The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
So the attacked are randomly pointing cameras at the road (they do not know if,when or where they are being attacked) and get a perfectly framed explosion of an ISIS suicide bomber? So Kurdish forces are just filming the cars on the roads? How many cameras do they have available? How many cameramen do they have?

Only by saying these images are coming from Kurdish forces is fishy to me... If they will be coming from ISIS (willing to make a point for effectively destroying enemy targets with suicide bombers) I'll say OK... But the "target" filming something that is designed to take the target by surprise.... I don't know about it.
Maybe the Jews did it and just made it look like the Kurds were filming:idea:. Or maybe they supplied all the Kurds with cameras or phones to record everything in the hopes they'd get something good like this. 💡💡

Surely you have a link to some famous left wing Jew who now hates his country, and has some insider info on the Jews supplying the Arabs with cameras.
@F1jocker12 What would the reason be to fake something like this?
Who said is fake?
How about they've seen that random truck approaching, started the recording, IED goes off, spectacular thing happens, car is flying thru the air and explodes again
My rethorical and logical question is, how do we/you know that was an ISIS suicide bomber? All I see is a simple truck.

I'll help a little...
In the bottom video (Warning! Graphic content!) you will see the Kurdish Peshmerga distroying moving targets with a Milan Missile launcher.


The video title says how they supposedly are destroying suicide bomber trucks, but

1st - you will see missiles flying towards the target, so you can coordinate filming with triggering the system towards the target, so it is not random at all - in comparison to the video showing the car exploding up in the air,

2nd - you still don't know if those are suicide bomber trucks... There is no logic into driving a truck full of explosives in the middle of an open field to blow yourself up and maybe kill some dispersed enemy forces (use a lot of explosive for almost no high impact). The suicide bombers are targeting higly populated areas, in order to make a strong impact/statement against the "infidels" or military well defined buildings or checking points.

3rd - at min.1.00 in the video, you will see what appears to be an armored vehicle, driving towards the filming location, which vehicle is hit by a Milan missile... Surprisingly, after the second hit, 2 still alive fighters (presumably suicide bombers - at this point) are filmed while running away, in order to take cover from the heavy enemy fire. While the cameraman is forcing the zoom to get a closer shot, you cleary see (min 2.09) how one of them carries a military type rifle in his right hand....

Now use your logic again... If that guy was going to blow himself up, why was he carrying his machine gun inside a vehicle topped up with explosives? Doesn't make any sense... Or can you explain that in a decent enough manner?

Spectacular explosions though, but we have no clue what are they blowing up out there on those fields...
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O.k., you want to play semantics, why the lie then?
Semantics? I also never said they are lying... I said it doesn't make any logical sense the way it is presented to the world...
You are asking me to speculate... That is a good question for the Kurdish leaders... At this point looks like propaganda videos...
Semantics? I also never said they are lying... I said it doesn't make any logical sense the way it is presented to the world...
You are asking me to speculate... That is a good question for the Kurdish leaders... At this point looks like propaganda videos...
You don't think they are lying but the video looks like propaganda. Meaning what exactly?
You don't think they are lying but the video looks like propaganda. Meaning what exactly?
Meaning video title and media description of the moving objects and ambient sounds from the presented consecutive video frames, doesn't match common sense and ordinary logic.
I know sometimes is shocking to learn how somebody is using logic.
Do you know how instant an explosion is?

Do you know how many seconds it takes to put a running camera on shot and frame it properly?

Do you know how long it takes to start a camera?

Do you know how long it takes to find a camera if you are not ready?

Do you know how long it takes for a proper framed image to get on focus in the auto function?

Do you know how long it takes for a proper framed image to get on focus in manual function?

Do you know how, in order to catch the end of an explosion on camera (think of the first plane on the first WTC tower on 9/11) you need to have a reason to have a running camera in the vicinity of that particular location?

Do you know how, in order to catch an explosion on camera (think of the second plane on the WTC second tower on 9/11) you need to have a rolling camera aiming towards that location for a different reason, and get lucky to film the entire explosion from the beggining to the end?

How do you know the truck in the video was an ISIS suicide bomber truck?

