The Parity Club - Interest Check and TestingFinished 

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
B, you are right, it is pretty easy. Splitting the default Toe values in half, stiffening the suspension a bit and abs0. Makes me forget about huge wang up back :D

:lol: I don't mind wangs when all the cars have them or if they're standard OEM wangs, for some reason it just drives me bonkers when some cars look stock and some have gigantic "ricer" wangs on the back. Possibly because I live in the world's capital of huge wangs on crappy cars. Kinda like this one.....

:indiff: :rolleyes: :crazy:
I was at :48 at Fuji, :45 with Low RPM Turbo. Using cockpit view. SM tires. Top speed was 248 kmh I think, probably can reduce with wang or limitter...

Enuff for today but feeling is that I am in 👍

Edit: For me its not the wang itself, its the feeling of driving on rails I hate. Takes the fun factor out imho ;) also need some slip to loosen up the Virtual Grip of Death of the Virtual Bergele :D
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I sadly go DCed last night when it looked like it was going to be a good race for me. :lol: Oh well. I still don't prefer the FFs, and I don't really like Brands (and it seem unnecessary since we've already raced it once - granted informally). But whatever - can't always get what you want. :P
And what might that be? I can consult the rulebook and get back to you. :dopey:

Well, let me explain a little...
The CR-Z, being a hybrid gets a little extra boost from the batteries which helps push it on, for a few laps at the dilemma here is where to set the max speed! Set it up with the batteries in mind and then loose the top end when they have drained, do it the other way and you sail past the top speed when charge permits.
It acts like a subtle N2o, I can get around it by not using the 6th gear, time is not to effected too much either. but what's the official word here?
For me its not the wang itself, its the feeling of driving on rails I hate. Takes the fun factor out imho ;) also need some slip to loosen up the Virtual Grip of Death of the Virtual Bergele :D

That's exactly why I'm putting sport tires on them, I don't like driving on rails either. 👍

Well, let me explain a little...
The CR-Z, being a hybrid gets a little extra boost from the batteries which helps push it on, for a few laps at the dilemma here is where to set the max speed! Set it up with the batteries in mind and then loose the top end when they have drained, do it the other way and you sail past the top speed when charge permits.
It acts like a subtle N2o, I can get around it by not using the 6th gear, time is not to effected too much either. but what's the official word here?

Do whatever you need to do to make sure you never exceed the top speed limit by more than 1mph (without the assistance of the slipstream). 👍
Collected a little more data whilst taking a break from work, using the BRZ base model, default setup w/zeroed camber, abs 0, bb 3/2.

Previous best lap: 1:45.090, 148 mph

Using cockpit view: 1:46.048, 148 mph. I think with lots of practice I could equal the bumper cam times, but I keep messing up my apexes in cockpit view. Especially left handers -- since I can't see that side of the car at all, I keep cutting them pretty harshly -- still legal w/2 on track, but much bigger cuts than I would prefer. :ouch:

Back to 'bumper' cam, added 100 kg neutral ballast: 1:46.220, 147 mph
With 200kg neutral ballast: 1:47.065, 145-146 mph.

**Looks like 100kg is worth about a second of time, I kept missing out on a couple tenths.

Back to no ballast, SS tyres: 1:43.839, 148 mph (almost but not quite 149).

**I'm probably missing out on a good few tenths or more, I just can't 'feel' the Softs as much as the Mediums.

Also set a new SM best lap of 1:45.993 1:44.993. Still slower than @KingKlingeling . :grumpy:

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Collected a little more data whilst taking a break from work, using the BRZ base model, default setup w/zeroed camber, abs 0, bb 3/2.

Previous best lap: 1:45.090, 148 mph

Using cockpit view: 1:46.048, 148 mph. I think with lots of practice I could equal the bumper cam times, but I keep messing up my apexes in cockpit view. Especially left handers -- since I can't see that side of the car at all, I keep cutting them pretty harshly -- still legal w/2 on track, but much bigger cuts than I would prefer. :ouch:

Back to 'bumper' cam, added 100 kg neutral ballast: 1:46.220, 147 mph
With 200kg neutral ballast: 1:47.065, 145-146 mph.

**Looks like 100kg is worth about a second of time, I kept missing out on a couple tenths.

Back to no ballast, SS tyres: 1:43.839, 148 mph (almost but not quite 149).

**I'm probably missing out on a good few tenths or more, I just can't 'feel' the Softs as much as the Mediums.

Also set a new SM best lap of 1:45.993 1:44.993. Still slower than @KingKlingeling . :grumpy:


Hmmmm, I took out the Lexus for a quick spin with a low RPM turbo added and was doing a 1:45 flat at 150 mph. This is going to be tricky to figure out. Did you mess around with the settings or was everything stock?
[QUOTE="amarynceos, post: 10103259, member: 252420

Also set a new SM best lap of 1:45.993 1:44.993. Still slower than @KingKlingeling . :grumpy:


hmm, I don't know ;)
I wouldn't say I put the most effort in the brz times , but it was the last car I tested , so maybe I learned the track better while practising.
+I think at the .44.7xx lap I pretty much nailed the important corners, but realy not on a regular base , the last corner still giving me headaches and no @BrandonW77 , it's not because my helmet is too tight because of my mullet :lol:

I would love to see which times longbow and hamcio are running, because in stock form ,these dudes are frightend fast :nervous: :D
Well that's a head scratcher then. I must be losing more time in turn two than I thought.

I've been stabbing the brakes rather past the 100m board (80-70 mark I think, have to pay attention more next time I practice), and turning in at about the 50. With a very good entry my minimum speed is about 90mph, though 88 is probably more average. If I get it wrong it can be as low as 80. :x It's important to have the car settled before the apex, if it is you can be on full throttle as you clip the inside kerb and carry lots of speed out.

