The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
This isn't meaningful. That which is illegal simply because there exists a statute prohibiting it--while violating the rights of some without actually protecting the rights of others--should not be illegal

Here in the USA we formed a society based on rule of law. One of the key facets of our founding documents provides for the common defense of our borders.
The fallacious thinking you have presented has no bearing on the reality here.
You as an individual do not get to decide these matters. In the USA we do that as a society.
You can say a rainbow means that God chose you to be a messenger but that really isn’t meaningful.

Here in the USA we formed a society based on rule of law. One of the key facets of our founding documents provides for the common defense of our borders.
The fallacious thinking you have presented has no bearing on the reality here.
You as an individual do not get to decide these matters. In the USA we do that as a society.
You can say a rainbow means that God chose you to be a messenger but that really isn’t meaningful.

Really fundamentally anti-American sentiment there. Goes against everything this country was founded on. Inalienable human rights, endowed by a creator. And what was meant by that is natural rights (the "creator" being that creator which is evident and present through nature). The specific laws, and especially laws which violated those inalienable rights, were never meant to drive society. Our society is crafted on the idea of a higher concept than law.

You've missed the entire country, all of its history, and all of its brilliance with that misguided post.


Gonna do another round here. Another great thing about our country that you missed is that the defense of its borders was not intended to be defense against peaceful immigration. This nation was founded by immigrants, and immigration was its cornerstone for a very long time. Go tour New York sometime to remind yourself about our history of immigration.

The idea that peaceful immigration represents some kind of violent invasion is repugnant.

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Here in the USA we formed a society based on rule of law. One of the key facets of our founding documents provides for the common defense of our borders.
I'm gonna guess the founding document for border protection focuses more on an invading force than immigration.

Lest we forgot what's sitting on the Statue of Liberty, the global icon of immigration into the US.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Last I knew Brees still topped the Saints' depth chart, was never really in any danger of not doing so and is ready to suit up in a couple weeks; and Kaepernick still hasn't played in the NFL for years. Even speaking as someone who always believed that Kaepernick simply wasn't good enough to make his outspokenness worth the trouble, clearly the double standard hasn't really been that widespread of a belief.
Last I knew Brees still topped the Saints' depth chart, was never really in any danger of not doing so and is ready to suit up in a couple weeks; and Kaepernick still hasn't played in the NFL for years. Even speaking as someone who always believed that Kaepernick wasn't good enough to make his outspokenness worth the trouble, clearly the double standard hasn't really been that widespread of a belief.
Kaep. also shot a lot of his comeback potential in the foot with the stunt he pulled during his personal tryout. Many of the folks who stood up for him initially called him out turning the tryout into a political piece.
Brees got death threats from the regressive left cancel culture.
He never should have apologized for speaking the truth.
Kaepernick is a complete tool run by
The same ilk who would misconstrue the Constitution as above and seek to destroy it.
Luckily when it gets to that level it goes to the judicial.
(Thank goodness Trump has appointed so many good judges :;):)
Brees got death threats from the regressive left cancel culture.
And Kaep got death threats from the regressive right.
He never should have apologized for speaking the truth.
The same way Kaep. shouldn't have had to apologize for exercising his right to protest & free speech without being told "If you're gonna kneel, maybe you shouldn't be in the country"?
Kaepernick is a complete tool run by
The same ilk who would misconstrue the Constitution as above and seek to destroy it.
Luckily when it gets to that level it goes to the judicial.
(Thank goodness Trump has appointed so many good judges :;)
Ah, delicious irony.

The same "complete tool" that good ol' Trump just said, should be given a chance to play in the NFL as long as he can actually play.
But asked by Sinclair reporter Scott Thuman on Wednesday if Kaepernick deserves another shot, Trump said, "If he deserves it, he should. If he has the playing ability. His playing wasn't up to snuff."

