The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Are the headphone pieces supposed to be something like Gorillaz album covers?

Not really, no. But I can see why you thought that, because they do remind me of the Demon Days album cover.


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That...I love that.

Which brings me back to this:
If all this Shining Armor being an awesome BBBFF to Twilight stuff keeps up, I might have to find a spot for him on my list.
I think I might have to update my list when I get home.
So I was asked to go get the price on this Rarity brushable that someone was buying, when I looked at it the first thing I said, without even thinking about it: "Why the hell does Rarity have a pet butterfly?". The awkward silence was pricless.
So I was asked to go get the price on this Rarity brushable that someone was buying, when I looked at it the first thing I said, without even thinking about it: "Why the hell does Rarity have a pet butterfly?". The awkward silence was pricless.


So... did you get an answer?

And holy 🤬 this is relevant:


News from BronyCray!:


I did a podcast thing! If you want to hear my talk about fanfiction, EQD, and writing tips in a Q&A session, go to [link]

In TNTNE news, finally finished the Fluttershy scene that had been slowing me down so much. I made Fluttershy's argument too strong and couldn't think of a way around it without breaking character for some other ponies, but I think I got it in the end. I have either one or two scenes left before I call in the editors, so stay tuned!

I would have thought that pissing a goddess off would have been worse than telling her brother. (Alicorn = Goddess)
Still dawwww worthy though.

Does anyone have a spare 8 bits that I can borrow? I need this magazine!

You want to read the Discord section don't you. :sly:

Edit: Oh Minty.

RainbowSparkle ship.

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MSTER's magazine-reading music:


I'm gonna need some sort of optical augmentation installed in order to read that, or a bigger version of the image. Whichever is easier to do.

Then again, I've seen the full size version before already, so whatever (inb4 another comment referring to the number 42). :P



Twilight Securitron be protectin' Twilight's shipping literature.
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Does anyone have a spare 8 bits that I can borrow? I need this magazine!

We all want Playbrony to actually exist. Sadly, it's not gonna happen. Unless it does. Which it probably won't. Anyways, it's approaching 10, so... I GO!
Twilight Sparkle looks awesome!

They both look great. Kind of a cute-awesome thing.

And the other set by that artist is good, but I prefer the Twi/Dash one because obvious reasons.



I really need to pay more attention on that damn forum. I would have loved to be in that.

And this is pretty good:



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