The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
With a title like "How Internet Politics Look to Normal Humans," I thought that video might be poking a little fun at both sides. (Silly assumption, given your posting history, I know.)

Turns out, it's nothing of the sort. The "normal people" in that video are the same "normal people" that Chrunch is always yammering about. :rolleyes:
Not having watched the video, I did notice that two of what I presume to be "normal people" are standing to the right of the guy wearing the "right" shirt. I did wonder if that meant something.
steam movies

*deep fried

Steamed movies

It's an Albany expression.

With a title like "How Internet Politics Look to Normal Humans," I thought that video might be poking a little fun at both sides. (Silly assumption, given your posting history, I know.)

Turns out, it's nothing of the sort. The "normal people" in that video are the same "normal people" that Chrunch is always yammering about. :rolleyes:

I figured normal people would be the ones not arguing about politics on the internet, which could be argued. But the video makes more sense from the "normal people" viewpoint.
That was my train of thought exactly. Have a little laugh at all of us. I’d have chuckled.
I think the idea is that there are no right wing trolls left on the internet because the left's cancel culture is supposed to have deplatformed them all. :lol:

I suspect in reality it's closer to the old "let's pick out a bunch of nuts and pretend all left wingers are like that!" fallacy prevalent in the rest of Mr. Logic's posts.
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I think the idea is that there are no right wing trolls left on the internet because the left's cancel culture is supposed to have deplatformed them all. :lol:

I suspect in reality it's closer to the old "let's pick out a bunch of nuts and pretend all left wingers are like that!" fallacy prevalent in the rest of Mr. Logic's posts.
The Non-Partisan Trolling Party approves this message.

But, in all seriousness, "Let's pick out a bunch of nuts and pretend all ____ wingers are like that!" Has basically been the sum total of political discourse for close to a decade now.

There are no true trolls left on the internet - they've all been politicised one way or the other, and that defiles the very nature of trolling; dumb, thoughtless fun at the expense of someone who's a little confused.
But, in all seriousness, "Let's pick out a bunch of nuts and pretend all ____ wingers are like that!" Has basically been the sum total of political discourse for close to a decade now.
It's a bit worrying when one of those nuts is the president of the US though.

Republicans: "Kap is kneeling during the anthem! Threaten to stop watching football until the NFL does something about it!"

Also Republicans: *REEEEEEEEEEEE*

Also Republicans: "CANCEL CULTURE!!!"

Also Republicans: *REEEEEEEEEEEE*

Also Republicans: "Boycott Goodyear!"

I always thought that version of The Star Spangled Banner was a protest against the Vietnam war. There are loads of glissandos that sound like simulations of bombs being dropped. If I remember rightly, Jimi used his left (strumming) hand to reach across and do the slide along the neck. It's probably more than 20 years since I've seen it though.
I'm given to understand that Jimi had been working on that for a while prior, and that some variations included popular commercial jingles, which has been [correctly or incorrectly] interpreted as a commentary on consumerism and materialism, as well as "Taps," which has been [correctly or incorrectly] interpreted as a commentary on the Vietnam War death toll.

That looks an awful lot like Bill Bramhall's work. Assuming it is, it's a shame someone was compelled to crop out his signature and deny him credit.

Even if it's not, it looks like the sort of thing that someone would have signed...and I can't find a signature anywhere.
"Strategery." Man, that was a really great time for SNL. I've never particularly cared for Will's movie roles but dang was he good back then.
Wait...Geraldo still works for Fox News? One wonders where the line in the sand actually is over there.
Wait, Trump actually reads off a teleprompter? I thought the man just liked to hear himself talk & made it up as he went, that's why he'd repeat the same lines 2-3 times.
Useful Idiots.jpg

Hmmm...something eerily familiar about what this guy's saying...can't quite put my finger on it...

I wonder if there are any "useful idiots" on here who could help me out!


Full version 121:28. The above clip is from 107:29, & at 111:05 he mentions "social justice"!

In this talk, he goes into a lot more detail on exactly how they attempt to take over a country.
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For the "useful idiots" who don't gargle every right-wing thing they see on YouTube.
Unfortunately, however, upon full examination of his most well-known work, it becomes clear that Bezmenov was not really quite the gallant & selfless truth-teller he proclaimed (and some folks believed and still believe) to be. There was, in fact, a rather noticeable amount of outright B.S. stuffed in, particularly in regards to “Love Letter to America”…..much of it seems to have been deliberately designed to appeal to and rile up the American far/extreme right, and some of it wasn’t just questionable but actually downright nasty stuff. So, without further ado, here we go.
For the "useful idiots" who don't gargle every right-wing thing they see on YouTube.
Blimey. He certainly seems to know his audience. Talk about "useful idiots"...

This was a terrifically informative read and a lot easier than trying to digest multiple angry YouTube vids of the kind that @you-know-who posts all the time. I wonder whether he will come up with any kind of a rebuttal to the article or whether he's only interested in a one-way "conversation".

It must be hard to make any kind of case for such a rampant example of anti-egalitarianism, however, unless perhaps if you're as skilled a BSer as Bezmenov appears to be.
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