Would mean that pCARS is too slow. You should always be quicker in a game.
Why? I could never view these two very different things like that but if the sims physics really were so accurate that I'd dare to.. I'd probably see it completely opposite, I think I'd be very dissapointed with myself if I wasn't as quick in real life.
Yes, sims have advantages such as perfect conditions, no fear factor, no g-forces involved, other drivers etc... but you must also consider that they also have equally as many disadvantges to real life racing if not more.
Real racing provides many more advantagous sensory cues that no current sim on earth could ever truely provide... and not one of the ones they do provide are in real time.
When it's that close time shouldn't come into it, for me It's just about creating the most similar experience possible with the best current technology available.
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