The Vehicles You Want That You Can't Find

  • Thread starter ethikz
This is somekind of stupid question, but IS IT possible to get every car with low mileage or not ? I hate to spend 50 000 Cr that car is almost same as new... with that rigidity part or sumwhat :)
Every so often a 6.2 mile version of a car shows up in the used lots, but not every model. Look at the FAQ for used car lists. There is one that has the cars listed with a "rare" score and mileage. It is a loooonnnngggg list.
I'm looking for the Skyline 2000 GT-R '73 :8 ic an't find it anywhere and i need to take some pictures of it. Oh, i have the EU version.
i was looking for an EVO VI RS TME. i saw the GSR TME once or twice, but not the RS TME.

though, i've only seen the RS referenced on the car list from the main gt4 page... it DOES really exist, right?

EDIT: or would a GSR be better even though it has a worse power to weight ratio to start with? thats the only reason i want the RS...

EDIT2: i know it's gonna be in the late 90's used car section, but i just havnt been able to find a sheet that displays EVERY used car week... just some that do the 6.2mi/10km cars
I would like to see a red Lancer Evolution VI TME with the ralliart stripes on it, like it was in GT3. But I don't think there is one in GT4.

did a little searching, and looks like if you've got the north american version, then the esso ultraflo supra isnt available to you. yes i know its on the car list on this site, but its just not in the game.
i was looking for an EVO VI RS TME. i saw the GSR TME once or twice, but not the RS TME.

though, i've only seen the RS referenced on the car list from the main gt4 page... it DOES really exist, right?

EDIT: or would a GSR be better even though it has a worse power to weight ratio to start with? thats the only reason i want the RS...

EDIT2: i know it's gonna be in the late 90's used car section, but i just havnt been able to find a sheet that displays EVERY used car week... just some that do the 6.2mi/10km cars

The RS models aren't worth it. They're stuck with a pretty horrid tire contact patch because they come on steelies. Even if you change the tires/mags, they'll never have as much grip as the GSR or MR versions. Since GT4 won't let you change the size of your tires, that weight savings comes at the cost of lateral grip.
heh, i read that, think to myself "hmm, well i guess next time i get a chance to play gt4 i'll hunt down a GSR TME." then i look up at your avatar. :D

but thanks... i dont have a ps2 now (off at college, had to leave it home for little sister), but i'd like to get a ps2 soon, and hopefully i'll be able to get back to gt4.
what i really want is a Supra Srz in blue, thats the car that my uncle owns, and is AWESOME. but i will maybe go for a rz in blue if there isnt one of them i can find. if anyone knows please tell me straight away! :bowdown:
if you guys are looking for a loada 6.2 mile cars i found a load on may 11th day 18XX somethingorother at the top in the 80's section there were i 12 6.2mile cars i got pics for proof
I really hate the fact that the old Mini is only in the Japanese version (same with the Lambo in GT3). If a car is available it should be in every version. None of this "Well you don't live in Japan, so you won't get to have it" s**t... :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:

If anything (for the old mini AND the Lambo) it should be exclusively for the European/North American versions, as both are European cars available only in Europe (and North America, too, in the Lamborgini's case)
As far as I know you can buy the Toyota S800 from Toyota's legendary hall. I have the 205 T16 in both silver and white, it's quite rare but I've had luck.
skyline speed, I just realized that you might be looking for a Honda S800, not Toyota Sports 800. That one you have to find in the used car lots.
I'm pretty unhappy that the old Mini's not in the game :(:(:(
It's in the japanese and american versions but not the english.:mad::mad::mad:
Thats dodgy because the old Mini is an ENGLISH car so youe'd knida expect it to be in the english version of the game would you not?
I can't find a Supra RZ In Red or Black without a bagillion miles (im never picky on mileage). Plus it seems every time one comes up im either not interested, don't have the money or it isn't in "my" color.
Another car is really want is a Misti Evo VII GT-A in BLACK! they look so sweet and I only know this because just across the road there is one parked there every now and then.
i need the stupid daihatsu midget II :crazy: for the manufacturer race. cant find it anywhere. It appears in used lot but which one and on what day after 1000