The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I have to say, Trump is really giving the Internet a lot to work with.
I am so very grateful for the internet. We have reached a kind of postmodern democratic zenith wherein an informed and empowered electorate renders a functioning congress and legacy media completely useless. :rolleyes:

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it american congress or intelligence agencies that lied and the news just reported on it based on the information they could get their hands on?

That's not to say the news didn't have a small part in actually reporting this without 'proper' evidence.

You can still find it funny but from that perspective I don't find a funny I find it to be a false equivelancy. Actual fake news makes claims they can't back up, those claims serve the ideological purpose of said newssource. They often use tactics that give plausible deniability while they very much know what idea they really are spreading.
Real news made the mistake of trusting the politicians, they didn't do this to push an ideological agenda but for financial gains (the this story is juicy get it out asap mentality).

So putting them on the same level just is so absurd to me that I seem to mis the joke. The mainstreammedia doesn't fabricate the lies they are gamed by people to report lies, actual fake news makes up the lies (or uses tactics to make people believe lies they didn't explicitly say)

Wity one exeption that I know of... FOX-news (when they use hannity or in the past o'reilly, I and they know they are just infotainers but they are put into studios that makes them lok like journalists for a reason)