The Parity Club - Interest Check and TestingFinished 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Boost is automatically on? Really?! How does boost even work anyway? Also it kind of defeats the point of this club

None of these things will apply to this club as we race in my private room and not in a quick match setting. The boost and SRF are only on in the quick matches, and some people are saying in the "professional" quick match (which is a whopping one race on the same track with the same cars) there is no boost or SRF. So that's good, but it's the same car/track combo over and over so it's going to get boring quickly.

Boost is when the cars at the back of the pack get a magical speed boost to get them back towards the front of the field. It's basically the game cheating for you, gives you more speed than the other cars on the track but still handles as normal so you can literally fly by the other cars. (It's similar to the "rubber-banding" the AI cars do) So, basically you should just hang out at the back with partial throttle until 1-2 laps to go and then boost your way to a victory. 👎

@BrandonW77 the real question is, would you race them at Fuji? :sly:

If someone else was hosting it and I enjoyed racing with the drivers in the group, I'd absolutely race anything at Fuji. I just won't ever voluntarily select that track for a race I'm hosting, except for slower cars that can get through turn 2 easily. What I enjoy most about all this is healthy competition with friends, I could care less what we're racing or where we're racing. 👍
ok, just finished the first "Rally" time trial.... and, well... I.. I, I actually enjoyed it!!! :boggled:

56 cars overtaken in one lap... :dunce:

The track looks ok (for a track creator course map), although the the more they add to GT6 the more I feel that this game really belongs on the PS4! like i'm seeing more and more graphical glitches/frame drops/jaggy shadows etc.

Even still, with a lot of these factors aside, respect to PD for making it happen for us on the PS3. At the end of the day its about what a game brings in terms of enjoyment (for me), and I certainly have had my £45 worth.

See you on track
If someone else was hosting it and I enjoyed racing with the drivers in the group, I'd absolutely race anything at Fuji. I just won't ever voluntarily select that track for a race I'm hosting, except for slower cars that can get through turn 2 easily. What I enjoy most about all this is healthy competition with friends, I could care less what we're racing or where we're racing. 👍

If you'll select Fuji when we run a GT300 or GT500 level parity race, I'll show up for Autumn Ring. :sly:
I quite enjoy the update , finally my T300 gets recognized as a T300
and I can adjust the FFB the way I like it .
gauges are great too , to bad I don't drive in cockpit view.
If I only could disable this ingame wheel :-(
the new events felt like an arcade racer at the amusement park with all that manga sounds :D
can't wait to our next races ,I think I got my friend ready till sunday for his first appearance , we're doing sessions every day 👍
I have a room up, everyone welcome.

R.ID = 1472-4711-0167-3385-4682 room closed

Seem to be having random issues with sound in the room!

@amarynceos will open a room shortly, if anyone is looking
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Wow I take back what I said about this update. I can tell my wheel was affected by the update but I actually like it better to be honest. amar is right FFs feel much better now. Now when the tires squeal in FFs you can actually feel what you were hearing which I like. I really love the Sierra track. It was awesome and I think it could definitely be used for racing and the arcade type event was awesome and fun. The 288 was a blast there! I was able to get it up to 175 there without nitro. Even though the track is longer than nurburgring I think the laps are shorter because this is a pretty high speed track. Cheers to pd for a great update (IMO) :cheers:

Edit: perhaps I spoke too soon.
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Wow I take back what I said about this update. I can tell my wheel was affected by the update but I actually like it better to be honest. amar is right FFs feel much better now. Now when the tires squeal in FFs you can actually feel what you were hearing which I like. I really love the Sierra track. It was awesome and I think it could definitely be used for racing and the arcade type event was awesome and fun. The 288 was a blast there! I was able to get it up to 175 there without nitro. Even though the track is longer than nurburgring I think the laps are shorter because this is a pretty high speed track. Cheers to pd for a great update (IMO) :cheers:

Edit: perhaps I spoke too soon.

Wish I could agree, my wheel feels like it's unplugged. Very sad. :(

I have a room open for testing and practice, can't say I'm too enthused though. I have a feeling I won't be able to come close to the targets now because I feel like I have no control of the car and get a lot of random results.
Aw man that sucks. :( I've played with my wheel unplugged once and it was horrible. The wheel had no resistance at all and I could hardly control the car. As it is now, it feels looser but not unplugged. But now it's easier to correct mistake and dive late into corners with the way it is now. I feel bad for you Brandon. Does anyone know if this is a glitch or bug? If it is, I'm sure pd will fix it eventually. I know they take a long time to do things but if you look at it, they almost always deliver on their promises eventually.
I was able to get some of the strength/feeling back with the Fanatec settings. In a lot of ways it's better, I can feel things I couldn't before. But it's so weak and has a kinda dead zone feeling in the middle. I can steer more, when it starts to understeer I turn the wheel more and it suddenly starts to turn more. I'll adapt, but it's radically different.
As a T500 user, i think its a overall improvement. I wouldn't say is a massive change, but I can certainly feel a difference with what i've driven so far.
The only way i can describe it right now is, its as if I can feel the scrubbing under the tyre! There is also a lot more "Jittering" through the wheel. It feel more dynamic or alive somehow... well its now gone 1am in the morning so maybe i'm starting to get delirious too... :boggled:

As a T500 user, i think its a overall improvement. I wouldn't say is a massive change, but I can certainly feel a difference with what i've driven so far.
The only way i can describe it right now is, its as if I can feel the scrubbing under the tyre! There is also a lot more "Jittering" through the wheel. It feel more dynamic or alive somehow... well its now gone 1am in the morning so maybe i'm starting to get delirious too... :boggled:


I feel all that too, and I like that part. The best I can describe it is it's like I've been driving an old car with power steering, and now I'm in a new Merc with power electric steering. I've already started to adapt, but it's foreign feeling and I don't get the reactions from the wheel that I'm used to and expect. Just a little more weight and less deadline and it would be near perfect.
I was able to get some of the strength/feeling back with the Fanatec settings. In a lot of ways it's better, I can feel things I couldn't before. But it's so weak and has a kinda dead zone feeling in the middle. I can steer more, when it starts to understeer I turn the wheel more and it suddenly starts to turn more. I'll adapt, but it's radically different.
You know in a way, it's worse for you than me. I mean you've been using a wheel much longer than I have and you've been used to driving to driving a certain way for a long time. It will be harder to adapt because you are used to it being one way. I'm just learning now and since the change has happened earlier for me, it will be easier to adjust
Four years? Wow impressive. I only got this wheel a year ago and I haven't used a whole lot until now.

