The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
Little teaser pic.


T500 RS steering wheel adapter hubs. These will mount the Momo F1 style wheel to the T500 RS. however they can be made to adapt wheel of choice.

Expect these to be available shortly through a GTP member. The parts are on the way to him and he surely post install pics and pricing.

One problem..... how are you going to mount all the buttons on the original factory T500 wheel onto a standard momo or sparco??
That's not a problem for PC users. I don't for see this being used by many PS3 only users.

This was built with the PC user in mind.
So Guyz, regarding my problem earlier, I found out the problem, get the solution and some suggestion to Thrustmaster. I hope this can contribute to our common knowledge

The Subject
1. Thrustmaster T500RS version 3
2. Wheel set hardmounted to local made custom cockpit
3. Pedal set put on GT style (inverted), also hardmounted
4. Playing on Gran Turismo 5 latest update, PS3 Fat 60GB

The Symptoms are:
1. While using Ferrari F2007, during hard braking, suddenly the wheel set lost connection. No pedal responses, no wheel response either. 5 seconds later the wheel recalibrate itself (rotating full CCW, full CW and to the center), and I can continue the game. However the problem repeat again with hard braking
2. The next day, I try again with same condition as above, plus this time I put voltage Stabilizer, no luck.. same result. Tried with other car, same result. The problem occurs during sudden hard braking. I've proven this by trying not to brake suddenly. I managed 3/4 of nurburgring when I have to avoid the spinning AI :(
3. New symptom observed, after lost connection, the wheel trying to recalibrate again, but it keep rotating back and forth endlessly. I've read this symptom before somewhere in this thread.

I've mailed Thrustmaster, posted here, and posted on T500RS facebook page. Within 24 hours I received email reply from this gentlemen Alex and refer me to download the latest firmware. Nice to have response 👍, However i decided to go as long as i can. Due to I'm in Indonesia and it's a slim chance to return the wheel.

The process of troubleshooting seems just straightforward (lucky me). I went straight to inspect the pedals because i thought that's where the problem came from. surprisingly I found this faulty cable


Pinched Cable

That cable must have been pinched without my knowledge. So I re-spliced that cable and tested it. viola!!! problem solved. The T500RS performed flawlessly.
I guess that pinched cable must have short-circuited the connection. Any of you fellow GT Planet Users who have the same problem might have a look at your cabling condition.

As with the pedal design itself, it is very easy to make the same mistake because cable came out from the edge of the pedal. Knowing how much weight of that pedal set, the cable wont last long if it trapped beneath the pedal.

I think Thrustmaster should revise the pedal cabling configuration so it reduce possibility of being pinched, there are a lot of safe cable outlet alternatives. For me, i just taped the cable on the side of pedal panel.

to Mr. OP, you might want to put this finding up front for easy tracking.

That's it guys, have fun and take care :dunce:


@diptob79, I like that cockpit 👍

Yall need to keep it coming (cockpit pics & vids)
thx mate, :)
Guys I have a problem with my wheel! Its only been used for a couple of months or so now, however I've just taken delivery of WSP and set it all up! But when I've connected the wheel to the PS3, im getting no response!! :nervous:
What could be wrong with it?? The power adaptor is on, but not lights or anything on the wheel!! And the wheel has hardly been used!
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I wonder if the power supply went bad. Does it light up? I would start with the power supply.

Just strange you have this issue. I just got my wsp too and was really afraid I would break the wheel when I was mounting on my pedals. It's very trivial hooking up stuff to the WSP but I still messed up and ended up basically rehooking up the pedals after wheel was mounted. So I had to lean the t500rs to the side while I did that. Was afraid I'd knock something loose in the wheel :scared:

It all turned out fine tho and I stayed up many hrs racing afterwards. good luck man, this sucks to read bout these issues, ugh

@diptob79, glad you figured it out! You should try to tell them if possible
Did you connect the USB to the ps3?? If you are not getting any lights either you power supply or USB cable is not connected correctly.

Yep I did connect to the USB and the power supply seems fine as the adaptor is lighting up. Its the wheel that i'm not getting any response from, no lights, calibration! Its completely dead! Funny thing is, the wheel is like brand new.
Just been on the phone with Thrustmaster support! They believe it could be a software/firmware issue, so I have to go through the usual script before anything is done! Could it be the software?
Well I managed to talk to someone at Thrustmaster. They sent me through the latest version of their drivers which I uploaded to my PC. I then went through the whole procedure and managed to get the wheel to respond, and loaded the latest firmware. However when connecting it back to the PS3, again the wheel was dead, no response or mode light on. Linked it back to the PC, but wheel did not respond once again. NOT HAPPY!

Waiting for Thrustmaster's reply to this!
Thrustmaster T500 RS Facebook page
We are happy to announce that our T500 RS will be fully compatible with the coming DiRT 3™ from Codemasters® on PC and on PS3™ - planned for release on May 24, 2011. It’s a great achievement for the teams involved and a great opportunity for racing enthusiasts everywhere. Get ready to discover a unique, highly powerful and accurate experience while using the T500 RS on DiRT 3!

Nice to see the PS3 support.
Well I got this wheel today for 410€ and all I can say is that its force feedback is awesome, very nice pedals and much more enjoying than any other wheel.

A friend also got one and he is even happier.

I wasn't decided until I saw its reduced price (from 500€). Everyone should take into account this wheel!
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Wanna buy a wheel.
First I was set on the 911 Carrera, then the GT3 RS and then I just realised, what the hell, lets just get the T500 since GT5 is the main game I play.
There is ONE thing though.
On the PS3 I understand it isn't compatible with all games.
This is of course sad but nonetheless.
Which games ARE compatible with the T500?
I would love a list since I will be buying all compatible racing games for the PS3.
Thanks in advance