I'll give one single possible scenario... How about the Kurdish fighters were waiting with a camera aiming at that road knowing about the IED in the dust? How about they've seen that random truck approaching, started the recording, IED goes off, spectacular thing happens, car is flying thru the air and explodes again.

Then say the truck was a suicide bomber annihilated by the skilled and couragous Kurdish fighters. Really? Communicating with each other about what? Maybe about a car approaching, because is no way in the world they knew that was a suicide bomber and they've guessed drivers intentions. After the explosion you can say anything... I can say it was Bad Santa...

Hat off for those militants fighting against ISIS, but this explosion on camera can be anything but a suicide bomber... If it's a suicide bomber, than is hit on target, and we are not told about the target.

Again.... Use your logic! I know it kinda kills the hype.... but don't fool yourself.
Maybe they knew it was there because they've seen it planted, or its a regular spot for IEDs to be planted?

UK forces for years have said that IEDs are generally located in fairly predictable locations like cross roads or areas easily hidden from view (like near tree lines).
Meaning video title and media description of the moving objects and ambient sounds from the presented consecutive video frames, doesn't match common sense and ordinary logic.

If that is the case, then there is a reason for it and sense you bring it up, it's only logical to ask you why. Not why you think it's against common sense but the reason it's presented the way it is. Do you think it's simply sensationalism, or ignorance, or as you usually do, think it's a conspiracy of some sort. Please tell us why and stop beating around the bush.
Maybe they knew it was there because they've seen it planted, or its a regular spot for IEDs to be planted?

UK forces for years have said that IEDs are generally located in fairly predictable locations like cross roads or areas easily hidden from view (like near tree lines).
I'll give you that... but how do you know it was a suicide bomber truck?

How do you know was not a simple ammunition transport, nobody expected that kind of explosion (which is hard to analyse because you don't know the size of the IED used - truck explosion was small in relation to the initial explosion) and the kurds have chosen the most spectacular one out of... let's say... 30 cars blown up and filmed (by Kurdish forces) cars?

Or only an armored vehicle with armored floor, that allowed initial protection for the fuel tank, which, by being perforated after the IED detonation, exploded up in the air (otherwise would have pulverised the truck in the first place)... No suicide bomber at all... and possible no ISIS either...

Or they've planted the IED, and is no suicide ISIS truck... is only the next truck....
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I'll give you that... but how do you know it was a suicide bomber truck?

How do you know was not a simple ammunition transport, nobody expected that kind of explosion (which is hard to analyse because you don't know the size of the IED used - truck explosion was small in relation to the initial explosion) and the kurds have chosen the most spectacular one out of... let's say... 30 cars blown up and filmed (by Kurdish forces) cars?

Or only an armored vehicle with armored floor, that allowed initial protection for the fuel tank, which, by being perforated after the IED detonation, exploded up in the air (otherwise would have been pulverised the truck in the first place)... No suicide bomber at all... and possible no ISIS either...

Or they've planted the IED, and is no suicide ISIS truck... is only the next truck....
An hour ago you said they weren't lying, now you're suggesting the video is faked. Do you ever just come out and say what you mean or is it always like pulling teeth to get you to just be forthright and honest. Are you always this vague and evasive?
I'll give you that... but how do you know it was a suicide bomber truck?

I'll show you something I show to apologists/deniers around where I live:

You tell me that this 15 year old sold as a sex slave is a propaganda tool:


That this nine year old who is pregnant after being raped by 10 militants is lying:

That these homeless women actually have a home:


It's personally my view that when these people are liberated people like you are flown to the burial sites and refugee camps and forced to acknowledge how reprehensible your views are and hopefully force a reaction similar to this:

Really? You're using The Daily Mail as a source?

I know everyone has been pressuring you to substantiate your claims with evidence - and rightly so - but if that's the best that you can do, you would have been better off without it. Because now your credibility has done the same thing as the suicide bomber on the last page.
An hour ago you said they weren't lying, now you're suggesting the video is faked. Do you ever just come out and say what you mean or is it always like pulling teeth to get you to just be forthright and honest. Are you always this vague and evasive?
again, you are too tired... I never said the video is faked... read my above comment #933...
as you usually do, think it's a conspiracy of some sort.
hahahahaha.... you are confusing me with someone else...
I am affraid you got a little too emotional over our opinions here... deniers... apologists... big empty words up in the air... we are reffering to the video posted at comment #923.. what deniers?... what apologists?...

