Okay, for people who want livery editor and people don't want livery editor, how about add an ON/OFF option to choose shown or not shown? If you set OFF that mean you can't see those peoples car with creative art, or very disgusting design to kill your eye ball and ruin your mood keep playing. This option is good for both side. Everybody agree?
This is the key, i feel. And it should be for every game that allows customisation. Surely it cannot be that difficult for experienced, professional coders to input the option to turn off user made liveries ? I would LOVE a livery editor, but have no desire to make a penis splattered livery. It doesn't bother me to be honest, i don't get offended at such things. BUT, I know that people DO get offended by that kind of thing and I completely respect that. So to give everyone the option to turn off user-made graphics would, surely, be the best way to go ? Or maybe like in Pro Evolution Soccer, where your edited football kits (etc) only show up on YOUR game, if you are online ? That way, everyone has their own personal option file and it never interferes with anyone else's enjoyment of the game.
I know that kinda
defeats the object of showing off your livery to everyone, but, if people made livery packs available for people to download, you could assign a livery to a specific car in your own personal save file. Then, when online, a person chooses that specific car for the race, your own preferred livery shows up on that car maybe ? Over-riding the game's default paint job ?
The result of showing off the livery itself, kinda disappears i know, but people will still appreciate the artworks, when they search for them online and see them on cars in their own game, i guess ?
It's a fine line it seems, because many GT players take the game VERY seriously and i have no doubt it would p**s them off greatly, should anyone be allowed to basically drive around in (
to quote Alan Partridge ) obscene publications, so extra options to help the user decide on how much visual customisation appears in their own personal game save file is really important.