I'm also kind of wondering what it would be like if you were to try the yellow bird challenge again once you have adjusted to the new steering style
I've been using force feedback wheels for probably 12 years or so. But between three years of GT5 and nearly a year of GT6 I've gotten use to a certain feel from the wheel because that's the only racing game I've played in that time.
B, did you try different values on the FFB settings available in the quick menu. Not at my PS3 now but labelled: "Max Torque" (2) and "Sensitivity" (8) if I remember correctly.

Just a quess but maybe swapping the values might bring it closer to how it was?

Interesting thing is that the two sliders are enabled for DS3 as well. Not sure if its a bug or maybe they can be used to adjust the controller rumble as well...

it is now possible to set the strength of the feedback during extreme cornering and the steering sensitivity when near the centred position independently.
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My thoughts of the update: it is a 100% Arcade Update with little use for me :(

Adding the RPM gauge is nice addition, I like the cockpit view and use it whenever possible. I have no idea what the other gauges do except for fuel...

The Time Rally or what ever had me for a moment as I assumed it would be a repeatable event for money. But turns out it isn't so gonna gold all three and forget about them.

After first run I disabled the display and used cockpit view intead and got flashbacks of the first iterations of the Test Drive series, which I used to love. But without the credits not sure I will bother...

Oh and Quick Match, its a joke. It is not quick and it does not match ;)

I tried it once, was added to a lobby in midrace, waited, then 120 min timer for start of new race and d/c before the race got even started. So Quick-Waste-of-ten-minutes for me.

I do like the Sierra track. Its fun. Could see myself trying some rear-happy cars with CS tyres there in Free Run and Online just for that touge feel :D
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I agree that the track is quite enjoyable. The gauges I find to be an interesting addition although rather useless. For several reasons; one, I'm not using cockpit view while learning with the wheel, two the gauges you already need are already provided to you in the heads up display and the other gauges they sell contain useless information and three, I can't even read the gauges from the position I'm sitting in.
The wheel feel actually was a pleasant improvement in my opinion. It's going to take me some time to get used to it though. And although not everyone agrees with this, IMO how could they go wrong with adding more cars? I haven't tried any of them of course.
I've only done two of the Sierra events, got a perfect score in the Abarth and would have in the Ferrari if I hadn't got kamikaze'd by one of the AI's near the end (I was almost completely past him, turned right into my rear quarter panel). It was hard to actually judge the track because I was so focused on predicting/avoiding the traffic. I plan on giving it a good cruise this evening.

I don't get the gauges. It's nice that they're adding these kind of things, but other than looking pretty they're pretty useless. Until we get engine failure where water temp, voltage and oil pressure actually matter, I can't see the point (other than looking fancy). It's a nice effort, but doesn't serve much purpose. One trend I've noticed, while they insist on keeping the standard cars these new features they're introducing don't work on standard cars which makes them feel even more out of place than they already do. I'm not one that thinks they should completely do away with standards, but it's reaching a point where they need to be dealt with one way or the other. Obviously nothing will be done about it in GT6 and I won't be around for GT7, so meh I guess. But it's disappointing to see them putting effort into these kind of things when so many other things need addressed.

I'm still disappointed with the ffb and I will never be fully satisfied with it in its current state. I'll adapt and deal with it, but it makes me quite unhappy. The heaviness of the wheel has always been my favorite part of using a ffb wheel, and now that's gone (at least for now). It doesn't need to be quite as heavy as it was, but it needs some heaviness to it to mimic/convey the weight transfer that we can't feel otherwise. Being able to drive (almost) any car around any track using only one finger just isn't right. Over the years I've dealt with many odd decisions from PD that effected how we do what we do and I've always rolled with them, but this one doesn't sit well. I'm not throwing a hissy fit about it but this change has totally transformed the experience and not for the better IMO. I love the new fidelity we get, but without the wheel weight it doesn't matter. It's like having cake without icing, it's still good but not nearly as good as it could be. The actual feedback has always been rather crappy compared to a proper sim so it's nice they were trying to address that, but IMO they missed the target.

I could really care less about getting new cars, we already have more than I'll ever drive. What we need is more proper tracks to enjoy these cars on. Sierra is nice, I've always wanted a nice, long, scenic cruise track to just drive around, but I can't see doing much racing there.

EDIT: Good news! It seems a hot fix was just released addressing the torque setting for FFB wheels. I had a feeling this might be an error, it was just too drastic of a change. Hopefully this fixes things up nicely. 👍
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I won't be around for GT7...

...why is that then, Moving to PC or sticking with PS3 for the foreseeable?

Edit: just as a side note, I've noticed that people are saying "increase camber to increase road feel"

I was running quite a high camber last night so I was probably getting a faux sense of road feel to what I normally would get, but also, anyone running a stock suspension setup may have been getting less feeling... Depending on what PD may have changed! I doubt this would improve the lack of weight though :(
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