post like one.