Ciao Racers!
Things that annoy me about Online Racing (daily races), number 1; the scoring system. Over the past 6 weeks I have been working my way up from cat. D; where I had spent a lot of time learning that if you don't qualify top 5 you're going to spend most of the race facing the wrong way. Now, having spent a bit of time yoyoing between mid cat.C to very low cat.B (which i think I found my level for time), the past 2 weeks I have been consistently in cat.B all bit it a low-mid to low cat.B driver. I literally cannot complete and chapeau to how fast people drive, literally 2/3/4 seconds a lap faster but I've enjoyed my battles.
Last weeks daily races Gr.3 was fun, first time round. Qualified 12th, up to 9th, finished 10th. I'll take that. Then, for the first time in cat.B for me, all hell broke loose. Short story; being tapped, spun, blamed, spun, and generally finishing last 2 races in a row, my rage was real "it wasn't fair!" Im getting knocked off and spun round! Trying to race clean is sometimes completely stupid as no one else seems to. BASICALLY the last 2 races saw me Rage Quit (the shame). Having had enough of being spun round and trundling round in last, never catching anyone I quit the race before it finished. I then came back a few hours later, and calmer, only to have the exact same thing happen again and sometimes you just gotta say "it ain't your day" so I quit again and left the PS5 alone.
I have logged on today to see what the daily races are, with a view of getting stuck in, to see my mid-low cat.B rating downgraded to a low cat.C!!!! WHAT?! how on earth can I have lost an entire category, through quitting twice? The game is completely infuriating, and I don't like quitting but it's meant to "fun" and prior to THAT day, i don't think i'd ever quit a race before. I don't get it, i don't get it.
The logic is, if you quit a race, you lose points in your "license", which means you are downgraded?! what. how does that work. if i get spun or purposely hit off in a race, that driver receives a 2/3 second penalty in the race. if i quit because, damned if I am driving round for 10minutes at the back AGAIN!, through no fault of my own...i get downgraded?! what new hell is this. HOW can you lose points and get downgraded anyway to me is mad. i can hold my own (albeit 12th-9th of 16) in a cat B race, why on Earth would i be put back down in to cat.C because i didnt finish a race?!