The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
Some sort of NDA is a possibility to explain the lack of info on livery editor.
However, I don't understand why they would anounce other major features and hold this one back.
Starting to look more likely that there will be no livery editor and they are afraid of backlash from the part of the community that wants such an important feature.
Hopefully though, PD will implement something that helps those that run leagues and series at the very least.
The game needs something that helps distinguish between cars other than the solid colours and painted wheels.
If PD are introducing features to create clubs etc. Then some form of team/club customisation has to exist doesn't it?
We may not be getting a full blown livery editor, and in my view it's looking less likely but we will surely, hopefully get something.

I suppose in many ways you could say it's still too early to be told all the features of the new game cosidering it was only just announced weeks ago.
Usually though major new features are announced at the start and it's the smaller details that follow.
They may want to hold something back so i guess there is still hope.
Would be suprised if we get anything like what we want though.
I can't express how much I'd love it if GT had a livery editoy. Forza? Pfffftttt!
(Just kidding, I'd still play Forza 4..alot.)

One cool thing they could do is, they could give us an indy car/F1 car from different era i.e. 70's 80's 90's F1 cars and so on. It'd be just like the Nascar's on Forza 3 - blank paint, no decals. We'd be the ones who have to put decals on it. 👍
While I do agree with your point, there could also be the potential that the same detail may be under wraps or as Tenacious D said, Embargoed until Gamescom.

Or perhaps Kaz and PD don't intend to include a Livery system in GT6, Infact I'd put money on one not being in GT6, I'd love to have one but we all know PD (It wont happen)
Has there been a precedent for this, either within the games industry or specifically involving interviews with Kaz?
It has come up rarely. Jordan had mentioned "good news" once or twice that took a little time to be revealed. Amar212 is famous around here for his "weather" and "kitchen" posts alluding to things to be revealed months in advance of GT5's release - or could be a year! Those posts might date back to 2009. Seeing as he's a journalist in a group called GT Surgeons, you can tell that he's pretty closely allied to Polyphony Digital. A Spanish journalist who's a friend of Kazunori went on a tour of Polyphony Digital prior to GT5's release and teased us with a few things he said he couldn't mention.

It could be more frequent than that, but I'm sure the feeding frenzy that would happen every time the opportunity came along keeps that from happening. Most of the time it has strategic significance.

Lets wait to the GamesCom.. Hope we know something know then...

I know that for some of us, it seems like the Livery Editor is the only subject Kaz is avoiding. But for a little perspective:
  • Photo Mode is going to be improved and expanded - and not a word of explanation
  • Course Maker is returning with more expansive environments, like Andalucia - and nothing further said about it
  • GT Mode is going to be - well, we just know that it's going to be the focus of their work
  • Online clubs and leagues would be supported, and with them, racing series and championships - and no word more on any of it
  • Used cars - woops, as with GT5, we don't even know if there will be any
  • And of course, there's that famous "extensive customization" thing we know nothing about other than the there will be lots of goodies for it
Hardly any mention of new cars or tracks. Kaz didn't even discuss car painting. So there is still a lot to be revealed.

I can't express how much I'd love it if GT had a livery editoy. Forza? Pfffftttt!
(Just kidding, I'd still play Forza 4..alot.)
I have to admit that I've been snookered into racing Forza 4 pretty consistently for the past week, when I was sure I was done with it. The driving model gives me fits, but that adrenaline danger thing it has going is very addictive. :D
GT6 Garage:


Tuning for the parts only, I think :(
I doubt they would have the livery editor option viewable now, they are waiting for the right time to show it. Gamescon or TGS i presume.

No. I'm expecting to read something about the topic of the thread. That's not at all relevant to the topic of the thread. I'd venture to say that most people are here to talk about "livery editors" and not about the User Interface.
The new UI is a big improvement over GT5. Really liking the garage and dealer screen.

+1 looks good :) Massive improvment in UI loading times too.

Not fussed about a livery editor, happy with the race cars included rather than fantasy rubbish.
fantasy rubbish.

Then you notice that there are at least five or ten or more replica liveries in high-quality for nearly every race car that isn't DLC in Forza Motorsport 4.

Wouldn't it be cool if the next Gran Turismo had such a feature, or do you think most GT fans are so low that they'd slap on skimpily dressed anime girls on the sides and hoods of their cars?
Hehe, I actually have been guilty of putting a cute, anime girl on a car in FM3 once; I put it on my SL63 AMG Black Series, painted the car red and orange, and then put the K&N logo on both sides of the car. It came looking nice actually.
Not fussed about a livery editor, happy with the race cars included rather than fantasy rubbish.

Exactly what's "Rubbish" about a car with a custom livery?
People who don:'t want fantasy liveries I don't get. Explain to me why you are opposed. I think it's kind of silly to pretend to drive a famous race car rather than design a car you would want in RL. Like if you were on a race we are supposed to be able to join. Or if they only include the gulf livery for the AM but you wanted the BRG one instead.
I can understand not being bothered if one is included or not, but being actively against it being there is just silly. The only argument I've seen that holds any water is the one about people making lewd and/or profane liveries; but even that is more of an issue of a bad report/filter system than the livery editor itself.

And the "don't want to see fantasy liveries" aspect is just a complete load. You're basically making the argument that because a livery wasn't featured on a real car, it is somehow inferior (aesthetically, I presume); and how the hell do you justify that? The only argument I've seen that is worse is the "Car X shouldn't have a livery because it is a road car."
Already ruling in out of GT6?

Not entirely ;).

The best and most opportune chance remains at Gamescom.

1. That's the game show when we first officially heard about the track creator in GT5 (2010). It's a big stage in Europe.

2. The SLS AMG GT3 is German.

3. The SLS AMG GT3 is begging for a livery design.

4. Connect the dots!

5. Also, maybe there will be a competition for us players to make the best livery design? I recall Kaz recently stating he's got some interesting things lined up with manufacturers. "Are there other plans to bring the game’s GPS functionality to more real-world cars? I can’t really talk about it today, but aside from just GPS, we have a lot of different things planned with different manufacturers. I can say you will see a lot of interesting things come up in the months ahead."

6. Don't get too hyped just yet.
Damn, I got told.:(

:lol: :sly:

+1 looks good :) Massive improvment in UI loading times too.

Not fussed about a livery editor, happy with the race cars included rather than fantasy rubbish.

Fantasy rubbish? Explain.

Apologies. I clicked on a thread, saw screenshots of the garage/dealer and thought it was another thread.

If it makes you feel better, I am looking forward to a livery editor.

I'm not trying to come off negatively, I just want some degree of relevance to the livery editor.

As a guy who plays iRacing, I want to have the ability to have all of my cars look similar, almost like, oh, I don't know, like I've got a racing team... Because I do. 💡 So, I'm really hoping that there is a livery editor.