The " I want a livery editor" thread.

  • Thread starter stucar17
And from what I personally and subjectively can understand strictly looking back to philosophy of GT games in past 15 years, any type of functionality of user-created graphical shapes that would be applied to cars just does not fit into such philosophy. If the philosophy changes - and when it changes, if ever - than the "livery editor" in some form, as seen appropriate by PD - will probably become a part of some future GT game (maybe even GT6, we can't know).

What philosophy would that be? Or is this purely "GT hasn't had it in the past, so it won't in the future"?

As far as GT being about the everyday car, Japan has a substantial culture of plastering graphics all over tiny little crapbox cars. I don't see how a livery editor doesn't fit in with that, given that they saw fit to bring stuff like drifting into the series.
In addition to what Imari said, I find the biggest hurdle with the "livery editor might not mesh with PD's philosophy" argument being that Kaz has talked about the passion of the automobile, and the importance of making it feel like you personally "own" the cars you have in the game. Creating a truly unique car gives you a lot more attachment to the identi-cars we currently are stuck with, even if it's just a simple license plate or single logo you'd like to add.

Nevermind the fact that nearly all levels of motorsports (even grassroots) have some forms of liveries.
What philosophy would that be? Or is this purely "GT hasn't had it in the past, so it won't in the future"?

I simply think they are not keen to design such feature from their own personal reasons.

We can argue about it on every level imaginable, but ultimately I think it comes down to that. On the very day they decide they *want* to make such feature, they will make it.

It is really not complicated to make it by any mean or to include it in the game. But they have their reasons and I could think about few possible reasoning why is that so. We can contemplate about the reasons to one day when somebody asks them a question about it and be stubborn enough to get the answer.

...that Kaz has talked about the passion of the automobile, and the importance of making it feel like you personally "own" the cars you have in the game..

In my personal opinion, the actual consequences of ownership and driving the cars in the Gran Turismo games since the first game - expanded from basic Car Wash feature in first GT to complex system of chassis and engine wear in GT5 - is main pillar of such feel. And mind you, there is no single other game in the genre that even tried to develop similar system.

I know how those consequences are among the most criticized features of GT games - especially in GT5 where long loading sequences and constant need for game to talk with the server in order to update the Player's Log have made them very annoying for majority of players - but I find them to create much more "attachment" to the particular car then having livery. However, it is just me.

Do not get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Livery Editor in GT games and I would welcome any form of it - more features are always better - but I can also understand why such option is probably not high on the PD's priority list.
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I don't think we'll ever get an answer beyond "it's technically possible". When one is ready, it'll appear, until then Kaz won't give a straight answer on it.
I sort of agree with you Amar, but just take issue with one thing:

...complex system of chassis and engine wear in GT5

There's nothing complex about the whole chassis wear system - do a single race, and your car qualifies for it :P

True, those features do play into the car ownership aspect. Though one could reasonably argue they fall onto the tedious side of things - I'm not playing a game to escape reality and drive a Ferrari only to be constantly bugged about changing the oil (which has no basis on reality in GT5 anyways - it's upkeep for the sake of upkeep in-game, no more). Having to do that doesn't increase my attachment to the cars I own, it just makes me resentful of having to waste a few minutes in-game going through painfully slow menus just to keep my car performing how it should. I recognize, of course, that your mileage may vary, and as you said, some people do enjoy this aspect of the game.

Keeping track of our car's usage IE. wins, mileage driven, changes, etc etc? I'm all for that, as it really does inform me on how much I've been using them (and my first-bought NA Miata has gone through tons of miles, probably due to sentimentality, in GT5).

It'd be interesting to poll the average GT5 buyer if a hypothetical livery system would give them more of a connection with their Pokemon-style collected fleet, or if removing most of the upkeep features in the game would represent a bigger comparative loss of connection. I'd love to know, if forced to choose one or the other, what the average person would prefer.

I'll agree with you about one major thing, though: there is no reason the editor hasn't been included yet, other than PD's choice.
I've said it before and I think I should say it again: Kaz showed that livery editor is coming to GT5 at. TGS 2006. I'm sure it's a feature in GT6, why would he just throw it away? Especially if he knows that we want it.
I've said it before and I think I should say it again: Kaz showed that livery editor is coming to GT5 at. TGS 2006. I'm sure it's a feature in GT6, why would he just throw it away? Especially if he knows that we want it.
Because he also know he can still sell milion copies without it. As Amar said we can argue for whatever reason they won't do it, but arguing won't make them changing decision. Only number of sales will. If we want a livery editor so bad we should just quit Gran Turismo and go either Forza or Pc sim racing. I choosed second option and I'm not regretting it.

