So, I've done some testing over the last few days, with mixed results. I looked at some race cars and some of them aren't very modifiable (can't add much power or remove much, if any, weight) so it could be difficult for different ranges of talent to get them on the same target. I'll continue to experiment with them but for the moment they're on the back burner.
I also looked at some vintage rwd cars, these can all be modified as we please but most of them are so very different from each other that it will take some work to get them in line with each other. The 'Murican cars of course have some of the worst gearboxes known to man so most of them are going to need the full dogbox, which isn't a problem but they will need a bit more work than the cars we've been driving recently. I need to experiment with them some more to see what it takes to get them in line, and find a good stock car (with a good stock transmission) to set the targets with. So, for now, these are on the back burner too.
So, that brought me to FF's. Looking at the FF's it seems they mostly fall into four categories; modern street, modern race, vintage street, vintage race. There isn't enough diversification to have a high powered and low powered class which should make things easy. Looking at the modern street there are about 20 premiums in my garage and most of them are already fairly close to each other in stock form (within about 50pp or so for the most part) so it shouldn't take much work to get them on target. For the next batch I think we will dip into these and do a little FF racing (any premium street FF, 1989 or newer). I'll have a small window this evening to do some quick testing and determine tires and tracks/targets. 👍