The Thrustmaster T500RS Thread

  • Thread starter TomN
it looks a bit like a Frex wheel mounted upside down:). But you´re right, the paddles realy look like the T500 paddles
And still nothing further on the shifter. :ouch: I think using the word "soon" in any kind of press release should simply be forbidden. 💡
I have a G27 and have never had any issues with it at all period!!!


My only question now is are people still seeing issues with the product now as once again I am considering it.

(1) I bought a T500RS about three weeks ago, it worked for three hours and then died. Three weeks and I still don't have it back from TM, but they tell me "they are working on it". It was a V3 unit, when I filed the initial support request on their website it looks like a V4 is coming soon.

(2) Also sent in my G27, which would randomly lock up every 2-3 hours (GT5 would act as if it was full throttle and hard left with no response to inputs) and need the USB disconnected/reconnected to get it to respond again. I sent that in three days after shipping out the T500RS and already have a replacement. Never had the "dead center" issue you reference, but I can tell you after three hours with the T500 it is a completely different league.
And still nothing further on the shifter. :ouch: I think using the word "soon" in any kind of press release should simply be forbidden. 💡
A key to the success of the T500 RS is that it came as a surprise: nobody expected it. Thrustmaster announced the launch, and within a month it was in stores.

But the shifter is doing a lot of praying (in the line of almost everything surrounding the GT). The longer they delay your ad, the more likely to disappoint the majority.

I have a feeling that will not take up a date close to the launch of Forza 4, so we have something to buy (such as Forza players with new Fanatec wheels). At the end, in grand as it consumerist meet the needs of users.
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T500 RS + Rfactor + D-Box GtR400 racing simulator + Enormous 12m² Led Screen:

Haha, a crazy setup. He has nice taste in games. Normally I play my pc games on a small, 24 inch monitor but last night hooked up rfactor up to the big 55 inch plasma screen and had a blast 👍

t500rs + rFactor is great fun. Looking forward to experiencing it in 3d in the near future
Any know if d-box or similar sells a kits that contain the actuators and drivers?

I would consider something like this if I could get a kit and adapt to my current cockpit.

Having some time with T500. Still in love. Picked up time in every car I league race.
On the dbox website if you look for the home stuff there is some there that may work. I think its the srp 130. Kinda pricey though.
Any know if d-box or similar sells a kits that contain the actuators and drivers?

I would consider something like this if I could get a kit and adapt to my current cockpit.

Having some time with T500. Still in love. Picked up time in every car I league race.
Yes, they sell kits with actuators and direct USB input, but are not cheap.
Yes, they sell kits with actuators and direct USB input, but are not cheap.

Thinking when the time comes. I surely can piece together the components and fab my own set up from there.

Depending on prices I can muster. May be able resource some of our suppliers and get hardware. The software and hardware for driving these. That I will have to buy, no doubts. No time to research coding and what not. I would rather work and make money with the time that be spent learning the PC side of these. So yea be best to buy it. ;)
Anyone try that stiff brake mod for the T500rs? I just read someone claim it helped them to reduce their lap times. I am thinking of modding my brakes this weekend
Anyone try that stiff brake mod for the T500rs? I just read someone claim it helped them to reduce their lap times. I am thinking of modding my brakes this weekend

The brake mod works well, though I didn't like the spring so much. The pedal felt too stiff when nearing full brake and the metal-on-metal feel wasn't great either. I removed it and now just use the foam rubber insert.
Stay tuned for new brake mod. ;)

This week I got some time and plan to put a few ideas into motion. Simple but if my thinking is correct should be perfect.
Are you still working on the t500RS wheel adapter?

Yes. Sent a revised version out Friday.

If they work. We are ready to make a batch. ;)

We missed the hole size on the three stand offs on wheel. They are tapered and not straight. Dims I had were not large enough for the widest spot.
Would it be safe to take the T500RS with you when flying if packaged in the original packaging?
They are not always to friendly with luggage.
Would it be safe to take the T500RS with you when flying if packaged in the original packaging?
They are not always to friendly with luggage.

I would say yes. Tape the seams up real good. As well package everything in plastic inside to keep dust and moisture at bay. Those little silica packets for moisture be nice to throw in the bagged electronics.
Here's the youtube properly embedded. Darrin is racing with the shifter however TM is being lame and not letting them show us the shifter. They allude its going to be the best shifter on the market. Wonder how much money we talking bout here? Sucks it's still not done yet but guess they won't settle for nothing less than perfect

[edit] Just zip over to bout 6:20 for the T500rs shifter tease.

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While watching the short segment using the "black masked" T500 shifter I never saw the guy use the clutch. Now I have never used an H-shifter, only paddles but is that an option a man can select? A clutchless shifter? What realism is that? I don't know maybe it was just me and I somehow missed something.
While watching the short segment using the "black masked" T500 shifter I never saw the guy use the clutch. Now I have never used an H-shifter, only paddles but is that an option a man can select? A clutchless shifter? What realism is that? I don't know maybe it was just me and I somehow missed something.

Good eye mate... But if you look at the 1st footage of Darin using the shifter, he moved his left leg (not sure if he braked though) when he shifted. :)

On the 2nd footage, especially near the end, yes he does not seem to move his left leg. So really I dunno LOL! All we can do is speculate as of the moment. :nervous:
I think u guys reading too much into that vid. He can easily be left toeing that clutch with minimal leg muscle movement (esp with the T500rs clutch which offers little resistance its not a heavy duty clutch without some modification). Some racers keep their left foot on their clutch and use right foot to brake/gas for ex
As well the g27 if you click a paddle it will allow gear changes at the h pattern shifter with out clutch. However, when you hit the clutch it expects you to shift correctly or you get neutraled using the shifter with out clutch. Make sense?
As well the g27 if you click a paddle it will allow gear changes at the h pattern shifter with out clutch. However, when you hit the clutch it expects you to shift correctly or you get neutraled using the shifter with out clutch. Make sense?

Yup, happened to me a lot when I first used my G27. All this wait is just killing me...
Yup, happened to me a lot when I first used my G27. All this wait is just killing me...

I can tell you this much. There needs to be a clutch mod. I want 3/4 throw having pressure and then a break away point. ;) perfect pedals are my goal.
Well, I think the existence of that video is quite positive. We know now that Thrustmaster really ARE working on the shifter and what we saw on their Facebook page wasn't just some mock-up that they threw together to generate buzz and keep the idea alive while they decided what to do. A pre-production model of the shifter was working and functional at E3. And it was good enough that the ISR guys were 'impressed'.

But the fact that they weren't allowed to talk about how it operates or what materials it's made from, means that a lot of key decisions about it's final design have not yet been finalized. Once the design is set it still has to go through Q/A testing, which may mean some small changes. Then it has to be set up for production, then go through all the FCC, CE, VCCI, bureaucratic red tape. So I'm guessing we won't see the shifter on store shelves until the holiday season at the earliest. And that's being optimistic. But I think TM knows the importance of holiday sales. And I'm guessing, that's what they're shooting for.

Which, is certainly better than not at all. :)
I can tell you this much. There needs to be a clutch mod. I want 3/4 throw having pressure and then a break away point. ;) perfect pedals are my goal.

Yes that would be awesome! People keep making break mods and left out the clutch which could be mod as well. :)