That's pretty much it.
I sort of agree with you Amar, but just take issue with one thing:

There's nothing complex about the whole chassis wear system - do a single race, and your car qualifies for it :P

It appears, at least from what I could tell, that this feature was a tacked on facade.
Not really functional, sort of like some of the other messes in GT5 on release.

In GT4 it was a functioning feature. After a certain amount of mileage the car would become more ill handling.
In some of the race cars this would manifest during one 24 hr enduro. The car would begin to, what I call, "stick steer".
This could only be remedied with a chassis refresh.
Regarding options to choose not to see custom liveries here are my thoughts.

1 - There should be a general option to disallow custom liveries for other drivers that is for any online play.

2 - Once you are in a lobby you should be able to turn off seeing the custom livery for each individual participant just like being able to turn off the mic by user.

and re editor details:
3 A full custom editor would be a godsend for me using a PC app that creates the graphic file required by the PS3 for the specific car shape.
I still want the Youtube Upload Function that was suppose to make it's debut in GT5...

well you'll only have to wait for the GT release on the PS4...Sony took care of that issue for you with the "share" button and video recording system wide on the PS4 :dopey:
well you'll only have to wait for the GT release on the PS4...Sony took care of that issue for you with the "share" button and video recording system wide on the PS4 :dopey:

I know but they never said you could upload it to youtube, just Ustream and Facebook, re-uploading it to youtube would be a pain. Sony needs to be more specific when announcing features.
I know but they never said you could upload it to youtube, just Ustream and Facebook, re-uploading it to youtube would be a pain. Sony needs to be more specific when announcing features.

something is better than nothing no?
Dont mind me, just yet another example on why we need a livery editor.
True, those features do play into the car ownership aspect. Though one could reasonably argue they fall onto the tedious side of things - I'm not playing a game to escape reality and drive a Ferrari only to be constantly bugged about changing the oil (which has no basis on reality in GT5 anyways - it's upkeep for the sake of upkeep in-game, no more). Having to do that doesn't increase my attachment to the cars I own, it just makes me resentful of having to waste a few minutes in-game going through painfully slow menus just to keep my car performing how it should. I recognize, of course, that your mileage may vary, and as you said, some people do enjoy this aspect of the game.

Well, I know it is debatable on way few levels, but ultimately it comes to this: consequences of ownership in GT series and corresponding maintenance-features are something that exist in the series since the first game and has been developing through every GT title with GT Mode. I think we can agree how that particular aspect is clearly fundament of theoretical term "GT philosophy" because of way how whole game is designed around it and how it has been enhanced with every new game.

Is is something very unique to GT series (as I said before, no other racing game has such feature) and it clearly represents a special type of "RPG approach" - we can go that far and connect it with Japanese origin of the game where various types of RPG-approach has existed since the early games of 80's - where in case of the GT series the particular car is treated as "alive" object that both "gains" and "loses" some of its "abilities" during its "life".

Same "RPG" (or CARPG, as I often call it when I discuss GT series) approach is prevalent in other aspects of GT series: "used cars" are obvious aspect of RPG-approach (as also one very unique feature to GT-series since the first game), in-game days which evolved to being a trigger for certain in-game events (used cars changes since GT4), License system, A-Spec points calculations (unfortunately scrapped from GT5), B-Spec mode, OCD dealership of GT5, Daily Login Bonus system and XP system.. even small "game within game" details, such as Paint Chip system, Museum Cards or Remote B-Spec races... all those are non-arguably various aspects of "RPG" approach within constraints of genre where GT series remains the only game that actually explore implementations of such concepts.

I don't know.. I am aware it is extremely subjective subject (pun intented :-P) but I personally admire GT series because of such approach and would even love to see it evolve further in that way. Each to his own I guess..

It'd be interesting to poll the average GT5 buyer if a hypothetical livery system would give them more of a connection with their Pokemon-style collected fleet, or if removing most of the upkeep features in the game would represent a bigger comparative loss of connection. I'd love to know, if forced to choose one or the other, what the average person would prefer.

Well, I am not sure can we use the sales of GT series as any kind of *measurement* for the *average GT buyer*, but I guess how actual sales of GT series are showcase of the success of the concept in the market.

I do not love to use any community (such as GTPlanet, or even my own small GTSurgeons community) as example for anything, because in places such as those there is very small percentage of "average buyers". Communities are place where either hard-core fans and/or vocal minority persons express their opinions, often driven by various motivations that are in many cases non-important to "average buyer".

