The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Omamder5
I dont have 90 cars but I already used my chrome color - take a look at chrome BMW of mine above mate! Chears!:)

I see...
ok, you may had gold in some events that I didnt get.
So, there is 2 ways for now to get chrome paint.
Mine is known now. Someone please tell us about the other chrome paint, How to get it??
Few of my Ferrari 430 scuderia










I wish you could use a wide angled lens.

You can use a 14mm lens, at f1.0... in real life that's pretty much impossible, and insanely wide.

Photo stitching is easy in photoshop, satan himself has the patent on it. That's how easy it is, that's how you do more than one car. Lining up the camera and all that... is another story.

:lol: how did you do that?

Haha I was going backwards... I actually hit Kyle Bush's car, and at first it did nothing then.. BAM! he shot in the air and did a complete front flip, he landed perfectly and kept driving. It was really funny to see, I wish I could somehow get the replay on youtube, but there is no possible way..

Please stay on topic after this, I know I wasn't, but I just wanted to joke around. I'm not trolling in any way.
I am using Windows and Firefox.

Go to view your image on flickr. Get to page where you can view all of the different sizes of your photo. Once you find the size you like, click on the blue text ex: "large". Then right click on the image and select view image. Now it should bring you to a new page at the new page copy the link at the top. That should be the link to the image and you can post it here.