Very impressive,I like it 👍 (but I like more Mr. Oversteer)"I gotta say, Project Cars feels pretty damn good"
So what did you think of that power on oversteer @super_gt (aka Mr. Oversteer)?![]()
I hadn't heard of Cadwell Park before, but wow, that looks like an entertaining circuit. Slightly Mad has exceptional taste in racing venues.👍
I can totally relate to that, up until quite recently I'd assumed I'd be getting this for PS4. Now I'm finding I'm looking at PC stores online and seriously considering upgrading with triple monitors, and upgrading my G25 to a Thrustmaster T500rsThese videos are really making me want a) a better video card and b) a triple screen setup.
These videos are really making me want a) a better video card and b) a triple screen setup.
I can totally relate to that, up until quite recently I'd assumed I'd be getting this for PS4. Now I'm finding I'm looking at PC stores online and seriously considering upgrading with triple monitors, and upgrading my G25 to a Thrustmaster T500rs
After watching Rene´s videos, I tried the cockpit view in GT6. It is really a desaster for me to drive in that view. I cant see my breaking points, I cant see and feel the track. Usually I use the bumper cam. I wonder how people drive in cockpit view?
It is a very different thing with triple screens. I don't like using cockpit on a single screen myself. Triple screen is awesome though.
Well I cant afford a tripple screen setting, especially on PS4. But lets wait for this occulus rift thing, probably it will be awesome to drive with that thing in cockpit view![]()
Witchcraft. I wonder how your drive your real car by hanging from your front bumper, though.![]()
Yep the upgraded PC, triple screens and wheel set up is definitely the more expensive option. The headache for me is that after being a console user since like forever, I'm a total PC noob, and making sense of the specs (ram, vram, gpu's, cpu's etc etc.) is all alphabet soup to me. The mind boggles. I'd be sick as a dog if I made a heavy investment to find I bought a set up that was lacking in grunt.That's what I'm thinking, too. But I'll stick with my G27 for now. Building a new PC will be expensive enough, I guess.
The wheel animation throws you off.
That's why I, and many others switch the virtual wheel off in the game, which is possible in pcars. And has been possible in pretty much all PC sims for a loong time.
I don't see why not. I would think it's actually easier to do than having the wheel animation to begin with.I would wonder if this will be possible on the consoles in pcars...
I would wonder if this will be possible on the consoles in pcars...
Why would you want that option? PCARS does wheel animation just fine. The driver even crosses his hands over as he's about to approach 180 degs and higher.