Of course, I think we would agree how "average buyers" would pretty much choose something in veins of "Livery Editor" in favor of "ownership consequences", but that is in fact the main point where GT series showcases the difference of its approach and stays unique. We agreed how choice of not including "livery editor" is purely deliberate and driven by design-decision. I do not have an idea what is the motif for such reasoning within PD, but it also shows they are not so ready to include one of the features that tops "wishlists" of vocal fans in every imaginable community (and they read the forums every day). Why? Well, I could go that far to say how some *pride* could be involved because such feature is something that is heavily perceived as main characteristic of another game that loves to present itself as GT-series main competitor. With some very small idea about perception of values within Japanese society I can say how such perception *could* play some part in their reasoning. With some other reasons, of course. But let us not go into writing a small book here ;)

I am glad PD is not fast into going the "average buyer" way to be honest. We can see what is going on on the another side of fence because of such attitude. With or without "livery editor" I must admit I appreciate PD's way of doing things much more than any other. They are standing by their choices and they are developing systems and features they think are important or represent their own view on what GT-series should be. And general audience - as well as complete automotive industry - are showing they appreciate such approach. Again, I would love to have some basic "livery editor" or whatever, but I personally can absolutely live without it. In the same time, I personally think that complete genre and gaming in general would lose tremendously if PD would ever decide to sacrifice all different aspects of "CARPG" approach in order to satisfy mainstream trends.

I've said it before and I think I should say it again: Kaz showed that livery editor is coming to GT5 at. TGS 2006. I'm sure it's a feature in GT6, why would he just throw it away? Especially if he knows that we want it.

My own post from few pages back:


It says "coloring/livery editor".

You can view on that from two perspectives. From "glass half full" perspective, we actually got "coloring/livery editor" in GT5, where you can color the car and edit the "livery" by coloring it (on Racing Modification/TC DLC modes for example). Also, "livery" can be further "changed" by changing racing number on some cars (Racing Modification/TC DLC modes).

Of course, from "glass half empty" perspective, we never got livery editor in GT5 because "livery editor" is "livery editor" only when it allows for full change of "livery" under subjective perspective of every player about what "livery editor" actually means - which deeply falls under semantics, "personal expectations" and similar territories.

Also it should be taken into concern how above "coloring/livery editor" was nothing that was even remotely "promised for GT5". It was a keynote related to 2005-2006 ongoing project tentatively called "GT:HD" which was PD's first attempt to make a GT game on PS3 (scrapped only few months later in 2006 in favor of going full into new engine development for purposes of GT5).

Features "promised" on slide above are nothing but bullets related to some aspects of that specific "GT:HD" project development - not GT5 - that Polyphony was experimenting with backthen. And please take notice how that feature was part of the "ONLINE OPTIONS" functionality.

Because he also know he can still sell milion copies without it. As Amar said we can argue for whatever reason they won't do it, but arguing won't make them changing decision. Only number of sales will. If we want a livery editor so bad we should just quit Gran Turismo and go either Forza or Pc sim racing. I choosed second option and I'm not regretting it.

That's pretty much it.

It would be a truly sad day if anyone would decide to throw away everything that GT games offers and have introduced in the genre in past - and will introduce in the future - because there is no option such as "livery editor". I don't know.

Maybe I have subjective and personal problems in understanding that, but I do not see any calls to *quit* some other games because they do not have much more important options and features for the driving genre or sheer amount of content or functionalites such as GT games are providing - but they have livery editor.

I have hard times understanding that and forever I will. But as I said numerous times, to each his own.

In GT4 it was a functioning feature. After a certain amount of mileage the car would become more ill handling. In some of the race cars this would manifest during one 24 hr enduro. The car would begin to, what I call, "stick steer".
This could only be remedied with a chassis refresh.

Correct, the whole *chassis* segment was much more pronounced in GT4. GT5 does it much more subtle and true "stick steer" (good term BTW) occurs probably much later in the life-cycle (I can't say when because I really try to keep my cars away from crashes and bumps, the GT4 system has teach me to look after my cars :))
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It would be a truly sad day if anyone would decide to throw away everything that GT games offers and have introduced in the genre in past - and will introduce in the future - because there is no option such as "livery editor". I don't know.

