The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
Looking outside, it is indeed raining like there's no tomorrow (It's amazing how a little music covers up the sound of hard rain). The wind is just starting to pick up as I speak, but I should be asleep before the worst of it hits.

On that note, 'night all.
Wind storm. Supposedly the worst one since '95. It has died down now, I'm lucky I didn't lose power.

It was the funniest thing. I play basketball every thursday night. School where we lease the gym from is amazing open tonight, so I go. On the way there, power's on for few blocks, and next few blocks could be off. Same with traffic lights. On the way back home, ones that were on are now off, ones that were off are now on. :lol:

I was just so glad my apartment didn't lose power, as my hot water is from electric, not gas. My mandatory shower after playing ball would've been really cold. :nervous:
I was just so glad my apartment didn't lose power, as my hot water is from electric, not gas. My mandatory shower after playing ball would've been really cold. :nervous:
You would have been able to get one shower out of it, but certainly not a second :nervous: <shivering.

I'm glad my power did not go out, as I don't even own a flashlight. My lights started flickering quite a bit around 1 AM, so I went to bed, where electricity is not needed :).

Apparently, this storm is the worst to hit the area in over 15 years. Everything is back to normal where I live, but I'm sure the rest of the area is a mess.
We had 6-7 inches of rain here yesterday, which was a record for this time of year in South Florida. This is normally the time of year we call dry season, where it rains only once a month.

We get days like that from June to September, but never in December.
Apparently, this storm is the worst to hit the area in over 15 years. Everything is back to normal where I live, but I'm sure the rest of the area is a mess.
Same around here. Loss of electricity is in spots, all over Portland area. In some areas, they are still trying to figure out where they lost the power. My coworker saw a PGE truck driving around, checking powerlines with flashlights. :lol: Keep up the good work, but work fast. I'm single, but many people who are cutoff from power right now have kids.

Today, I saw it hail for about a minute. It was so intense, that in about that one minute, I saw the ground actually start to turn white! Then sky turned sunny, melting all the ice. Gotta love the Northwest. :rolleyes: :D
For perspective:

Where the roads are white (no data), the power is out. This morning, almost every part was white (except where I am :D). What's amazing about this is that the entire Eastside is still without power, 24 hours after the storm. Apparently PSE has major problems that go way beyond trees on powerlines--problems with transmission lines, substations, and such. It could be almost a week for some people (including my parents). Good times.
So its December 16 and I'm located in Ontario Canada. You'd be thinking that we're buried under a few feet of snow but no! Oddly enough the past month has been clear and sunny with no sign of snow anytime soon. Its kind of weird, because never can I remember the weather being this nice so close to Christmas. I'm hoping we have a white christmas.....
it's Dec 17, only 8 sleeps til christmas, not very warm or Summery weather, just nice, high 20's:)
Man we have been having some awesome summer storms these past few days. Great stuff, awesome lightning shows, bit of rain to fill the tank. Quite pleased. :)
Apparently, this storm is the worst to hit the area in over 15 years. Everything is back to normal where I live, but I'm sure the rest of the area is a mess.

Yeah. It was a disaster. Down south here, power came on it a patch around the local hospital. Mine came back on at 4 AM Sun. morning. Many patches are still out around here. Lots of people are still out, even in Seattle City Light, which has done a great job.

All of the rich guys on the eastside and really south Seattle will be out for a few days yet because they are on Puget Sound Energy, which covers a lot of relatively low density land.

Anyway, I wasn't home at all, I went to Friends' houses where there were generators. Supposedly the mall around here was packed because it was the only place with power in south Seattle, except one block in the middle of nowhere.

Trees were not a problem right near my house, which is suprising because I live in the most forested urban area in the Puget sound region. Everywhere else, trees were everywhere. Roads were closed.

It was wierd driving around with no lights at all except the cars. Out lights left very long lines at every major intersection. Extreme weather can be really interesting. Seattleites are really having some crazy weather this year. I'm excited.
I never lost power :D. I've earned it, though. Growing up in east Woodinville, I went through storms where our power was out for 4 days. And once, PSE forgot to turn our power back on, even after the problem was fixed. As it stands, my parents will probably be without power for a couple more days, which would put them at 6 days without power--a new record!

Pretty damn cold (for Southern California). But I have to say, I'm kind of enjoying this weather. I even enjoyed the 15 minutes of rain we got over the weekend. 👍
Pretty damn cold (for Southern California). But I have to say, I'm kind of enjoying this weather. I even enjoyed the 15 minutes of rain we got over the weekend. 👍
I hate this weather. :grumpy: I don’t know where you are, but here the Santa Anas are blowing like mad, so the wind chill makes it feel like below freezing. And the fact that we don’t have central heating obviously doesn’t help.
I hate this weather. :grumpy: I don’t know where you are, but here the Santa Anas are blowing like mad, so the wind chill makes it feel like below freezing. And the fact that we don’t have central heating obviously doesn’t help.

I'm in Orange County (Cypress). It hasn't been too windy around here. I don't know, it's just a nice break from the hotter-than-normal weather we've been going through.
My Wii tells me that I'll be getting snow tomorrow night. I sure hope so -- it would be nice to unwind after my Brit Lit final with some tail-out shenanigans in an empty parking lot. :)
It has been freezing this last week. Even right now, it's around 52 degrees outside. I couldn't even go surfing... :grumpy:

Although, I'm seeing some pretty nice snow on the mountains, so I would probably go snowboarding soon. :)
Though I didn't get to take any pictures myself, this pretty much sums it up:

Mind you, that's the main road, not some little trail through the woods. I wonder why the power is still out...
All of the Seattle power people are supposed to be on by midnight tonight. That would be 5 days without electricity. I'm sure some will be in the dark for another day or two. As of 5 PM today, 14,000 Seattle customers were out. PSE has yet to restore power to around 250,000 as of 4 PM today. I'd expect everyone to be back online by thursday, which would be 6 to 7 days of outage. Real fun.

I have a friend who lives real close who doesn't have electricity. I got it on Sun. He was real excited when his cable came on though.

Otherwise, Seattle is experiencing pretty normal weather now, cold, temps below freezing at night and around forty in day. No precipitation.
mist, fog, cold, no wind, brrrrrrrrrr. Air pollution won't go away due to the lack of wind.
Pretty heavy rain forcasted for tonight and tomorrow. In parts of Lower Mainland there will be 50+mm of rain...

Damn, God just doesn't know when to stop...
The temperature's been in the 30's, so it's really cold, but other than that, can't really complain. No wind, ice, or anything like that. 👍