No, no, let me guess... the silent majority are afraid to speak up because the far-left fascists have them too scared to open their mouths. Luckily there are guys on this thread with a telepathic hotline to their thoughts.
Not this year due to Covid but I typically travel down to Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia at least twice a year to visit customers. Being a straight white man and a business owner, the prevailing thought among many of them is that I'm either for Trump, or at least a Republican. I do my darnedest to steer the conversation away from politics and I simply smile and laugh where appropriate when the lead ins happen. Suggesting that I'm an atheist would probably be much worse than letting on that I was a registered independent.
Suffice to say, I can understand that in today's rather tribal political climate that it's uncomfortable to have contrary opinions. Well, at least for some of us. It's one thing to post anonymously online and another to openly express your political views with your neighbors and the people in your community, who often may not agree with them. My wife's father is an ardent Trump supporter in the heart of Southern California. And while SCA is not necessarily the liberal hot bed that many outside of California seem to think, he does live in a rather left leaning community. Although, come to think of it, he's not shy about expressing his political leanings either to people who do, or don't want to know.

And across the country in upstate NY, my sister, who's married to a dentist, lives in a small gated community where by funny coincidence, every other home owner is a doctor or surgeon or anesthesiologist or specialist of some form. It's also a rather international group from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Romania, Ukraine, Mexico & Bolivia, etc. Starting in the spring, one neighbor began by putting up a Trump/Pence banner, which has since increased with two flags, one hanging from the house, one up a flag pole, several smaller Trump banners (one proclaiming "Build the Wall") and several lawn signs. One would think his house was the local Republican headquarters. As far as my sister knows, none of the other neighbors have confronted him openly about his garish signage although none are particularly happy. And the prevailing opinion is that the ever increasing display is some boorish attempt to get his neighbors to say something "political" in an attempt to goad them into a free speech/pro Trump argument. But my sister assured me that the "silent majority" of their community intend to light off fire works if and when the election is called in Biden's favor.
[Edited for grammer]