Just jaw dropping, mind numbing. Can't believe this.
Could have done with this when stance with Delaystation, Polyphoney Digital or most recently (sub)standard cars is/was branded about. But no, not a whisper....
I'm wondering how you are aware of moderation desisions gioven that your not a member of staff?
The simple truth is that this has been acted upon before (as recently as
yesterday), and its an approach I have consistent taken in a number of threads.
That you have not seen it or agree with it is a moot point.
Post reported, because this is the biggest crock on nonsense I've ever seen on ANY forum.
As is your option as a member, its worth noting that reported posts are copied to every member of staff and the site owner. The deafening silence that has followed it would seem to indicate they don't share your view.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
For what? Enforcing the AUP of the site or not sinking to childish insults?
When those "certain abbreviations" are non-offensive, and only based on the (common) idea that the company values profits over consumer's rights, then yes, of course.
I'm "sorry" but you're going to defend a corporation from a non-offensive public opinion when they want to PUT A SURVEILLANCE DEVICE IN YOUR HOME to better make money off you as a consumer? This seriously seems OK to you?
A slight failing in your logic here. I happen to disagree with MS's stance on the X1 and have stated a number of times in this thread and others that I have no intention of buying an X1 as long as they continue (despite owning an original Xbox and a 360). That I can express that view without the use of childish pejoratives doesn't invalidate my stated position, nor diminish it. Quite the opposite.
Would it be more acceptable to use "Microsoft, whom I believe to be an evil money-grubbing corporation that wants to take away your privacy rights for a buck-fifty" as opposed to "M$"? *Please explain. *Does the USD symbol offend you or another group in some way of which I am not aware?
One at least requires some thought and articulation, the other is a throw away derogatory comment that has caused flame-wars in other threads on the site, once again that you have not seen them or had to clean them up is a moot point. I would however add that if you are not able to actually express your point without resorting to insults then you open yourself up as an easy target for those who hold opposing views who can.
I will also point out the following from the AUP:
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
You will, if asked by a representative of the forums, cease posting any content.
The matter is now closed, either you follow the AUP or you don't. That is your choice, but please be aware that should you take the later option then action will be taken. I'm not asking you to like or even agree to the AUP, what I am expecting you to do is follow it.