It is interesting how nobody can explain how the exploding truck is an ISIS suicide bomber truck... I am sorry to tell all of you that you are the ones deflecting, my friends... I've only asked for decent logic... rethorically, of course...
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again, you are too tired... I never said the video is faked... read my above comment #933...
hahahahaha.... you are confusing me with someone else...


. No suicide bomber at all... and possible no ISIS either...

Or they've planted the IED, and is no suicide ISIS truck... is only the next truck....
Who said is fake?

My rethorical and logical question is, how do we/you know that was an ISIS suicide bomber? All I see is a simple truck.

I'll help a little...
In the bottom video (Warning! Graphic content!) you will see the Kurdish Peshmerga distroying moving targets with a Milan Missile launcher.


The video title says how they supposedly are destroying suicide bomber trucks, but

1st - you will see missiles flying towards the target, so you can coordinate filming with triggering the system towards the target, so it is not random at all - in comparison to the video showing the car exploding up in the air,

2nd - you still don't know if those are suicide bomber trucks... There is no logic into driving a truck full of explosives in the middle of an open field to blow yourself up and maybe kill some dispersed enemy forces (use a lot of explosive for almost no high impact). The suicide bombers are targeting higly populated areas, in order to make a strong impact/statement against the "infidels" or military well defined buildings or checking points.

3rd - at min.1.00 in the video, you will see what appears to be an armored vehicle, driving towards the filming location, which vehicle is hit by a Milan missile... Surprisingly, after the second hit, 2 still alive fighters (presumably suicide bombers - at this point) are filmed while running away, in order to take cover from the heavy enemy fire. While the cameraman is forcing the zoom to get a closer shot, you cleary see (min 2.09) how one of them carries a military type rifle in his right hand....

Now use your logic again... If that guy was going to blow himself up, why was he carrying his machine gun inside a vehicle topped up with explosives? Doesn't make any sense... Or can you explain that in a decent enough manner?

Spectacular explosions though, but we have no clue what are they blowing up out there on those fields...

I'm sorry but you really are just silly. I can't take you seriously. The Peshmerga are not stupid. They have military intelligence. And they're also obviously holding a position, while ISIS (it doesn't matter who, really) is trying to advance on their position. They are defending themselves in all of these videos. The ISIS fighters are probably a separate detachment of saboteurs with trucks full of explosives. Why do they have guns if they're just going to blow themselves up? They're not trying to blow themselves up, silly goose. They're trying to drive the trucks to the Kurdish position so they can get out and kill as many Peshmerga as possible. Then their friends on the other side of the hill can make a phone call and blow up the explosives, or their friends will just shell the trucks until they explode.

All of the big explosions in your video are suicide bomb explosives. They're all super high-velocity. The blast is much greater than what a missile warhead could deliver, and the explosive vector is up and out rather than in the direction missile travel. Whatever was in those trucks, it was meant to harm Peshmerga assets whether you want to believe so or not.

Stop being an apologist for these scumbags. You're embarrassing yourself. Nobody here can take you seriously because anything intelligent you might say is overwhelmed by the rest of your conspiratoid garbage.
Really? You're using The Daily Mail as a source?

I know everyone has been pressuring you to substantiate your claims with evidence - and rightly so - but if that's the best that you can do, you would have been better off without it. Because now your credibility has done the same thing as the suicide bomber on the last page.
Oh disgusting.

But thanks for proving my point about the Left! 👍:lol:


Funny you can't find much of the report on The Guardian. Can't think why :rolleyes:

So yes, you can see why I find the Left morally bankrupt. Gotta give them kudos for their ironic use of "Guardian" however.
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I'll give you that... but how do you know it was a suicide bomber truck?

How do you know was not a simple ammunition transport, nobody expected that kind of explosion (which is hard to analyse because you don't know the size of the IED used - truck explosion was small in relation to the initial explosion) and the kurds have chosen the most spectacular one out of... let's say... 30 cars blown up and filmed (by Kurdish forces) cars?

Or only an armored vehicle with armored floor, that allowed initial protection for the fuel tank, which, by being perforated after the IED detonation, exploded up in the air (otherwise would have pulverised the truck in the first place)... No suicide bomber at all... and possible no ISIS either...

