Some people don't seem to realize how amazing it will be to have dedicated servers for EVERY multiplayer game. So I will try to clear up the confusion.
Current servers are person to person (P2P). You would be the host and I join your game. Most games pick a random host. If the host in the P2P has a crappy connection, everyone in the game sees lag, hit detection, and connection problems. You also see host migration with this setup. If the host leaves, the game pauses, finds a new host, and then continues playing again. This is how most online games work like COD, Halo and most other games.
In dedicated servers like BF3, the server is the host. You join and leave that server without interrupting anyone in the game, along with no host migration. If you have a crappy connection it does not effect everyone in the game. Only YOU see the lag. Dedicated servers are THE best online experience you can possibly get but it is very rare for games to have dedicated servers.
This has never happened. Not on PC, not on the PS3, not on 360. To have dedicated servers for EVERY multiplayer game would be an innovative revolution for gaming. Beyond incredible.