If you're not hitting over 106-7 or so in the middle of the 100R (before you have to ease off for the tightening final part) you're not carrying enough speed through the left hander (which is technically T3 and has one of those distasteful product names, in this case 'Coca Cola').

Though it just sweeps past this particular corner rather quickly, this is a quite useful 'walkthrough' of the Fuji circuit I stumbled across some time ago. I found the discussion of the last few corners especially helpful, and some others may as well. Watching it again made me realize I need to rethink my approach to the final turn again. 👍

So, a notion. Maybe target time should be set with partial ballast and partial power upgrade -- that gives more leeway for trimming/adding weight.


To summarize my testing results so far:

Maximum Downforce: No time change, 4mph/6kph slower
Minimum Downforce: ~Half a second lost, 2mph/3kph faster (setup work to increase mechanical grip in the final sector [or better driving] should negate the time lost)

100kg Ballast: 1 seconds lost, 1mph/1-2kph slower
200kg Ballast: 2 seconds lost, 2-3mph/3-5kph slower

edit: forgot tyres

Sports Softs: 1-1.5s quicker, maybe 1khp faster

I'll do some testing to get an idea of deltas from power upgrades in the coming days. :cheers:

Good thing I'm not planning on using the BRZ in competition; my testing mule is probably going to need a rigidity restoration by the time I'm done with it! :lol:
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I've been stabbing the brakes rather past the 100m board (80-70 mark I think, have to pay attention more next time I practice), and turning in at about the 50. With a very good entry my minimum speed is about 90mph, though 88 is probably more average. If I get it wrong it can be as low as 80. :x It's important to have the car settled before the apex, if it is you can be on full throttle as you clip the inside kerb and carry lots of speed out.

If you're not hitting over 106-7 or so in the middle of the 100R (before you have to ease off for the tightening final part) you're not carrying enough speed through the left hander (which is technically T3 and has one of those distasteful product names, in this case 'Coca Cola').

That's pretty much how I approach it, hit the binders just past the 100 sign, down one gear, coast through the corner, power on at the apex and take it out to the curb. If I take it any faster I understeer right into the little parking lot off to the side there. I don't know what my speeds were, I'll check next time.

So, a notion. Maybe target time should be set with partial ballast and partial power upgrade -- that gives more leeway for trimming/adding weight.

That's kind of what I attempted last night by tossing the low RPM turbo on the Lexus which gave it 30-40 more hp IIRC, but that only brought me up to the time/speed you're running in a stock BRZ. :indiff: I'll try again with a mid-range turbo and maybe crank the downforce up a bit. The Lexus may not be the best target car but it's right in the middle of the performance range which is why I used it. Despite having the most power (by far) I've been slowest in the BRZ by quite a bit (48's in the BRZ, 46's in the RX-7 and Garaiya). More testing is required.
More BRZ Testing with Turbos:

(Base time: 1:45 flat, 148 mph (361 hp))

Low RPM Turbo --> 373 hp
best lap 1:44.179, 149 mph

-0.8s, +1mph

Mid RPM Turbo --> 378 hp
Best lap 1:44.133, 150 mph

-0.9s, +2mph

High RPM Turbo --> 397 hp
Best lap 1:43.654, 152 mph

-1.4s, +4 mph

(The high RPM turbo is easiest to extract time because of the lower torque; one can get on the power quicker compared with the other two. Torque on the Mid RPM in particular can make exits tricky sometimes.)

It seems reasonable to assume that all of the top end gains from the turbos can be negated through downforce adjustments.

Throwing in the option tyres gives an adjustment delta of 3 seconds. If target is set with 100kg ballast onboard, weight adjustment gives a delta of 4 seconds. This should be enough to accomodate all our various speeds. 👍

I also did a run on SH tyres, with a best time of 1:47.012 and top speed of 147 mph. Average laps were more like 47.5s, so SH would lose 2 to 2.5 seconds per lap. Car is still very drivable on SHs, btw.

^ That's some good data. I would have expected the differences between the turbos to be much greater. That makes me think this could work out ok since our group is generally within about 3 seconds of each other (with all things equal). It looks like if I use the low-RPM turbo with 100kg (one Armenian drug dealer) in the trunk and downforce at the default setting I should be able to come up with targets everyone can hit. I'll try to tinker around this evening and see what I can come up with.

:cheers: @amarynceos
it may only be a small island, but we do still get INTERNATIONAL news over here you know! ;)

And yes, I know the storey
Oh I got that reference and it was hilarious :lol:

No doubt that Muricans got it!

it may only be a small island, but we do still get INTERNATIONAL news over here you know! ;)

And yes, I know the storey

I wasn't sure if that would be worthy of international news, but it's sure a s**t storm over here. That's one of the reasons I don't follow ball and stick sports much, too much thuggery. I prefer the sport that requires you have balls to participate, and I don't mean the kind you inflate. :sly: (motorsport of course)
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just want to tell you guys , me and danilo are nearly ready for tomorrow , and he's only 15hp away with his car , but it's still time left so he will probably show up in a competitive car and not a hp-monster 👍
he absolutely loves the parity concept and sends a thumbs up to all of you 👍

I made some adjustments to the suspension settings on my tiny Copen, slapped in a full custom gearbox and it really fly's now... SO i think i will give this little weekend toy one more shot to redeem itself.

I tried to get on to do some GT300 testing but couldn't log into PSN for some reason. I did some testing last night though and I think our targets will probably be 1:45 with a top speed of 149mph/240kmh. I tested in a stock BRZ with a low RPM turbo added, on SM. Let me know if those seem like targets you guys can reach.