The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Anybody wish to play it with gamepad? No problem, even in noob hands like mine ;)

Hi rauf00,

1). Did you enjoy that as equally as playing with a wheel, Did you feel like you were driving??

2). What settings are you using?

3). What hardware are you using: PSU, CPU, RAM, GPU ?
1 - well, it's just gamepad, incomparable to wheel, but i notice it works very understandable, fulfilling my expectations, i would say very similar and "easy" to Forza 5 which i lately tested. Keep in mind i was just fun racing, not hot lapping.

2 - maxed, but tested on my sons sandy bridge i5 + gtx660 and with medium + some high game looks also fluid and visually fine.

3 - i think theres full spec under vid: i7, 780Ti SLI, 16GB, 1kW..which is way overkill for one screen and just perfect for 3xLCD ;)
The "Sound Makes Everything" trailer is a great one, it was posted awhile ago but those who haven't seen it should check it out. Stumbled onto this one rummaging through Youtube and I hadn't seen it before.

For fun I recorded a clip of me testing chase cam settings (yaw angle). Would be nice to hear comments what kind of chase cams you guys like :) ?

Changed settings when the game seems to go "pause" (actually at those point I alt-tabbed out to a tweaker program to change settings..) (mins,secs):
0,00 (middleish)
1,31(almost loose)
2,01(totally loose)
3,43 (fixed)
5,11 (middleish)

(btw I had very low visual settings on)
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sound animation sound animation sound animation 4K,where is the physics and tire flex trailer(details)?

Good question, problem is that replay functionality is far from perfect, so anything more than gameplay is time consuming or sometimes impossible to do at current development stage of this part.
Good question, problem is that replay functionality is far from perfect, so anything more than gameplay is time consuming or sometimes impossible to do at current development stage of this part.

Well, 3 months to go and almost everything in this game is WIP and in development :crazy: Lets see how they will finish all that stuff that is still in development. When I watch videos on YT from fresh and actual builds and see how the AI crashes and fly around the track and is not able to do one normal clean lap and then hear the comment that the game is in development, I wonder how they will fix all this in 3 months.

I hope we wont get an Battlefield like Beta game and we are the testers until they patch everything within a year and then when the game finally is playable, they announce the next game.

I agree. I know it's a WIP but the amount of time they have before going gold surely isn't enough to complete all the things that need to be done. Hoping for the best but this game is ripe to be delayed or very much incomplete upon release. The fact that they still haven't set a date makes me think a delay could very well happen.
Well, 3 months to go and almost everything in this game is WIP and in development :crazy: Lets see how they will finish all that stuff that is still in development. When I watch videos on YT from fresh and actual builds and see how the AI crashes and fly around the track and is not able to do one normal clean lap and then hear the comment that the game is in development, I wonder how they will fix all this in 3 months.

I hope we wont get an Battlefield like Beta game and we are the testers until they patch everything within a year and then when the game finally is playable, they announce the next game.

Thats a question to dev team, i can only say that more and more things are at final stage, and overall pCARS speed up in very good direction.

ps i suppose all of my friends without access to project, would kill somebody if they don't get it in November, even if it have to be sth like BF4 beta ;)
R8 GT3 @ Nürburgring
Looks great, but I really, really hope that lens flare is an option you can turn off in the console versions. Blinding sunlight is fine, but lens flare completely obliterates any sense of immersion.

By the way, I think I like the "loose" cam the best, in your previous post. I would raise the camera, though, so the car is further from the middle of the screen and you can see down the track more easily.
@ X1 Controller on PC

That looks like someone that is competent with a controller. Not only that, whatever settings he used clearly made it look a little more realistic. Feeling good about the direction of this game while using a gamepad.

@ Chase Cam Tests

I agree with Wolfe. I use chase cam a lot in our league races because it's easier to see traffic around you. I think your test views would look much better if you bring it closer to the car.
Dont know if this has already been posted or not

As cool as that was, can someone who has the current version of the game make a video like this in terms of car variety, however have the crashes more in depth? Instead of just hitting a wall head on, rather approach from all angles?
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I agree. I know it's a WIP but the amount of time they have before going gold surely isn't enough to complete all the things that need to be done. Hoping for the best but this game is ripe to be delayed or very much incomplete upon release. The fact that they still haven't set a date makes me think a delay could very well happen.

Going gold doesn't mean much. There will be day one patch to update the game to the latest version and that's it.
If only Project Cars had the insane destruction model Next Car Game uses. So far destruction in PC looks pretty meh.

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