Sad, yes. But I feel that a lack of a livery editor would epitomise the chronic misdirection of PD resources and lack of progress in many aspects of gameplay since GT2. I can't think of what the GT games have introduced in the last ten years that have progressed the genre. B-Spec? Chassis and Engine Maintenance? Random circuit generation? These features are to me, an excruciating waste of time and detract from what the games primary focus should be - racing. Simply put, the livery editor is the line in the sand for me.

It is not the livery editor that is the only issue that I have with the game, but it is the feature that would indicate whether or not PD listen to their fans and learn from their competition.
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Sad, yes. But I feel that a lack of a livery editor would epitomise the chronic misdirection of PD resources and lack of progress in many aspects of gameplay since GT2. I can't think of what the GT games have introduced in the last ten years that have progressed the genre. B-Spec? Chassis and Engine Maintenance? Random circuit generation? These features are to me, an excruciating waste of time and detract from what the games primary focus should be - racing. Simply put, the livery editor is the line in the sand for me.

It is not the livery editor that is the only issue that I have with the game, but it is the feature that would indicate whether or not PD listen to their fans and learn from their competition.

Enjoy your other games then..:sly:

PD is known for announcing features then avoid to mention them again when they don't make their way into Gran Turismo.

Edit: One slide from the GT6 reveal seems very says "Players can create their own personalised custom car in the game" Livery Editor confirmed? One can always wish.
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You can view on that from two perspectives. From "glass half full" perspective, we actually got "coloring/livery editor" in GT5, where you can color the car and edit the "livery" by coloring it (on Racing Modification/TC DLC modes for example). Also, "livery" can be further "changed" by changing racing number on some cars (Racing Modification/TC DLC modes).

Rofl. In which case, livery editors have been in every game since GT1. You can change the colour of the car there, just sell it and buy a new one! Digital objects are all the same...
Rofl. In which case, livery editors have been in every game since GT1. You can change the colour of the car there, just sell it and buy a new one! Digital objects are all the same...

Thats quite a stretch to legitimize a working livery editor, however it is somewhat valid.

I think it is also somewhat revealing as to Kaz's preferential concepts.

IMO, he just isn't a "livery editor" type guy.

He prefers to maintain the cars, looks wise, on a level of originality.

The paint chip system seems to indicate this as well.

It's like a painstaking compromise at having a "livery editor",
without really having one.
It's like a painstaking compromise at having a "livery editor", without really having one.

Certainly. I just like calling people on it when they describe what GT has as a livery editor. It's really, really not.

Attempting to call such a thing a livery editor is a joke. It's not one, it's something a marketing company would do hoping that customer wouldn't notice until too late that what's in GT is in no way comparable to what is featured as a livery editor in other games.

People can call it whatever they like, but if it doesn't do the things that livery editors do, it's probably not a livery editor.

Personally, I wish that PD would just grow some testicles and say "No, we're not putting a livery editor in the game because we think it detracts from gameplay/we don't have the manpower/Kaz was touched by a livery editor when he was a child/whatever". If they don't wanna do it, just say so.

Instead we get this wishy washy mixed message of yes we want to put it in but no we can't just yet because difficult PS3 RSX memory overflow moon phases with cheese. I hate the current trend (that all game companies seem to have) of hiding anything that would be deemed a negative statement and hoping customers won't notice, instead of just manning up and being honest.
Certainly. I just like calling people on it when they describe what GT has as a livery editor. It's really, really not.

Attempting to call such a thing a livery editor is a joke. It's not one, it's something a marketing company would do hoping that customer wouldn't notice until too late that what's in GT is in no way comparable to what is featured as a livery editor in other games.

People can call it whatever they like, but if it doesn't do the things that livery editors do, it's probably not a livery editor.

Personally, I wish that PD would just grow some testicles and say "No, we're not putting a livery editor in the game because we think it detracts from gameplay/we don't have the manpower/Kaz was touched by a livery editor when he was a child/whatever". If they don't wanna do it, just say so.

Instead we get this wishy washy mixed message of yes we want to put it in but no we can't just yet because difficult PS3 RSX memory overflow moon phases with cheese. I hate the current trend (that all game companies seem to have) of hiding anything that would be deemed a negative statement and hoping customers won't notice, instead of just manning up and being honest.


Couldn't have said it better myself!
As much as I would like a livery editor, it wouldn't have a place in the GT series and PD wouldn't know how to pull if off at a level that would please anyone. I say this because I've always seen GT as a subtle and refined game series, and it just wouldn't seem right to drive around online with little kids writing swears on their cars and disturbed old men sticking ponies on them. One Idea I would love though, is like a historic or modern livery set for each car, like 5 different ones for each car eligible.