- 2,801
- fatkrakr
Most interesting/entertaining interview I have yet to see, gave me a good laugh...
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Most interesting/entertaining interview I have yet to see, gave me a good laugh...
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Most interesting/entertaining interview I have yet to see, gave me a good laugh...
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Hello people of GTPlanet, do any of you have access to the game? If so, what is the current state of pits stops, pit strategies, adjusting pit strategies on the fly, etc? I've linked a recent video showing some pretty horrendous pit stop animations.
For the record I am very excited for this title. This is not a negative post, I'm just looking to get some insight into where the development team stands with features I consider extremely important.
Most interesting/entertaining interview I have yet to see, gave me a good laugh...
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Galileo power (not my vid):
Shame the vid is not in full 1080p.
Is it mandatory that these trailers always have to have Orchestral scores? Maybe its just me, but I find this constant use of that music solely for these trailers just...unappealing. I feel like as a Racing sim, its all about action so it should have a soundtrack that matches this. Not at all am I suggesting Dubstep (because thanks to these unimaginative kids and their lack of creativity on youtube with there videos, it too is just as tiring), but something more...active (for lack of a better word).
Two things:
1. Is this car modeled with the Nissan Powerplant or the Judd Powerplant? Its been awhile so I'm sorta need a refresher on things.
2. Why in the world is that shift animation there? There is no current LMP car with a stick shift so what in the world is that doing there?
The scores for the videos are original compositions made the audio director, Stephen Baysted. It's this kind of music that he excells at, so it's what he feels he is able to match to the video/video match to the music. What would you prefer (bearing in mind that it has to be non-commercial)? Dub step is done to death, rock or metal makes no sense without vocals, and unfortunately Mr Baysted doesn't have the time to createa hole song like that from scratch. I believe, don't quote me though, that they are some pieces of music he had left over from spending some time in a recording studio.
My understanding is that it has the Nissan powerplant in the back. The stick shift animation has been borrowed from a GT3 car, it will be fixed.
The dislikes seem to be aimed at the terrible quality of the vid compared to the lavish uploaded and promoted vids IGN did for the rest of the rabble rather than the 14 year old DriveClub casuals that want to drift their Fewarwi around like a yobo
Wow, this is pitiful by ISR. I mean there was no better footage? I understand you're on the gamepad and they're not ued to it but being sim racing guys I think they should have figured it out by the 2nd or 3rd race.