The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Really??? We are still blaming the players for this?
Yeah when the player is an experienced sim racer, I would expect a little better. I've seen better footage of random people at GS than this. I think if you're a news source/channel that thrives off of sim racing, you better show some quality footage. Andreas Nie is in the business of sim racing, I just cant believe he was driving that bad.
Am I the only one getting tired of seeing PCARS videos at Brands and Oulton Park?

The thing that is driving me crazy is seeing the Side View Mirrors Flapping around like doggy ears, I am not a race car driver, but I have watched lots of racing of all types with in car cams and have never seen mirrors flopping like that in real life.
Is that just me???????
Wow, this is pitiful by ISR. I mean there was no better footage? I understand you're on the gamepad and they're not ued to it but being sim racing guys I think they should have figured it out by the 2nd or 3rd race.

I wonder that they advertise this game as a sim (or even THE SIM) and let people play with a gamepad. Even GT was always playable with an wheel on most events.
It could have something to do with SMS being a small developer, working on a game not everyone knows about. Wheel set ups take up space at these events and Project Cars just doesn't have the huge following or name recognition that say, Gran Turismo does; that could have something to do with it.
Kaz never cares about other games :D
I guarantee he cares about FM5 putting out a superior product and now Project Cars(a multiplatform game) going even farther! GT7 is still quite a while off and they better step it up big-time or they'll be taking a backseat in this next gen. With Project Cars being the only PS4 racing title(Drive Club being more arcade) they will have a big edge.

Just to be clear I really hope GT7 is awesome. The more good games we have the better.

A note from the author:
"Please note: This game is still in development. Unlike my previous video of iRacing, Project CARS already has native DK2 support, so the resolution and FOV is 'correct', and positional tracking is working well. However, there are still a large number of factors that are affecting the image quality and prevent this from being an accurate representation of the Rift experience:

- Recorded with a phone
- with questionable auto-focus
- at 720p
- at 30fps
- through the marginally greasy left lens of a DK2
- using a sim that is still in development
- compressed by phone
- compressed again by video software
- and one more time for good measure by YouTube"



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