The Parity Club - Interest Check and TestingFinished 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
Do you guys think it's ok if my buddy danilo is taking part on todays races ?
I explained him the rules and his only goal for today would be to stay out of trouble :sly:
he's not able to win any race yet, but he needs experience under race conditions đź‘Ť
he's doing quite well for a 2weeks, first time wheel owner ;)

Fine with me as long as he has a car that's on target and understands the parity concept. đź‘Ť
What time do you hope to get the room up @BrandonW77?

guess that ^ answers that!

Just a word of warning to all those racing, reports of people experiencing sound drops when joining and even during racing. I myself experienced loss of tyre sounds only a few nights back when in Kings room. It may have been other factors like voice chat open, but beware!

I would suggest it will pay well to get in the room and be ready to go, I.e. Going in and out of the menus may cause the drop!

In a bit
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Good racing today, lots of fun:D It's sort of one line track amarynceos, so can be a struggle to get past.

I also had sound trouble, in an earlier race, people were also stuck in the pits. Could be a bug from new up date:nervous:
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That sound bug is going to be a thorn in our sides, it seems pretty common since the update. Hope someone figures out some kind of workaround until it gets fixed.

Good racing today guys.
Yeah I was plagued by sound drops, it's quite important to hear even your tyres to understand just what the car is doing!

I had fun, but it was a real challenge keeping the faster cars behind coming out the corners
I struggled in Race #3 with the sun glare as I was entering T2. (NO, really....I really did!) I found that I had to nail that Turn just right in order to negotiate the T3/T4 chicane at speed. I lost the back end twice in the chicane as a result...........:ill:!! But up til then, wow, it was fantastic!
Shame I couldn't make it either - I had my Fit RS all ready to go!
Where are we this week?
Shame I couldn't make it either - I had my Fit RS all ready to go!
Where are we this week?

Tuesday will be a repeat of Sunday but since the FF's didn't seem too popular we'll move on to something different next week. Maybe GT300's at Suzuka and Fuji?

EDIT: I tried the quick match at Fuji with the GT500 cars, it wasn't bad. I think the biggest crowd I saw was 8 but the racing was decent, not as clean as this group but you can't expect that level of racecraft in a public venue. There were a couple bumps and rubs but nothing terrible, I ended up doing about 10 races probably, won a few of them. The GT500's are pretty good at Fuji and it gave me an itch to do it some more in a proper venue, but I wanna try it with the GT300 cars so I can race that sehksy BRZ. :sly:
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BRZ would be my weapon of choice as well :sly:
I had not driven it yet , but the street legal version is my most driven car đź‘Ť
just tell us the track/tires and the speed and time limits then I'm out for practise :cheers:
Ok, here is a quick list...

Blue highlight indicates Premium model.
Top section is GT300, second section is GT500. Note this list is JGTC/SGT only (by definition of the tool I use for creating the list)


If there are any cars you feel should be here, let us know. :)

Edit: New, expanded list!
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^ Nice one @hobbsy. With these cars we could use premium or standard since they all have number plates by default. I would set the room restriction to "GT300" and any cars that are allowed in under that restriction would be allowed.

The tricky part is that you can't do a lot of modifications to these cars. You can't do any weight reduction, but you can add weight. As far as power, I only had time to check the BRZ but it could have engine tuning and three stages of turbo added to it. I would need to figure out how to set the targets in a way that everyone could hit. For any drivers slower than me they could add power to get up to target, but for anyone faster than me they'd need to neuter the power or add weight (which some won't be too fond of). We would do two tire compounds which should help slower guys, just slap the softer compound on and that should be good for 1.5-2 seconds. I drove the BRZ around on SM last night and it was just fine, lots of grip but could still get sideways easily. So we'd probably do SM and SS (these cars really don't need racing tires).
đź‘Ťđź‘Ť I don't have enough thumbs to express my approbation of this. :D

Here's some data I gathered from testing a few weeks back on the GT300 base models. Track was Motegi East, all settings were at default except for camber, which was zeroed out. Tyres were SM. Runs were 10 laps, online. They stacked up thusly:

Garaiya: 1:27.319, 135 mph
RX-7: 1:27.336, 135 mph
BRZ: 1:27.727, 133 mph
Impreza: 1:27.939, 132 mph
IS350: 1:28.255, 132 mph

I also did some runs to test the effects of downforce and ballast adjustments. I have not yet finished all the permutations I wanted to test, but I did gather this much using the RX-7:

Maximum Downforce run: 1:27.110, 133 mph
Minimum Downforce run: 1:27.220, 136 mph
Std. DF, 100kg ballast: 1:28.2xx, 133 mph

Hopefully I can get some more testing in this week.
One point I want to make/raise is that too much offset (power or weight) and it makes it almost impossible to make clean passes!

You can be quicker over a single lap, but if you are up against a big offset you don't stand my chance of getting anywhere...

This is coming from my experience in the last race last night. To be clear I'm not trying to moan, make excuses or blame anyone, but I could not make any progress when stuck behind a certain car with almost double the power I had!
Don't get me wrong I had fun and enjoyed the challenge, but it seemed like to big a hill to climb (and just as much my fault for picking a stupid car considering the choice). I did get past eventually but that's another story!

All I'm trying to convey is the cars need to be within a certain percentage of each other to avoid such big offsets. There has to be some part left to driver skill.

Sorry for the rant(ish)
One point I want to make/raise is that too much offset (power or weight) and it makes it almost impossible to make clean passes!

You can be quicker over a single lap, but if you are up against a big offset you don't stand my chance of getting anywhere...

