The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
I think it has nothing to do with a livery editor.

Agreed; there's nothing "outside the evolution of a normal racing game" in finally adding the feature. It's most likely talking about the continued GT Academy presence.
Agreed; there's nothing "outside the evolution of a normal racing game" in finally adding the feature. It's most likely talking about the continued GT Academy presence.

That and possibly cool events like the unveiling of new car like with the Corvette.
I know I intended to share some Forza stuff with you guys, but a few things require me to - gasp - leave my gaming rig and hit Best Buy or someplace for a micro USB cable for the camera to illustrate a couple of points. Plus, I got yanked into a whole nuther rabbit trail thanks to Sagaris' GT3 thread, and I've been pondering the implications of their discussion along with what Kaz has let slip out about new reveals at GamesCom and TGS. But I've been saving a few replays, and might toss up a few goodies this weekend. I've been up 24 hours working on this stuff, so at some point I need to collapse for a few. :P
C,mon, tenacious, get some of you creations up here so we can see what you can do !!!

Pretty disappointed we still dont have any news on this front, was hoping for something like a "test" livery editor in the demo version of GT6......i am hoping for some big announcements after the demo which may increase the hype leading into the release later in the year.....

I note that in the "15th anniversary edition" news piece photo, the AMG Merc is livery free which still isn't a good sign.
If there is a livery editor, maybe it should be basic like in Grid 2? I wouldn't mind that but still, just to see what people think at the start if its good or not. Just wanted to get it off my mind...
I think this part of the recent interview shown on GTP News is very interesting for our aim:

Besides making the game even more realistic than it’s been in the past, is there anything about the culture of motorsports or racing that’s changed in the last few years that you’re looking to capture in GT6?

KY: “I think this is another thing that we’re not really able to get into details at this time, but one of the major themes of GT6 is that edge effect of how we affect the car industry and other industries around the world, and how they affect us as well.

“When these ecosystems intersect with each other, you get some very interesting results and new things are born from them.

“That’s something that we have focused on in GT6, and is sort of outside the evolution of a normal racing game, but that’s something that kind of opens up new possibilities and brings up a lot of new and interesting things for people to experience and that’s what our focus is on.

What do you think about it?

I would say this may hint at what is planned for GT liveries. This seems like maybe a continuation of what was done with the Edge Camaro...possibly even expanded on so that more realistic race Liveries can be included with sponsors featured from various industries. Would be a good idea if they can keep them coming.
C,mon, tenacious, get some of you creations up here so we can see what you can do !!!

Pretty disappointed we still dont have any news on this front, was hoping for something like a "test" livery editor in the demo version of GT6......i am hoping for some big announcements after the demo which may increase the hype leading into the release later in the year.....

I note that in the "15th anniversary edition" news piece photo, the AMG Merc is livery free which still isn't a good sign.

That's not all. The announcement mentions "your own customized paint chips" as a preorder bonus. So, at minimum, it sounds like GT5's paint chip system has been carried over. :nervous:

We could still have a livery editor, but still having to use paint chips with it sounds odd.
Seeing as the new GT6 preorder bonuses include paint chips (as per GT5), this tells me there isn't a free-select paint palette for painting cars - which a livery editor would use.

It would be easier to use a livery editor with a colour wheel but paint chips do not mean no livery editor. That's inference not confirmation.

You could just access your list of paint chips from within the editor as well.
If there is a livery editor, maybe it should be basic like in Grid 2? I wouldn't mind that but still, just to see what people think at the start if its good or not. Just wanted to get it off my mind...

Please no, the "liveries" in Grid 2 are terrible, aside from maybe 2 or 3 they all look like bad graphics you would see on a car in The Fast & The Furious :lol:
It would be easier to use a livery editor with a colour wheel but paint chips do not mean no livery editor. That's inference not confirmation.

You could just access your list of paint chips from within the editor as well.

A decent livery will use 20 colours - not realistic using chips.

Similarly, using a predefined collection of paint chips of a finite quantity negates the freedom a livery editor needs.
Except that there are thousands of colour chips in GT5. Adding X number of them to a work paint pallet does not limit freedom.
Except that there are thousands of colour chips in GT5. Adding X number of them to a work paint pallet does not limit freedom.

Actually, it sorta does.

Think about the colours that are common as manufacturer colours.
-Lots of variations of blacks, whites and greys/silvers.
-Quite a lot of blues and reds.
-A limited selection of yellows, greens, purples, oranges and browns.
-Hardly any weird colours, like pink, turquoise, maroon, etc.

Even with access to every manufacturer paint chip in GT5, your palette is still pretty limited in some ways if you want to use certain colours. You're not going to be able to match that green so that it perfectly matches that BP logo. You're going to have to hope that somebody decided to make a car in BP green.

Manufacturer colours only are not enough. They were not designed to cover a whole spectrum. That's what a colour wheel is for.
I think paint chips mixed with a full pallet is an ideal combination - matching a manufacturer colour in say Forza for example that exclusively uses a pallet is a pain in the bum and in many cases can be impossible.
(This coming from someone who spent hours of their life trying to get a good looking gold for my rims in Forza that I could have easily gotten from a Camaro or 512B in GT5).

Combining both allows for freedom as well as the ability to seek out the exact colour that was available from the dealer.