Or they've planted the IED, and is no suicide ISIS truck... is only the next truck....
I can tell you from professional experience that was not ammunition cooking off, it was not a heavy, armoured vehicle being lifted high into the air, and was not a fuel tank rupture.

I could tell you the approx' size of the initial explosion, it's probable type and likely source (given the conflict). I could also wager the size of the secondary explosion and that given the limited secondary impact, it's intended target.

You are using ignorance to poke holes in something that to many is who know about these things is quite obvious. And that's okay if done purely to gain understanding, but you appear to be doing so to discredit.
Road is controlled by the Kurds, traffic is rare in the midst of a conflict zone.
Speeding car is seen driving towards checkpoint
Walkie talkie is used to inform all troops in the area
Soldier zooms in on area with mobile phone.

Voila, fireworks filmed.
The Peshmerga are not stupid. They have military intelligence.
You don't know what you are talking about... Read some reports...
Finally, when fighting in majority-Arab areas such as Nineveh and Diyala provinces, speaking Arabic is crucial for intelligence gathering and maintaining good ties with civilians. The fact that many young Kurdish peshmerga solders don’t, as Arabic education is no longer mandatory within the KRG, is also a weakness.
Also, if you are interested, read this

The ISIS fighters are probably a separate detachment of saboteurs with trucks full of explosives.
very good use of the term "probably".

They're trying to drive the trucks to the Kurdish position so they can get out and kill as many Peshmerga as possible. Then their friends on the other side of the hill can make a phone call and blow up the explosives, or their friends will just shell the trucks until they explode.
If you think that is how it works... then my reaction is this succesion of letters... buhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Once a big suspect truck stops and do not detonate, what is the instant reaction? Yes..... RUUUUUUN! So why detonate later? Besides that, trying suicide bomber tactics in remote areas covered by dispersed forces is higly ineffective. Why waste the explosives? To be on a kurdish reality show "Survivor or... not"?

silly goose
You're embarrassing yourself. Nobody here can take you seriously because anything intelligent you might say is overwhelmed by the rest of your conspiratoid garbage.

Wow! And you are a moderator? Please stay away from the food you are eating... it seems to be highly polluted. And cut the sugar. Another advice, If I may? If you don't get paid for this, find something else and stop wasting your time... If you get paid, then congrats!!! You are smarter than whoever pays you! Calling comentators names... You really behave like an adult here...

Stop being an apologist for these scumbags.
???????? Can you show a quote to make the "silly goose" understand?

You are using ignorance to poke holes in something that to many is who know about these things is quite obvious. And that's okay if done purely to gain understanding, but you appear to be doing so to discredit.
It is funny how most of the commentators think it WAS an ISIS truck... because if you read the media reports about the posted video, you will find out how

The Telegraph mentions a variety of theories about what happened here, including the initial explosion being caused by a landmine, rocket, or artillery shell, or possibly a failure in the detonation system for the Islamic State suicide bomb. It is even possible that “a major explosive device detonated early, taking a passing car with it, which then exploded due to the fuel in its tank,” although the Kurds were fairly confident their footage shows an ISIS bomber kissing the sky.


A video has emerged apparently showing the moment an Isis suicide bomber’s vehicle hits a landmine and is hurtled towards the sky, before exploding mid-air, leaving plumes of smoke hanging in its place.


AN APPARENT suicide bomber for Islamic State was sent sky high in a botched mission that saw his vehicle blasted 30 metres off the ground and detonated in a spectacular midair explosion.

... to discredit what or who? Do you remember "Nurse Nayirah", the iraqi girl who went to the US Congress to tell the story of infants killed by the Iraqi soldiers...."which was regarded as credible at the time, has since come to be regarded as wartime propaganda"? Follow decent logic... You see the video, read the title and the description, but have no clue whatsoever about the context...

Road is controlled by the Kurds, traffic is rare in the midst of a conflict zone.
Speeding car is seen driving towards checkpoint
Walkie talkie is used to inform all troops in the area
Soldier zooms in on area with mobile phone.

