Because the same thing isn't free elsewhere. Do tell me how to get to play Forza 4 with party chat for free. I'm all ears.
They want to make money. They could be giving a lot of other stuff away for free and don't because they want to make money. Hey, Sony shouldn't be charging money for PS Home items either. That should be free, why don't we get that for free, as we should? Damn, because they want to make money. See how that works?
You assume wrong. Developers pay to have their patches and stuff rolled out onto the servers Microsoft provides, so Microsoft does indeed provide the infrastructure the player uses.
You know, XBL Gold mostly affects multiplayer, right? Last time I checked, it's highly dependant on the game in question whether you miss out on a lot or not. I do know that I didn't miss out on a lot of content (certainly not 50%) when I played Dark Souls.
So... Do MS (and Sony, for that matter) have to pay my internet connection? Just asking, because without that, I wouldn't be able to access your "factual" 50% of content, either way.
So, you're basically in no position at all to judge how good XBL is in comparison to PSN. Why, oh why doesn't that surprise me?
50% is just a number you pulled out of your butt and that's it, isn't it?
And that's half the content, right
Didn't know Bill Gates points a gun to people's heads and forces them to buy an Xbox, games that require XBL or XBL itself.
You can always, you know, not buy it because you prefer not to? "Force someone to do something" means that that person has no choice but to comply. Not quite true, is it?
You would want to pay more per game than to pay for XBL? Strange logic, gotta give you that.
Everyone gets to use what they are paying for. The question is what you want to pay for and what you don't want to pay for, that's all. IF you don't want to pay for XBL, don't. It's not that hard. If that's a deal breaker to you because you'd rather have the inferior service for three bucks a month less, you can always opt out of buying an Xbox. That's about as wrong as the options list at my local car dealer.
It's not an excuse, it's a straight lie. Every Xbox360 game has the very same disclaimer on the back, which includes the information that you need a paid XBL subscription to access the multiplayer. It's highlited in orange on most games' boxes.
If you read my post correctly you would see that I didn't say xbox games, but a box in which xbox came, so please read if carefully next time before calling someone a liar (on my box it doesn't at least).
And for your information, I can't use any of the apps even though that i payed for Gold membership (netflix, music etc) why, cause in don't live in USA.
No one if forced to buy anything, but info on the product should be complete especially if it requires paying for additional fees to be able to play games fully (and I am not talking about info on the games, because apparently Xbox360 can do more things then just play games, something my xbox can't even with GOLD subscription).
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