It's just a matter of waiting to find out, I don't think we can call it just from the inclusion of chips.
Either way - here's hoping to an improved paint chip system than what we current have rather than a Ctrl+C Ctrl+V job.
The issue is, assuming they are bringing over the GT5 paint chip system, that shade of blue that would be perfect for the livery you have in mind, could take weeks to obtain. Either through waiting for the car with that particular colour to show up in the UCD, or you just got a lucky sign-in bonus one day. Looking through the UCD and OCD for paints for a livery editor would be extremely addictive and take up a lot of free time; it would be a bit like using a slot machine, only instead of trying to win money you are trying to win fudging paint. A colour wheel system would be so much quicker.

Now they could abolish just the collecting aspect and make all the chips available to use from day one, and with infinite number of uses. They could even put in a colour wheel alongside it. Great, you can then make any colour you want and have access to manufacturer paints if you so desired. Makes sense, and might work well with a livery editor.

...But why did they make paint chips a collectable item in GT5 in the first place? So far I have no reason to think that they would abandon the collection aspect.
Now ask Poliphony to do this with the new custom paint chips system.

GT6 delayed until 2018. :)
That's not all. The announcement mentions "your own customized paint chips" as a preorder bonus. So, at minimum, it sounds like GT5's paint chip system has been carried over. :nervous:

Yikes. That is not promising at all.

If there is a livery editor, maybe it should be basic like in Grid 2? I wouldn't mind that but still, just to see what people think at the start if its good or not. Just wanted to get it off my mind...

I don't think GT6 needs to continue the trend of including half-baked features.
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Why are people saying 'a livery editor won't work with a paint chip system'?

The clue is in the name. Paint chips. I'm fairly certain that liveries aren't painted on.
While I don't think an extensive Forza level livery editor will be added until GT7 (I'll be surprised if a hypothetical livery editor in GT6 turns out to be on par with the editors in the older NFS games), I reckon there'll be a colour wheel for liveries even if the paint chip system is retained for the base colour.
Why are people saying 'a livery editor won't work with a paint chip system'?

The clue is in the name. Paint chips. I'm fairly certain that liveries aren't painted on.
While I don't think an extensive Forza level livery editor will be added until GT7 (I'll be surprised if a hypothetical livery editor in GT6 turns out to be on par with the editors in the older NFS games), I reckon there'll be a colour wheel for liveries even if the paint chip system is retained for the base colour.

Please no, the "liveries" in Grid 2 are terrible, aside from maybe 2 or 3 they all look like bad graphics you would see on a car in The Fast & The Furious :lol:

Oh wow really? Thanks for letting me know than, haha. :)👍

I don't think GT6 needs to continue the trend of including half-baked features.

Half-baked? O_O TXRD2 had a livery editor like that too but bluh. But I wouldn't say half-baked, lol. :P
Half-baked? O_O TXRD2 had a livery editor like that too but bluh. But I wouldn't say half-baked, lol. :P

I had to google that because I had no idea what it was. I am assuming the visual customisation was similar to Underground 2. But to answer your point - that kind of limited livery editor was good...for the year 2005.

If PD really wanted to make a statement with a livery editor they would have one at least on-par with the Forza series, except with the ability to add different finishes to the car, like Matte, Pearlescent and Chrome. Now that would be something that would actually raise the bar.
I had to google that because I had no idea what it was. I am assuming the visual customisation was similar to Underground 2. But to answer your point - that kind of limited livery editor was good...for the year 2005.

lol. Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2. At least it was kinda good I guess, hehe. :P

If PD really wanted to make a statement with a livery editor they would have one at least on-par with the Forza series, except with the ability to add different finishes to the car, like Matte, Pearlescent and Chrome. Now that would be something that would actually raise the bar.

Agreed. I wouldn't argue on that. ;)
C,mon, tenacious, get some of you creations up here so we can see what you can do !!!
Sometime this week, I'll see about a couple of pics. For a clue as to what I'm up to, I've been designing logos for a couple of days or so.

I'm hoping the whole Paint Chip thing is just a lingering collectible and they're special colors in addition to the Paint Shop having its own freaking PAINT This time. Gah, I got sick of buying cars to get the colors I wanted...
Seeing the pre-order bonus cars gives me hope for a livery editor. Several racecars have a generic name instead of the specific names PD tend to give.
My preference would be R,B,G & H,S,B sliders under specific paint types, Metallic, Acrylic, etc;. previewing the whole car rotating under lighting, to the system we have, if I could pin it down to the numbers then I could match any color in the world.
If PD really wanted to make a statement with a livery editor they would have one at least on-par with the Forza series, except with the ability to add different finishes to the car, like Matte, Pearlescent and Chrome. Now that would be something that would actually raise the bar.
Actually, that would still put them below the bar with Forza 5. It turns out that T10 is finally adding finishes like matte and chrome, and potentially even going as far as things like leather, alcantara, and even moss!

If GT is going to do it and not make it just a "me too" feature, they need to truly bring something unique. Sadly, I have no idea what that would be :lol:
Actually, that would still put them below the bar with Forza 5. It turns out that T10 is finally adding finishes like matte and chrome, and potentially even going as far as things like leather, alcantara, and even moss!

If GT is going to do it and not make it just a "me too" feature, they need to truly bring something unique. Sadly, I have no idea what that would be :lol:

If GT6 is released with that feature before Forza 5 matches it, it's still technically raising the bar :P