The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
What really grinds my gears, is when you’re looking for a specific livery and see loads of them, so you look at the one that has 1000+ likes and when you preview it, it looks (insert another word for crap here)!
This is why popular =/= better.

The sharing features are designed to promote popular content while good content often goes ignored. They need to overhaul the social features of this game to help better promote smaller galleries that often have the better content.
1) Not being able to see if a room is in race or still in practice
As a consequence, there is a lot of try and error, entering a room and then, if you are not lucky and race already started, 1) waiting for the race to end, many times leading to a "the host ended the game" or going back to the lobby. In both cases having to re-enter all the filters to search again, with that loooong track list, and then having to remember which room was racing.

2) Hidden Circuit Experience progress. You have to go to every circuit and click on circuit experience to see you progress, it's annoying to keep track of the circuits that you have still to complete. Why not use a little medal under every circuit as in Missions or as we had in Gt Sport.
What really annoys me? When Xbox are so salty that I've been smashing GT7 that it secretly starts a 40gb update for halo master queef collection or whatever it's called DESPITE auto updates are turned off plus the xbox app isn't actually running or open and it was sucking up all of my bandwidth! (and this is the company Kojima wants to work with?? because of their "amazing" cloud service??)

The kind of people that program this sort of low, underhanded, backstabbing stuff are so low on the smart-o-meter score that they would eat poppadoms with a knife and fork...


-Me, having a moment, sharing my story with you, colourised, 2022.

(Edit: the connection is that I was playing Gran Turismo and glad I found it before tomorrow's Nations race!)
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What really annoys me? When Xbox are so salty that I've been smashing GT7 that it secretly starts a 40gb update for halo master queef collection or whatever it's called DESPITE auto updates are turned off plus the xbox app isn't actually running or open and it was sucking up all of my bandwidth! (and this is the company Kojima wants to work with?? because of their "amazing" cloud service??)

The kind of people that program this sort of low, underhanded, backstabbing stuff are so low on the smart-o-meter score that they would eat poppadoms with a knife and fork...
You're... joking, right? You don't actually think Microsoft have been spying on you, and learned that you were playing GT7, so they forced a game update onto you? Right??

This also isn't even relevant to the thread, which is about the things in GT7 that annoy you, not whatever conspiracy theory you've come up with about Xbox.
What really annoys me? When Xbox are so salty that I've been smashing GT7 that it secretly starts a 40gb update for halo master queef collection or whatever it's called DESPITE auto updates are turned off plus the xbox app isn't actually running or open and it was sucking up all of my bandwidth! (and this is the company Kojima wants to work with?? because of their "amazing" cloud service??)

The kind of people that program this sort of low, underhanded, backstabbing stuff are so low on the smart-o-meter score that they would eat poppadoms with a knife and fork...

View attachment 1189076
-Me, having a moment, sharing my story with you, colourised, 2022.

(Edit: the connection is that I was playing Gran Turismo and glad I found it before tomorrow's Nations race!)
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
The cars changing colors after six months. I've bought 998 cars and most duplicates are the same color. Now, I do change the styles, but if I wanted to keep them stock, it'd look like an assembly line of cars. I'm not bothering to replace some models with a different color.
The Things That Annoy You:
The game can be so annoying
  • I can't join sport races very easily, although I completed well over 2,000 in GTS
  • the AI actually annoys me, I'm usually quite chilled, but I can't stand having my race repeatedly wrecked by being hit and span off, and the current game settings are more annoying when the AI caused it

There is a lack of imagination in GT7
In the way the LCD & UCD are used - have special liveries, tuned cars in the UCD, just like you'd expect in real life
In the events, there have been some interesting ideas - used sparingly -
Make events feel repeatable - have statistics, earn something for beating your previous best time
Have a series of challenges, that involves selecting a car, and then using this car, completing some kind of career mode, tuning and customization based on the credits won

The most annoying. is that GT7 is the least enjoyable Gran Turismo I've played (from GT3 onwards)
The most annoying. is that GT7 is the least enjoyable Gran Turismo I've played (from GT3 onwards)
The saddest from the beginning (gt1).

