The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I think my favorite part about that image is its conclusion. They're saying they never cared untill... meaning... they do care. So if you re-read that image:

"I care whether you're gay. I care what color you are. I care whether you share my politics. I care where you were born. I care what religion you are. And I am intolerant."

That's actually what it is saying. The rest is just excuses.

It has been pointed out ad nauseam that the parties of the Civil War era bear almost no relation to the parties of today. Lincoln was the head of a party that increased federal power at the expense of the states, and significantly reduced states' ability to govern themselves. The modern Republican party constantly champions reducing the power of the federal government and giving that power back to the states whenever possible. In other words, they're exactly the opposite. Attempts to connect these two versions of the Republican party as if they are at all the same entity is patently idiotic.
I've always wondered... if the silent majority is silent, how is anyone supposed to know what they're saying or thinking? :confused:
I'd wager that the "silent majority" is actually with Biden. Many Trump supporters like to showcase their support for Trump, much more so than with Biden. Just like with Hillary, many Biden voters are going to vote for him simply because he isn't Trump, not because of policy reasons. Many polls show Biden having a much higher lead over Trump than Hillary ever had. Though I wouldn't bank on that; there is a chance that Biden peaked too early and the gap will be much slimmer in the future. Though I do think the "silent majority" is generally more in favor of Biden then the Donald.
The thing about Trump supporters is that they aren't in the majority. And most of them sure as hell aren't silent.
No, no, let me guess... the silent majority are afraid to speak up because the far-left fascists have them too scared to open their mouths. Luckily there are guys on this thread with a telepathic hotline to their thoughts. :lol:

By the way, didn't you say you were leftist on the political spectrum? How do you square that with supporting DT?
Maybe DT is left on his political spectrum.
No, no, let me guess... the silent majority are afraid to speak up because the far-left fascists have them too scared to open their mouths. Luckily there are guys on this thread with a telepathic hotline to their thoughts. :lol:

Or he's anthropomorphizing states. He did carry a majority of know arbitrary delineations of geographic area that seem to be more precious to conservatives than the actual humans residing within them.
Or he's anthropomorphizing states. He did carry a majority of know arbitrary delineations of geographic area that seem to be more precious to conservatives than the actual humans residing within them.
With results like 2016's, is anyone surprised?!
No, no, let me guess... the silent majority are afraid to speak up because the far-left fascists have them too scared to open their mouths. Luckily there are guys on this thread with a telepathic hotline to their thoughts. :lol:

Not this year due to Covid but I typically travel down to Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia at least twice a year to visit customers. Being a straight white man and a business owner, the prevailing thought among many of them is that I'm either for Trump, or at least a Republican. I do my darnedest to steer the conversation away from politics and I simply smile and laugh where appropriate when the lead ins happen. Suggesting that I'm an atheist would probably be much worse than letting on that I was a registered independent.

Suffice to say, I can understand that in today's rather tribal political climate that it's uncomfortable to have contrary opinions. Well, at least for some of us. It's one thing to post anonymously online and another to openly express your political views with your neighbors and the people in your community, who often may not agree with them. My wife's father is an ardent Trump supporter in the heart of Southern California. And while SCA is not necessarily the liberal hot bed that many outside of California seem to think, he does live in a rather left leaning community. Although, come to think of it, he's not shy about expressing his political leanings either to people who do, or don't want to know. :rolleyes::lol: In-laws.

And across the country in upstate NY, my sister, who's married to a dentist, lives in a small gated community where by funny coincidence, every other home owner is a doctor or surgeon or anesthesiologist or specialist of some form. It's also a rather international group from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Romania, Ukraine, Mexico & Bolivia, etc. Starting in the spring, one neighbor began by putting up a Trump/Pence banner, which has since increased with two flags, one hanging from the house, one up a flag pole, several smaller Trump banners (one proclaiming "Build the Wall") and several lawn signs. One would think his house was the local Republican headquarters. As far as my sister knows, none of the other neighbors have confronted him openly about his garish signage although none are particularly happy. And the prevailing opinion is that the ever increasing display is some boorish attempt to get his neighbors to say something "political" in an attempt to goad them into a free speech/pro Trump argument. But my sister assured me that the "silent majority" of their community intend to light off fire works if and when the election is called in Biden's favor.

[Edited for grammer]
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@jjaisli your anecdotes (while of course by no means exhaustive) seem to bear out what @GTN was theorising above about Trumpers being more forthright in their views even in communities in which they're reduced to being a noisy minority.

Hard to believe most of them are shutting up and suffering in silence because of the oppressive left. It's easier to suspect some kind of victim complex on the part of those that say that they are.
But how is it deflection? It's saying I can't understand why this has grown so much bigger than other causes.
What is?

Besides breaking the law to be here illegally?
This isn't meaningful. That which is illegal simply because there exists a statute prohibiting it--while violating the rights of some without actually protecting the rights of others--should not be illegal.

I suspect I'm talking to a wall here, but I was still sufficiently compelled to respond.

Acknowledging that each race & religion has individual issues that can be addressed separately instead of a 1-size-fits-all approach is racist? Or ignoring that there's also plans for essential workers, students, veterans, disabled, & rural America?

It's clear everything is divided to make it easier for each person to find out exactly what Joe is promising for them, but hey, don't let your obsession with race obscure that.
Don't let facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.

Ah yes, vehicular homicide.
Charlottesville vibes.

You don't frequent this part of the forum much do you?
Oh, you haven't seen? He pops up now and again, typically spending a day or two composing walls of text comprised largely of inane ramblings lamenting a purported inability to engage in meaningful discussion while deflecting from and obfuscating the topic at hand and responding to cogent arguments with hackneyed memes purloined from whatever conservative circle-jerk, before realizing this in fact is not such an echo chamber and ultimately leaving for a month or two.

Somewhat awkward choice of words, there...
"Are we still doing 'phrasing?'"

I don't think I'm understanding this. It's a funeral procession, not sure how that has anything to do with holding cops accountable.
Don't let facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.

It has been pointed out ad nauseam that the parties of the Civil War era bear almost no relation to the parties of today. Lincoln was the head of a party that increased federal power at the expense of the states, and significantly reduced states' ability to govern themselves. The modern Republican party constantly champions reducing the power of the federal government and giving that power back to the states whenever possible. In other words, they're exactly the opposite. Attempts to connect these two versions of the Republican party as if they are at all the same entity is patently idiotic.
Don't... let... facts... get... in... the... way... of... a... good... emotional... argument.




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