The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Would mean that pCARS is too slow. You should always be quicker in a game.

Why? I could never view these two very different things like that but if the sims physics really were so accurate that I'd dare to.. I'd probably see it completely opposite, I think I'd be very dissapointed with myself if I wasn't as quick in real life.

Yes, sims have advantages such as perfect conditions, no fear factor, no g-forces involved, other drivers etc... but you must also consider that they also have equally as many disadvantges to real life racing if not more.
Real racing provides many more advantagous sensory cues that no current sim on earth could ever truely provide... and not one of the ones they do provide are in real time.

When it's that close time shouldn't come into it, for me It's just about creating the most similar experience possible with the best current technology available.

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I don't get the "no g-force" thing. What do you mean by this?

He's saying that your body doesn't actually move affecting how you drive. Your body moves when you take a corner in the real world, but not in your wheel setup and chair.
So not getting that info from your behind is good for...?

I just don't get this.

There is somthing going over my head here.:)
So not getting that info from your behind is good for...?

I just don't get this.

There is somthing going over my head here.:)

No, info for your behind is great and mild G's are good.. but maybe remember what more extreme G forces do to you on a rollercoaster. ;)

Most people just don't realise just how much training is required to be able to deal with such huge forces placed on your body and how energy, concentration sapping and dissorientating that might be in the more extreme forms of motorsport such as F1 when you consider how long the races are.

One G (or gravitational) is equal to your normal weight, 2G is twice, and so on. If a racing driver experiences 2G his head will feel twice as heavy as it normally does. Three G is three times, and so on.

During an F1 race a driver will experience up to 5G under braking and cornering (the car can go from its top speed of 300km/h+ to a standstill in 3 seconds) and 3G under hard acceleration, meaning that his neck has to support up to 24kgs during a long corner. That’s the equivalent of having a sack of spuds slammed into the side of your head while you’re driving. To help put that into perspective the human brain cannot withstand 5 lateral Gs for much more than a few seconds without losing consciousness.

This means that developing the neck muscles is a priority for every driver and they might spend one and a half hours or more at a time working on it; they all have disproportionately thick necks compared to the rest of their body as a result.

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Yes, Rast should be traind to withstand the force. And he should be mentally traind to overcome the fearfactor. Remember we are not talking about the average Joe on a trackday, but an trained athlete.

If the comparison was done by an average person, I could see the point, but I am not sure of the validity of the physical and mental limitations for a human when the comparison is done by a trained athlete.
Yes, Rast should be traind to withstand the force. And he should be mentally traind to overcome the fearfactor. Remember we are not talking about the average Joe on a trackday, but an trained athlete.

If the comparison was done by an average person, I could see the point, but I am not sure of the validity of the physical and mental limitations for a human when the comparison is done by a trained athlete.

Yeah, the fear factor is very much reduced in these modern times due to how much safer tracks have become with huge run offs and how much safer modern cars with their very advanced safety systems are.
There was a time (60's 70's etc) when drivers were gambling with their lives every time they competed on these very basic circuits which offered very little in terms of safety features, in cars with very little or no downforce, people got killed regularly often by being too brave.
It's SO much easier and more convenient to recover or retry from mistakes in a game. A simulator facilitates driving at 11/10ths, so to speak. Even as a professional driver on a track that isn't scary, you're likely to be faster in a sim. "No fear" applies to more than just risk of bodily harm.
No, info for your behind is great and mild G's are good.. but maybe remember what more extreme G forces do to you on a rollercoaster. ;)

Most people just don't realise just how much training is required to be able to deal with such huge forces placed on your body and how energy, concentration sapping and dissorientating that might be in the more extreme forms of motorsport such as F1 when you consider how long the races are.

One G (or gravitational) is equal to your normal weight, 2G is twice, and so on. If a racing driver experiences 2G his head will feel twice as heavy as it normally does. Three G is three times, and so on.