I'm not finding enjoiment in this game, I've lost interest to complete the game, many reasons:

  • unbalanced difficulties (questions concerning Circuit experience organization.)
  • the continuous PD's aim to nerf any player short-cut or "easy way" to play obtain credits.. (touching a FLY/Mosquito you receive a damage comparated to a pole crash)
  • the lack of logical features that MUST be native in the game, expecially an AAA driving game ...
  • and many other you all know ...

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- Not getting a weather forecast BEFORE the race starts especially on races that are too short to require pitting
- Not having a shortcut menu and having to go back to the world map every time
- Not being able to leave Championship Races without having to close the game and re-open it
- Chase the leader type gameplay
- Blind suicidal AI drivers
- The 'Wish List' only being a list instead of bringing you to the car's dealer page when you select a car
- Custom race payouts
- Online penalty system
- online lobby
- Too much between online races
- The layout of the tuning menu
- Sarah
- Not being able to test drive cars
- Endurance races being missions
- Hood camera not having a rear view mirror
- Brand invitations
- TCS settings resetting themselves every race
- Not being able to see my total time after a race instead only seeing how many seconds behind the leader I am
- Not being able to see which car I completed my best time for each race
- Not being able to sell cars
- Not getting a weather forecast BEFORE the race starts especially on races that are too short to require pitting
- Not having a shortcut menu and having to go back to the world map every time
- Not being able to leave Championship Races without having to close the game and re-open it
- Chase the leader type gameplay
- Blind suicidal AI drivers
- The 'Wish List' only being a list instead of bringing you to the car's dealer page when you select a car
- Custom race payouts
- Online penalty system
- online lobby
- Too much between online races
- The layout of the tuning menu
- Sarah
- Not being able to test drive cars
- Endurance races being missions
- Hood camera not having a rear view mirror
- Brand invitations
- TCS settings resetting themselves every race
- Not being able to see my total time after a race instead only seeing how many seconds behind the leader I am
- Not being able to see which car I completed my best time for each race
- Not being able to sell cars
Upvoted because of "Sarah". Also other points, but, mainly, "Sarah".
The two fully customisable transmissions for the Boss 429 - the Manual and Racing - are both manual, making them completely identical. I truly hope this bug gets fixed soon.
The Music replay cams have changed from track too track. some you can change too different views but at other tracks like le mans and I think tokyo you only get one static view, Don't recall seeing any changes in previous releae notes and has changed either with 1,20 or 1.21 updates, hope this is a work in progress and we get proper music replays like GT3 had changing from car too car and reacting too the music and should add option for using your own music too work with effects as the current soundtrack is utter naff :)
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My little nephew (6) said yesterday "They really forgot to put fun in the game"
And it wasn't even in a sarcastic way. He really thought that they just forgot to put fun in the game and they may patch it one day 😂

And he is absolutely right. He played GT4 for many weeks now and than he played GT7. He was shocked by the lack of fun tracks and cars but especially by the absence of a good arcade mode.

And that's true. GT4 has such an amazing Arcade mode. You can choose any car in any color (and also your garage cars) and choose any track and just drive. The way it is in GT7 is really inconvenient. You can only choose cars from garage and can't change colors and also the way you choose an arcade race isn't that good.

And in the career mode you were able to use nearly any car you wanted in GT4. But in GT7 it's really restricted. "only race cars" "only street cars" only a certain amount of pp etc..
He sometimes struggles to understand why he can't race with the car he wants

Also he really dislikes that you can't corner cut without getting respawned miles behind and that they deleted the fun (jump) from Trial Mountain. Also the races are full of penalties for wallriding and the damage model is way to aggressive.

