The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

Last one don’t be offended
There comes a time where people just need to give up and stop responding to stuff that apparently triggers something. Use the ignore button. It helps. Otherwise this thread just turns into the political trolling thread. O&CE already is turning into something that starts to resemble the comment sections of various websites. You guys are sucking the fun out of GTP. If your heartbeat or blood pressure goes up because of certain members, take a break from reading their posts.
If I’m honest the one thing that offends me is our own lack of ability to hold varying ideologies yet still communicate. Still listen.
Anymore pretty much the two main sides don’t try to come together.
It’s just all out “We are right, if you disagree you’re wrong”
Both sides do the same crap.
When I was in school it wasn’t like it is now.
I would say today in 2020 is far less tolerant ideologically than ever, at least online.
I enjoy memes because they can bring different reactions.
Used to be comedians made fun of ALL politicians and folks liked it.
Anymore ideologically online it’s echo chambers...:(

Edit since when does posting a meme indicate a persons ideology anyways?
You guys are a bunch of meme profilers, very biased...
If I’m honest the one thing that offends me is our own lack of ability to hold varying ideologies yet still communicate. Still listen.

You don't frequent this part of the forum much do you? There are several of us all over the political spectrum and we have well-reasoned discussions about anything and everything. It's what makes this section of GTP great, people can discuss different ideas openly and as long as they can back up what they're saying with data, people listen. What I think people ignore is when someone comes in and posts BS that's either completely false, hypocritical, or just garbage. It happens on all sides.

However, recently there's been an uptick in complete garbage being posted or people not wanting to have a conversation. I mean it's your prerogative to do this and as long as it's not violating any of the forum rules, I imagine it's completely kosher to do it.
I like the episode he wrote where Bart's escaped elephant stampedes through the RNC past signs saying "We want what's worst for everyone!" and "We're just plain evil!" and goes on to crash the DNC whose signs read "We hate life and ourselves!" and "We can't govern!".

All the political episodes from that era are gold; the one where Sideshow Bob runs for mayor.

"No children have ever meddled with the Republican party and lived to tell the tale!"
There comes a time where people just need to give up and stop responding to stuff that apparently triggers something. Use the ignore button. It helps. Otherwise this thread just turns into the political trolling thread. O&CE already is turning into something that starts to resemble the comment sections of various websites. You guys are sucking the fun out of GTP. If your heartbeat or blood pressure goes up because of certain members, take a break from reading their posts.
It is amazing that in the past year or so this subforum has basically become what everyone used to make fun of the Gran Turismo forum for being. It used to always be super obvious when someone who only ever posted in there wandered out into another subforum; but now not so much.
If I’m honest the one thing that offends me is our own lack of ability to hold varying ideologies yet still communicate. Still listen.
Anymore pretty much the two main sides don’t try to come together.

I think pretty much everyone here would agree with you. I'm curious to know how you think your posting handfuls of garbage memes at a time, multiple times in a day, fixes that.

Edit since when does posting a meme indicate a persons ideology anyways?
You guys are a bunch of meme profilers, very biased...

When you're posting prolifically, and all of your posts only throw insults in one direction, what conclusion would you expect anybody to draw?

I can get behind what you claim you want; namely to start discussions. But your methods don't really achieve that. For starters, memes don't always have to be insults and name-calling. They don't have to trade in racism, like putting dreadlocks on Hillary Clinton and taking a shot at people who thought Aunt Jemima was a problematic symbol. Those types of images aren't really conducive to discussion; they're just trolling.

I'd also suggest that posting as many images as you have been isn't really conducive to discussion either. In one post, you have 3-4 images that don't have anything to do with each other, without any additional commentary from you to indicate exactly what sort of discussion you're even looking for. I can get a steady stream of low-brow garbage memes from my racist uncle's Facebook page, seeing it here doesn't really scream to me "I'm looking to have an interesting discussion!"

Of course, you can post whatever you want to. It's just my $0.02 that there's a disconnect between what you're claiming your goals are, and what you're actually posting.
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They don't have to trade in racism, like putting dreadlocks on Hillary Clinton and taking a shot at people who thought Aunt Jemima was a problematic symbol. Those types of images aren't really conducive to discussion; they're just trolling

I see it a lot where what’s good for the goose is good for the gander...ISNT.
Not when it comes to what I would call the regressive extremist left in the USA.


Crazy isn’t it?