"The answer is absolutely I would, as far as kneeling, I would love to see him get another shot but obviously he has to be able to play well," he continued. "If he can't play well, I think that would be very unfair."
Brees got death threats from the regressive left cancel culture.
And I'm sure Kaepernick gets death threats to this day for things he did nearly half a decade ago. He certainly did at the time. People get death threats for making jokes about videogames on YouTube. People get death threats for appearing in crappy movies. For at least a decade "someone got sent death threats" is a concept that has ceased having actual meaning that can be used to portray groups as particularly radical in their beliefs; and is mostly brought up to dismiss discussion about the thing that caused the death threats in the first place.

Amusingly for the purposes of your argument, using "That person got death threats, therefore whatever they did that people disliked cannot be questioned any longer by anybody" is a tactic I most frequently see by people in stereotypical SJW places like ResetEra or Tumblr.
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Someone needs to tell NickFromJersey the RNC isn't in New Zealand.

I once flew to New Zealand, and more importantly to your point here, I then flew back. Now, I'm just an Average Joe, so I'm fairly certain that the airlines didn't run this service only that one time, just for my benefit. Surely it's available for other people, too.
A lot of people's reaction.

I don't think you'll find they argue against the message against police brutality/racism in certain areas.

Just out of curiosity, would you say that the critics of Extinction Rebellion were similarly deflecting?
A lot of people's reaction.

I don't think you'll find they argue against the message against police brutality/racism in certain areas.
I don't understand, are you saying that "a lot of people" should be arguing against the message against police brutality? Or that it only counts when it occurs on the other side of the world?

How are issue-specific protests invalid because they don't simultaneously address all unrelated causes equally? It sounds like whataboutism to me.

It's one thing for big corporations like the NBA to be called out as hypocrites. I'm just not sure how it applies to everyone who ever picked up a sign to protest what happened to George Floyd though.
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I don't understand, are you saying that "a lot of people" should be arguing against the message against police brutality? Or that it only counts when it occurs on the other side of the world?

How are issue-specific protests invalid because they don't simultaneously address all unrelated causes equally? It sounds like whataboutism to me.

I'm all for big corporations like the NBA being called out as hypocrites. I'm just not sure it applies to everyone who ever picked up a sign to protest what happened to George Floyd though.
It's in response to the accusation that people are "deflecting", which I don't believe a lot of people are.
A lot of people's reaction.

I don't think you'll find they argue against the message against police brutality/racism in certain areas.
Did you...did you fall and hit your head? This isn't an answer to the question that I asked.

Context matters.

You asked what makes BLM so special that it should garner your attention and why you should care about a victim of police brutality in America.

I indicated that it's apparent you do care (though the meaning of the word here isn't the one typically utilized) and that it does have your attention, and pointed to your attempts at deflection such as citing justified shooting statistics and alleging hypocrisy because people are protesting one thing and purportedly not protesting a completely random other thing.

You then, in response to part of my post, asked how it's deflection, seemingly disregarding the other parts of the very same post wherein I elaborate on the deflection, and then said it's saying you can't understand why this has grown so much bigger than other causes.

As the two sentences are seemingly unrelated, I then asked for clarification on the above "it".

Among the hazards of cherrypicking responses is the potential to completely lose the script, though this may well be deliberate.

Just out of curiosity, would you say that the critics of Extinction Rebellion were similarly deflecting?
I don't know what any of these things are, though the question itself strikes me as an attempt to deflect from the topic at hand. Pattern of behavior.
I think the comic is missing a crucial part.
This time, police attended to the injured while the gunman kept walking – backward now, inching toward authorities at the end of the street as onlookers flagged him to police.

“Hey, he just shot them! Hey, dude right here shot them! Dude right here shot all them down there!” someone is heard saying.

With blue gloved hands in the air and the gun around his chest, the brigade member who was thanked at the start of the night was given safe passage past police. He was not stopped and cuffed, but was allowed to exit with only this warning: “You with the long gun – don’t come down here. This is closed.”
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Yay, Bill!


What really stood out to me was the response to the tweet. He usually gets maybe four or five comments on an upload, and a quarter to a fifth of them are to the tune of "hey, check out the cartoons on this site."

This one's getting much more attention. 209 comments when I saw it, and just a ****-ton are from triggered Trumpkins.

I'm proud of you, Bill.