This is coming from my experience in the last race last night. To be clear I'm not trying to moan, make excuses or blame anyone, but I could not make any progress when stuck behind a certain car with almost double the power I had!
Don't get me wrong I had fun and enjoyed the challenge, but it seemed like to big a hill to climb (and just as much my fault for picking a stupid car considering the choice). I did get past eventually but that's another story!

All I'm trying to convey is the cars need to be within a certain percentage of each other to avoid such big offsets. There has to be some part left to driver skill.

Sorry for the rant(ish)

That's exactly why I made the suggestions in the OP about picking cars below 475pp when stock for the first go-round, because these kinds of discrepancies can happen. Trying to get a slower car to match the faster cars is a difficult task and even when you get them on target they may not actually be on par with the cars that are faster out of the box. I'm not sure how to describe this, it's perfectly clear in my head but I can't put it into words. The Elise was a good example with the first batch of cars, it was so fast through the turns that it had to be somewhat weak on the straights and even though it would still hit the proper top speed it would take so long to get there that more powerful cars would gobble it up. I think a lot of this is related to the torque curve, but I can't say for sure.

I knew this would come up at some point which is why I tried to break the cars into categories, but with a wide open selection someone is bound to find one of the cars that can't be balanced. This is also why I set the schedule up to have a series of short races first, so people will have a chance to discover they picked a turd and switch to another car before we get into the longer races. đź‘Ť

The only full-proof solution I can think of to avoid this situation is to have a list of approved cars that I would layout ahead of time and people could only use one of those. I don't have time/desire to test dozens of cars though so the lists would probably be limited to 3-5 at the most. This could still be a lot of fun though, and it would take some of the guesswork out of it for those who don't have a lot of time for prepping.

That being said, the GT300 cars are all fairly equal out of the box, I'm not sure if this would nullify the situation or amplify it.
^Those look magnificent! đź‘Ť Mind if I ask what settings you use for the photos? Mine never come out looking quite that good.
It's all a bit trial and error really, I don't want to make suggestions that spoil the fun for others.
As I said, the fault was as much mine. although I had a car that could break the set time, it was only doing this with nothing else in the way and a near perfect lap. I knew it would be difficult trying to make passes from my pre race tests with king, but hey its more a lesson well learnt, and really just sharing the experience.
It's all a bit trial and error really, I don't want to make suggestions that spoil the fun for others.
As I said, the fault was as much mine. although I had a car that could break the set time, it was only doing this with nothing else in the way and a near perfect lap. I knew it would be difficult trying to make passes from my pre race tests with king, but hey its more a lesson well learnt, and really just sharing the experience.

Well, I was well aware of that possible situation which is why I've structured things the way I have and also why this is still being classified as "testing" and not an official club. There are a couple land mines out there waiting for us, we'll have to figure out how to deal with them when we cross them. I've tried to set things up so that we avoid as many as possible, but we can't avoid them all. The best advice I can give is to have 2-3 cars ready to go so if one ends up being a dud you can quickly switch to another. đź‘Ť
^Those look magnificent! đź‘Ť Mind if I ask what settings you use for the photos? Mine never come out looking quite that good.
I use all options the game provides and run them through pic monkey,a free photoshop website,to edit a bit of shine or color.
Also it is a side hobby next to racing,so I enjoy to watch the replays to get some nice pics.
For me the biggest issue is still consistency. I may have .5 to one whole second difference between laps. If I setup car .3 slower I may go under one lap but more likely get .5-.7 slower than target 2 or more laps :(

I think i got hobbsy's point. It depends on car and traffic quite a bit. If stuck behind a clumsy but fast out-of-the-corner accelerating monster in a a nimble but slow car it can get bit frustrating at times... :/

Max PP / Power and Min weight might help...
Max PP / Power and Min weight might help...

That's almost impossible to do though because of the range of cars and talent. I could only form those numbers based on my own ability and drivers that are slower than me might hit the performance caps before the hit the targets and not be able to get on target. I remember looking at one of daddyo's cars and his was about 40hp more than the same model that I had built, yet he was still hitting the targets.
For me the biggest issue is still consistency. I may have .5 to one whole second difference between laps. If I setup car .3 slower I may go under one lap but more likely get .5-.7 slower than target 2 or more laps :(

I think i got hobbsy's point. It depends on car and traffic quite a bit. If stuck behind a clumsy but fast out-of-the-corner accelerating monster in a a nimble but slow car it can get bit frustrating at times... :/

To touch on the rest of that, I'd say I have about a .5 second range in my lap times. I'm not hitting the target every lap, I just aim for my "golden lap" to be smidgen over target. All of us will vary because we can't do perfect laps every time, the goal is just to have everyone within .5-1 second of each other on average instead of 2-4 seconds. When you mix traffic and slipstream in the variance will be even more. So I'd say if you can do a consistent 1:29.5 or so with your "perfect lap" being a 1:29.2 then you're in good shape. đź‘Ť
This is generally what I shoot for too, except my times range by more than .5 seconds. One thing I've found to really help when fine tuning, is to do a weight reduction, add half the weight back and add/ take away weight until I get just right. I had to use this tonight with my golf and I ended up with 1:29.001 @ 111mph.

To touch on the rest of that, I'd say I have about a .5 second range in my lap times. I'm not hitting the target every lap, I just aim for my "golden lap" to be smidgen over target. All of us will vary because we can't do perfect laps every time, the goal is just to have everyone within .5-1 second of each other on average instead of 2-4 seconds. When you mix traffic and slipstream in the variance will be even more. So I'd say if you can do a consistent 1:29.5 or so with your "perfect lap" being a 1:29.2 then you're in good shape. đź‘Ť