The Photography Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
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i took this out of my plane window on a flight from barelona, that \/ \/ is the edge of france!
I can't save it in JPEG, I don't friggin' know why. It's in a TIFF format, I gotta find a way to change it. Comment on it please.


Nike T-90 Shift.
thank you. yes they are real, at least as real as the cam takes them. i haven't done anything in photoshop besides a little sharpening. it was truly a gorgeous evening.
Same guy from the GSXR shoot. This time on his Dirt bike. He said he'd pay me for both shoots too. Didn't think I'd be makin any money from this hobby. :)

Didn't even realise this thread was here....
Anyway here we go

Nikon D50, 18-55mm and 55-200mm lenses used. Hoya 0.75 polarising filter also used in last landscape sky shot.
Should have some more up soon as i'm taking photos for an exhibition to a particular theme. :)
It was a beautiful morning on my farm:

this was out the front of the appartment that we stayed at at the Gold Coast

the Giant drop at Dreamworld

that's enough for now
Moglet, those are some really good shots. I really like the last 3, but I my favourite is the 5th one for it's composition. Looking forward to seeing more :cheers:

Klostorphobic I like your shots also. The first black and white on is intriguing. The Love/Hate thing is a cool concept, but i've seen it done quite a few times :sly:
I went to a park with my boys this weekend. Here are a few of the shots I took.

Comments very welcome.
Nice colors :) Some purple fringing in 1,3, and 4 but otherwise really nice. #2 is a bit noisey, but nothing a little PS can't fix. :) Nice pics.
Didn't even realise this thread was here....
Anyway here we go

Nikon D50, 18-55mm and 55-200mm lenses used. Hoya 0.75 polarising filter also used in last landscape sky shot.
Should have some more up soon as i'm taking photos for an exhibition to a particular theme. :)
good you did, i love the last four pictures especially. :)
TB, nice shots. In #4 though the camera has focussed on the twigs in the foreground, and a seemingly wide aperture (F/5.6??) has thrown the background out of focus. Was that intentional? From the thumbnail, I was expecting the panorama to be the subject.
Nice colors :) Some purple fringing in 1,3, and 4 but otherwise really nice. #2 is a bit noisey, but nothing a little PS can't fix. :) Nice pics.
How should I go about avoiding that in the future?
TB, nice shots. In #4 though the camera has focussed on the twigs in the foreground, and a seemingly wide aperture (F/5.6??) has thrown the background out of focus. Was that intentional? From the thumbnail, I was expecting the panorama to be the subject.
Yes, it was. I had taken so many wide shots I was looking to do a shot like that. Bad idea?
EDIT: The aperature is set to F/3.5.

Thanks for the input, guys.
Interesting photos back there, Giles. You should post some more.
The same goes for Moglet. 👍

Yes, it was. I had taken so many wide shots I was looking to do a shot like that. Bad idea?

I like it. A wide aperature works on some photos, you just need to know when to use it.

Damn DM, that shot is gorgeous. I love the darkness of the people in contrast to the rest of it 👍
So last night I was just sitting around, killing time before my body would let me fall asleep. It was about 7am and I was reading interviews with the guys of Boards of Canada (if you know of them, read about them and begin to learn their little secrets, it makes the music much more emotional). I was laying in bed with my headphones on pretty loud when I felt the house rumble a bit. I looked outside to see a wall of rain and lightning like i've never seen. Being the weirdo I am I threw on my jacket and pants, ran outside in the pouring rain and found a nice shop entrance that provided cover. I sat around and watched the fireworks. When the rain let up I ran back inside, grabbed my camera, and setup on the front porch. There's only a tiny area of visible sky from my porch but it didn't matter, I was still lucky enough to grab some awesome shots. The funny thing was that when the storm started to die down, I would begin to pack everything up and as soon as I finished doing so everything would pick up again and I would miss 4-7 amazing shots. Oh well, here's what I got.






yep, nice shots. i'd like to catch a few lightnings as well, but ever since i got my camera, a whole year ago, there hasn't been a proper thunderstorm around here, i'm not kidding!


superb shot, the dark people in front of the fog/smog/dust whatever are great indeed.

so i've got some B&W stuff, too. the counterparts to the coloured ones from cologne i posted a while ago. :)










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