Voila, fireworks filmed.
'Speeding car"... You are entirely correct... The association to "ISIS suicide bomber truck" is made only because of the description and the title of the video... But it is a.... "speeding car"...
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If you think that is how it works... then my reaction is this succesion of letters... buhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Once a big suspect truck stops and do not detonate, what is the instant reaction? Yes..... RUUUUUUN! So why detonate later? Besides that, trying suicide bomber tactics in remote areas covered by dispersed forces is higly ineffective. Why waste the explosives? To be on a kurdish reality show "Survivor or... not"?

They're assaulting a position. A suicide run by the looks of it, because they're OBVIOUSLY making a run on a defended position. Those trucks loaded with explosives could be enough to blow up the entire enforced position where the defenders are dug in. If you are Peshmerga, are you going to take that chance? It doesn't matter whether these guys in the MRAPs are ISIS or not. You are assaulting a fortified position, and you will be fired upon.

Wow! And you are a moderator? Please stay away of the food you are eating... it seems to be highly polluted. And cut the sugar. Another advice, If I may? If you don't get paid for this, find something else and stop wasting your time... If you get paid, then congrats!!! You are smarter than whoever pays you! Calling comentators names... You really behave like an adult here...

Nonsense. All of my food is pure and unaltered thanks to how diligently I wrap it in tin foil.
They're assaulting a position.
What position is the flying truck assaulting?

It doesn't matter whether these guys in the MRAPs are ISIS or not.
Then why say is ISIS?

Stop being an apologist for these scumbags.
???????? Can you show a quote to make the "silly goose" understand?

Nonsense. All of my food is pure and unaltered thanks to how diligently I wrap it in tin foil.
That's exactly what the fish thinks about the jumping worm with a hook in it.... Nonsense.... That is a perfectly healthy swimming worm...
They're assaulting a position. A suicide run by the looks of it, because they're OBVIOUSLY making a run on a defended position. Those trucks loaded with explosives could be enough to blow up the entire enforced position where the defenders are dug in. If you are Peshmerga, are you going to take that chance? It doesn't matter whether these guys in the MRAPs are ISIS or not. You are assaulting a fortified position, and you will be fired upon.

That part made me question my eyesight for a couple of seconds.
What position is the flying truck assaulting?

Then why say is ISIS?

???????? Can you show a quote to make the "silly goose" understand?

That's exactly what the fish thinks about the jumping worm with a hook in it.... Nonsense....
Wow you have to be kidding me,a fish,a worm(worms don't jump) and a disillusion person who has no 🤬 clue.
Wow you have to be kidding me,a fish,a worm(worms don't jump) and a disillusion person who has no 🤬 clue.
Off topic....
When they are in a hook, they are jumping... because the fisherman wants those fish to notice the worm in the darkness, and pulls and releases the line .... pfuuuhhhh... fishing lessons here...
Off topic....
When they are in a hook, they are jumping... because the fisherman wants those fish to notice the worm in the darkness, and pulls and releases the line .... pfuuuhhhh... fishing lessons here...
Correct on the off topic part,isn't the hook in them?Kinda hard for a worm to get into a hook?Continue on with your thoughts,I don't use worms,more of a real fisherman,I use a fly.
Yeah I need fishing lessons,uhm no I don't think so,kinda surrounded by the most fresh water on the face of the planet.
That's exactly what the fish thinks about the jumping worm with a hook in it.... Nonsense.... That is a perfectly healthy swimming worm...

When they are in a hook, they are jumping... because the fisherman wants those fish to notice the worm in the darkness, and pulls and releases the line

Settle down there, Malcolm X. I get it now. You're going to win this argument "by any means necessary".
"by any means necessary"
Rule #1 - especially when you are a forums moderator... Do NOT call people names!!!! - and I am the one with "by any means necessary" approach? hahahahahahahaha
I see a US flag under your nickname and I know you know what bullying is... check the 3rd bullet on GTP's AUP and respect it. Is coming from your "silly goose" GTP member here...
Rule #1 - especially when you are a forums moderator... Do NOT call people names!!!! - and I am the one with "by any means necessary" approach? hahahahahahahaha
I see a US flag under your nickname and I know you know what bullying is... check the 3rd bullet on GTP's AUP and respect it. Is coming from your "silly goose" GTP member here...
You should stop taking an antagonistic role towards everyone you talk to. Pretty sure now 4 moderators have taken a bit of an issue with your posting habits.