During an F1 race a driver will experience up to 5G under braking and cornering (the car can go from its top speed of 300km/h+ to a standstill in 3 seconds) and 3G under hard acceleration, meaning that his neck has to support up to 24kgs during a long corner. That’s the equivalent of having a sack of spuds slammed into the side of your head while you’re driving. To help put that into perspective the human brain cannot withstand 5 lateral Gs for much more than a few seconds without losing consciousness.

This means that developing the neck muscles is a priority for every driver and they might spend one and a half hours or more at a time working on it; they all have disproportionately thick necks compared to the rest of their body as a result.


Excellent explanation there! And let's not forget the Hans device.
Nice videos. Maybe someone can comment on if this will be like in the final version but the lens flares seem a bit too extreme to me in the 2 daylight videos. Also the flashes at Nürburgring really look rather terrible, comical almost. But I highly doubt this is the final effect, right?

I wouldn't say the final product will be too far off from this, since it's coming out in Nov. Assuming they do release it on time. And why wouldn't they?

I'm sure minor touch ups and improvements are on the way, but preview vids just a few months away from release.. probably represent maybe about 70 - 80% of the finished product.
Er, WMD Members? is this a problem?


I didnt read the whole thing but aparently is the way the complaint was made. You have to understand that the game is still in development and is natural that it is buggy, at the end of the day we are just testers and reporting bugs our dutty. Also the fact that a build does not have or have few bugs doesnt mean the next one is going to have less cos with every new build theres change in the code so new bugs.

I can imaging the gyus at SMS are under a lot of pressure now with the game few months from release so .. yeah sorry to hear stuff like that happening.
I ended up not buying into WMD, but when I joined the forum I received an automated PM clearly explaining what they expect in terms of conduct. Members are kind of like interns, not customers. The forum is like an office, not a support center. That guy made an ignorant mistake, and rather than own up to it, he threw a fit in a thread for official business. He wasn't banned for being critical, he was banned for being a nuisance, and he earned his perma-ban for his childish "I'm going to delete everything" pouting.
Exactly, Wolfe.

I ve had my problems with some devs and mods too, but this time the fault is 99% at besweet. We all get frustrated with something at one point but the way he acted with ranting, threatening etc is not cool. He didnt get banned because of his rant, he got banned because of the way he acted like a ... afterwards. They also dont have time to pamper this dude the way he want them to - if everybody would rant, then get pampered, imagine what a messy, unprofessional and downright useless place WMD would be.

To then take it to youtube out of pure self-righteousness afterwards just shows how much class he has and who is the person that is the most full of himself.

I downloaded the first Nurburgring one a few days ago, & have to say I wasn't all that impressed. I think the videos of P Cars are very hit & miss, which I put down to them being run on different PC's with different graphics card & different settings. After watching it, I done some free running on GT6 & have to say that it looked much better (apart from the aliasing etc). I'm most interested to see what P Cars looks like running on a PS4.

I'm not expecting P Cars to trump Gran Turismo graphically, I think PD are the worldwide number 1 artist in that area, & always will be. I'm just hoping that it's a better game, which by all accounts looks to be the case.
I downloaded the first Nurburgring one a few days ago, & have to say I wasn't all that impressed. I think the videos of P Cars are very hit & miss, which I put down to them being run on different PC's with different graphics card & different settings. After watching it, I done some free running on GT6 & have to say that it looked much better (apart from the aliasing etc). I'm most interested to see what P Cars looks like running on a PS4.

I'm not expecting P Cars to trump Gran Turismo graphically, I think PD are the worldwide number 1 artist in that area, & always will be. I'm just hoping that it's a better game, which by all accounts looks to be the case.

They will most likely trump PD graphically. I mean haven't you seen the shots??

That is, until GT7 arrives. Which ones comes out on top graphically remains to be seen.

Though I don't like all this talk about the game not being as impressive as some of us were led to believe.

