The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
Tried my hand at beting the GR.1 menu book (for the 1st time) on hard with the Tomahawk.
Now is it my imagination or do PD remove the "Overtake" from the Tomahawk GR.1 somewhere along the line? I am almost certain they changed the transmission, suspension and aero for it from what it was in GTS as it did so much better when I put my settings from GTS in for the transmission. You can't put the suspension settings in as the dampers can not be adjusted as high up. The springs are a direct swap but not the ride height. Some with the aero, not adjustable to the same specs. Why? 😡 But, this will give us a clue as to the difference between the two games in settings.

Just frustrating. I wish they would stick with a settings sheet setup for all future games if they have the same cars especially.
Same with parts. A sweet “Duplicate” “Add all parts” option would be nice. I mean look how we can add parts in the Styles collection. Even if it costs extra for different parts, a notice pops up. I mean, it’s all right there! Allow us to do that in the Tuning Shop!
Ciao Racers!

Things that annoy me about Online Racing (daily races), number 1; the scoring system. Over the past 6 weeks I have been working my way up from cat. D; where I had spent a lot of time learning that if you don't qualify top 5 you're going to spend most of the race facing the wrong way. Now, having spent a bit of time yoyoing between mid cat.C to very low cat.B (which i think I found my level for time), the past 2 weeks I have been consistently in cat.B all bit it a low-mid to low cat.B driver. I literally cannot complete and chapeau to how fast people drive, literally 2/3/4 seconds a lap faster but I've enjoyed my battles.

Last weeks daily races Gr.3 was fun, first time round. Qualified 12th, up to 9th, finished 10th. I'll take that. Then, for the first time in cat.B for me, all hell broke loose. Short story; being tapped, spun, blamed, spun, and generally finishing last 2 races in a row, my rage was real "it wasn't fair!" Im getting knocked off and spun round! Trying to race clean is sometimes completely stupid as no one else seems to. BASICALLY the last 2 races saw me Rage Quit (the shame). Having had enough of being spun round and trundling round in last, never catching anyone I quit the race before it finished. I then came back a few hours later, and calmer, only to have the exact same thing happen again and sometimes you just gotta say "it ain't your day" so I quit again and left the PS5 alone.

I have logged on today to see what the daily races are, with a view of getting stuck in, to see my mid-low cat.B rating downgraded to a low cat.C!!!! WHAT?! how on earth can I have lost an entire category, through quitting twice? The game is completely infuriating, and I don't like quitting but it's meant to "fun" and prior to THAT day, i don't think i'd ever quit a race before. I don't get it, i don't get it.

The logic is, if you quit a race, you lose points in your "license", which means you are downgraded?! what. how does that work. if i get spun or purposely hit off in a race, that driver receives a 2/3 second penalty in the race. if i quit because, damned if I am driving round for 10minutes at the back AGAIN!, through no fault of my own...i get downgraded?! what new hell is this. HOW can you lose points and get downgraded anyway to me is mad. i can hold my own (albeit 12th-9th of 16) in a cat B race, why on Earth would i be put back down in to cat.C because i didnt finish a race?!
Yes, Its massively annoying when people don't drive clean. But quitting a race is a terrible idea. And doing it more than once is even worse. It is right that people are penalised for this IMO.

Just finish the race, and try to get your SR rating up to S, when in theory the races will be cleaner. By quitting, your SR will suffer and you will never be clear of the dirty drivers with SR of A or less.
You cant buy multiple cars at once if a car has 25 colors it be nice if I can just select all 25 colors and buy all at once.:)
You know, I never thought about that before.

It would also be cool if you could "buy from a template", where you can select a saved style and it gets automatically applied to the car after purchasing it. Combine that with a buy-in-bulk option...
People that set the top time in TT by wall riding :ouch:
Oh, is that happening? I wonder if PD will do another leaderboard reset, this time with strict wall contact penalties that immediately disqualify your lap if you touch a wall. It's happened on a previous TT where people were wallriding, but I think that was a very esport focused one.
Oh, is that happening? I wonder if PD will do another leaderboard reset, this time with strict wall contact penalties that immediately disqualify your lap if you touch a wall. It's happened on a previous TT where people were wallriding, but I think that was a very esport focused one.