Gran Turismo takes itself way to serious while being not very serious in many other areas. So I can totally understand that kids like my nephew think that they forgot to put fun in the game.
Great way to turn away the kids from a cool racing series. I remember that it was at that age where I fell in love with Tha game and hooked me till today..
My little nephew (6) said yesterday "They really forgot to put fun in the game"
And it wasn't even in a sarcastic way. He really thought that they just forgot to put fun in the game and they may patch it one day 😂

And he is absolutely right. He played GT4 for many weeks now and than he played GT7. He was shocked by the lack of fun tracks and cars but especially by the absence of a good arcade mode.

And that's true. GT4 has such an amazing Arcade mode. You can choose any car in any color (and also your garage cars) and choose any track and just drive. The way it is in GT7 is really inconvenient. You can only choose cars from garage and can't change colors and also the way you choose an arcade race isn't that good.

And in the career mode you were able to use nearly any car you wanted in GT4. But in GT7 it's really restricted. "only race cars" "only street cars" only a certain amount of pp etc..
He sometimes struggles to understand why he can't race with the car he wants

Also he really dislikes that you can't corner cut without getting respawned miles behind and that they deleted the fun (jump) from Trial Mountain. Also the races are full of penalties for wallriding and the damage model is way to aggressive.

Gran Turismo takes itself way to serious while being not very serious in many other areas. So I can totally understand that kids like my nephew think that they forgot to put fun in the game.
Great way to turn away the kids from a cool racing series. I remember that it was at that age where I fell in love with Tha game and hooked me till today..
Six year-olds can be insightful, to be sure. Great observation on his part.
I forget about this one until the rare circumstances that it happens…spinning off while entering the pit at Sarthe respawns you on the track with no way back to the pit. You needed fuel and/or tires? Tough cookies Jack, your race is now effectively over and you’ve just wasted 20+ minutes.
One thing that I haven't seen other people mention (or I'm just missing it somehow) is that the event race information only tells you what your best result is (i.e., gold) and does not actually keep info on your best race time or best lap and which car you did it in or the ability to save replays. I'm not sure if this stuff is available in time trials, but it would be nice to have for actual event races. Am I just missing it?
One thing that I haven't seen other people mention (or I'm just missing it somehow) is that the event race information only tells you what your best result is (i.e., gold) and does not actually keep info on your best race time or best lap and which car you did it in or the ability to save replays. I'm not sure if this stuff is available in time trials, but it would be nice to have for actual event races. Am I just missing it?
Should be able too save replays in all modes , replay will auto start, exit out select replay , be watch replay , watch musical replay and save replay. shame about the lack of timing info, also I miss the amount of races I'd won at a track info like was in gts.
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My Wife was watching and said, “Yep, that’s dirty.”

Can;t believe I wasted 1:51 of my life watching that - yeah I had to watch a second time to see the "dirty AI" move... a slight door to door hit. FYI, you're losing soooo much time taking the high end of the banking and not hugging inside
Can;t believe I wasted 1:51 of my life watching that - yeah I had to watch a second time to see the "dirty AI" move... a slight door to door hit. FYI, you're losing soooo much time taking the high end of the banking and not hugging inside
I take the high banking because AI ram me wihen I take the actual racing line. Happens quite a bit. That’s why I stay away for a bit more fun than being spun at the start of the race. Understand?

You probably wasted a bit more of your life even typing a reply post. Yes?
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Large increases in the prices of legendary vehicles. They don't all increase in value, but some have skyrocketed which only serves to trap players in an endless grind.
The big one for me is the lack of career content to earn credits and prize cars. Ideally, in a future GT title I'd like to see twice as many races, but I doubt that will happen as they've gone down the microtransaction and drip-feeding content on a monthly basis road....
What annoys me the most is the 7 in GT7
Yeah, it feels more like GT Sports 1.5 or GT7 prologue beta honestly.

Other than that, the UI is a mess, quick loading times on PS5 aside, I'd love to get to the car select screen by clicking my current car in the UI (middle top of the screen) instead of going through the garage each time.

And I miss too many other small QoL changes that could probably be implemented with a minimum of effort.

The "Race Shop" to buy tires and ballast/restrictor from the "track menu" was already a small but very welcome step at that, a direct link to the to tuning shop would be even better.

edit: spelling
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