Depending on which system gets the better sim, ima havta choose very carefully between an X1 and PS4.
How impressive it currently is depends on various factors:

- how far advanced the car/track you chose is
- what time of day and weather, since some of it is still WIP
- how much effort you put into fiddling with the settings which are best for your PC
- how strong your PC is (obviously)

For PS4 for example, the game will look awesome, based on the fact alone that they will be able to optimize it for one single machine setup, instead of thousands of components and combinations thereof.
How impressive it currently is depends on various factors:

- how far advanced the car/track you chose is
- what time of day and weather, since some of it is still WIP
- how much effort you put into fiddling with the settings which are best for your PC
- how strong your PC is (obviously)

For PS4 for example, the game will look awesome, based on the fact alone that they will be able to optimize it for one single machine setup, instead of thousands of components and combinations thereof.

This is why I've never looked back since getting off the PC bandwagon back in the 90s. You gotta love consoles for what they are - find a good TV/sound system first, pop in game...relax and play. No hassles.
All I'm saying is that imo GT6 running on a PS3 looks better than any of the Project Cars videos running on PC's I've seen to date. I mean I prefer the graphical artistry of Gran Turismo, it looks more real. Obviously all the aliasing & flickering shadows aren't very nice, nor are all the frame rate problems. But that asides, I prefer the look of GT.
All I'm saying is that imo GT6 running on a PS3 looks better than any of the Project Cars videos running on PC's I've seen to date. I mean I prefer the graphical artistry of Gran Turismo, it looks more real. Obviously all the aliasing & flickering shadows aren't very nice, nor are all the frame rate problems. But that asides, I prefer the look of GT.

When I'm playing GT6 (which is not that often anymore) I don't get this "feeling". Nearly every track feels equal (besides Nordschleife) and kind of boring. Then again, when I'm playing Pcars on my mid-class computer I'm feeling the car and the track. Even the grass has more life than the spectators in Gt6. But I think everyone has his own opinion on this "feeling". Today I did 3 hours in the R18 on Spa only hotlapping and finding a setup on Pcars (going there for WEC race tomorrow!) and only stopped because I had work to do. When I'm doing something like this in Gt6 i get bored after 20 minutes.
I don't want to bring this too far off topic but I just want to say something WRT besweeet being banned.

I think his most damning post was this: "And that's the type of reply that I was expecting. So typical. Can't think much of this community anymore. Moderators are always right, everyone else is always wrong, regardless of reasoning."

The bolded bit in particular, the attitude of "I'm right, you're wrong, there is no flaw in what I'm saying" that I get from it is appalling. It reminded me of another time he acted that way. Some months back I recall there being a fairly large argument between besweet, myself, and a few other members about shunting other drivers. It quickly became everyone giving him reasons why it's not ok to punt other drivers off the road if they aren't up to race pace and are in your way or are a slower driver (legally) blocking you from passing/holding their position as best they could (as he believed it was), and him essentially posting "I'm right and you're all wrong" over and over again (I don't think he conceded to a single point brought up against him when there where many valid points that he, at the very least, should have acknowledged). So I guess really I'm not surprised he would say something so silly (to Andy Garton no less).

So while I think Grayhams first reply was a bit too quick with snapping on besweeet, the way besweeet handled the situation afterwords (not surprising from what I knew of him) completely sealed his fate. So anyone feeling sorry for him, don't feel too sorry.
The moderators were right though, he should have provided more feedback and the log files instead of just saying that. Clearly when he signed up on WMD he didn't read this line.
Since the game is in development and there will always be things that will be missing or not working correctly, feedback needs to be constructive and explicit. Stating that something doesn't work or that you don't like it will not help the development of the game unless you state why you don't like it or in what way it doesn't work.
All I'm saying is that imo GT6 running on a PS3 looks better than any of the Project Cars videos running on PC's I've seen to date. I mean I prefer the graphical artistry of Gran Turismo, it looks more real. Obviously all the aliasing & flickering shadows aren't very nice, nor are all the frame rate problems. But that asides, I prefer the look of GT.
I had the completely opposite take on the videos I downloaded from Gamersyde. They were so sharp and crystal clear, and everything looked so real at full 1080P and 60FPS. I went back to GT and it looks more like a game.
Unfortunately, I can't embed videos here, but you guys should really check out PCARS on youtube; the vid titled "sound is everything".

VERY impressive.

Can somebody please upload that one here?