When I watched the video replay of the top time currently sitting for HSR, there was definitely some wall riding on the first tight banked turn.
You know, I never thought about that before.

It would also be cool if you could "buy from a template", where you can select a saved style and it gets automatically applied to the car after purchasing it. Combine that with a buy-in-bulk option...
I could care less about GT series now. That however would be a nice ideal to help alleviate some of the pain in the upside down economy of the game. I would be okay with just renting the damn cars. Even if limited to stock form with very little tuning options and not being able really save them in your garage. So many simple ways to make GT7 way more user friendly and fun, but they will never do any of it.
You can't group decals together.
True, but if you export them piece by piecein illustrator and check the “use artboards” button, they’ll at least stay in the correct spot. That way you can just duplicate and replace the layer in the livery editor, and the new piece will be in the right spot. My livery is about twelve layers, and it takes about two minutes to slap on any car, for the most part. (It’s my profile picture, just smattered all over the car in various ways)
True, but if you export them piece by piecein illustrator and check the “use artboards” button, they’ll at least stay in the correct spot. That way you can just duplicate and replace the layer in the livery editor, and the new piece will be in the right spot. My livery is about twelve layers, and it takes about two minutes to slap on any car, for the most part. (It’s my profile picture, just smattered all over the car in various ways)
I tried that method before and just plain didn't like it. I mean, for decals and creating stripes; using Illustrator or Inkscape to group decals together works. But in my experience when getting more complex patterns I want on cars, it just comes off looking different than what I had in mind.
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My rant after doing the neoclassical challenge. I really dislike how the tires count towards PP, they should be their own thing. Just set the limits on what tires are available so you can’t cheese it with RS tires on a roadcar or whatever.

Not being able to use certain compounds because the PP is already too high is some of the dumbest **** about this game, especially since you start from the back all the time.
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How about a return to the Daily Races of GT6? The problem of GT6 dailies were the lack of penalties, ergo it was a bad experience. Then GTS brought penalties (please bring those back), but they ejected the type of races we had in GT6.

Why have hundreds of cars if you can only use Gt3/4 online?
  • No qualify option
  • The holding back content for events nonsense they pulled with the latest update
  • Only 3-4 cars per update
  • Being lazy with track additions. GT Sport had it in 2018 where you would see a new track layout 1 month, then a new track altogether in the next month. What happened to that?
Things that is annoying me is about the Maserati MC20, PD didn't use the V6 Nettuno built in house by Maserati to rec the sound in Gran Turismo 7 (it sound more like the Ford GT). In game the sound is great but it's not the real tone of the Nettuno engine which sound more like the V6 from the Alfa Giulia QV/GTA/GTAM.
Painting a car a different color doesn't remove the "owned" check for the original color in dealerships. I understand why it may be like that but it does annoy me specifically.
No shuffle in online, I know it's been a while but I never understood why they took that option away, it was my favorite mode.

Also the payout of the custom races, I'm not sure why PD is so stupid with the money earned. It was never a problem until GT7. I'm not asking for too much payout but just a decent bit. Or lower the parts/tyres cost. Either way the economy sucks and makes the game not enjoyable for me. I'm glad they put time trial, it help but there's people that dont fancy those and they are stuck doing the same races over and over.. talk about fun, which a game is suppose to be.
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Nobody ever said there was a minimum on how much these things mattered...

When setting up a custom race, if you load settings with custom weather, putting the cursor on the existing weather options doesn't tell you what they are. S13 doesn't tell me much, "Sunny with a Few Monsoon Clouds" does. If you re-select it however, it starts showing up when the cursor is over it. Options that weren't re-selected still won't appear.

Sure it's incredibly minor, but it's mildly annoying when I want to review what the weather will be like on the settings I saved previously.
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For all the Gr.4 FF Sport Mode races PD repeated in GT Sport, there’s not one Gr.4 FF event in GT7. Even when PD added the Gr.4 Swift Sport.