They could be watching....

Hello people
A weird thought had hit my head not too long ago and i was wondering. Do u think PD could be watching this site....for ideas, new concepts, new cars to put in the GT5 or just to see how many of us that cant wait for GT5. I kno its wierd but...they could be reading up on this site, or other GT forums.

What do u people think......
Yes they could, they'd be daft if they wern't and plenty of other games producers have been knon to admit to doing it. It's doubtful that they'd have accounts here though.
If I was KY, there would be no way I would not look at this site or others for that matter just to see what everyone wants. (Can he read English though?)
If I was KY, there would be no way I would not look at this site or others for that matter just to see what everyone wants.
What you want and what you get are 2 different things.

For GT4, everyone wanted better AI. Did we get it? Nope.
Whether Kazunori Yamauchi can read the English language matters not. The development team that creates the Gran Turismo games can read many different languages and if they can't, I am sure they could afford a translater. Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) is comprised of many different nationalities. SCEA, SCEE, and SCEJ amongst others. These days there are sites that can translate a good amount of a website's content from one language to another anyway.

Wasn't it reported that Polyphony Digital took some ideas from for GT2 and GT3 when that forum was thriving well?
Yes they could, they'd be daft if they wern't and plenty of other games producers have been knon to admit to doing it. It's doubtful that they'd have accounts here though.

U dont know, there could be some undercover people in here, Just staying on the downlow.
If I was KY, there would be no way I would not look at this site or others for that matter just to see what everyone wants. (Can he read English though?)
Maybe not Yamauchi, but I think there's a good chance people from P.D. would browse a website like this for input.
It's me.
And it will be online and have a separate motorcycle mode.
(I'm not really on the inside but if I was these are the 2 things I would make a priority).
It's me.
And it will be online and have a separate motorcycle mode.
(I'm not really on the inside but if I was these are the 2 things I would make a priority).
At least you got half right. :D
And he's definitely not a member of PD. I highly doubt anyone viewing the site forPD would create accounts to do so, they would meerly watch rather than have an influence on what the results of what people want are.
I think they would register, 'cos it's much easier to browse if you're a member. But as to what name they would use, they would just make it up like everyone else. They wouldn't register as "PD Research & Development" or anything like that!
It makes little difference really, they proabably wouldn't be allowed to register.
What you want and what you get are 2 different things.

For GT4, everyone wanted better AI. Did we get it? Nope.

....But we got more realistic cars and driving experience, the "real driving simulator" tag to me always meant that first and foremost priority was the cars realism......AI being furthur down the list of priorities.

I think in the future AI will become more involved when more space/processing power is available.....and thats definatly on the horizon with the PS3/GT5, i for one, cant wait.
If PD is anything like EA (for whom I worked during the Madden, NCAA, and NASCAR Thunder 2004 production season), then no one on the staff will be allowed to register or post at any of the gaming sites, at least not from PD work computers.

Managers/Supervisors at EA did monitor sites, but mostly looking for anyone who breached confidentiality. One tester was, in fact, fired when his brother posted some information about post production issues that his brother had told him.

The big, corporate game producers are very serious about breach of confidentiality.
....But we got more realistic cars and driving experience, the "real driving simulator" tag to me always meant that first and foremost priority was the cars realism......AI being furthur down the list of priorities.

I think in the future AI will become more involved when more space/processing power is available.....and thats definatly on the horizon with the PS3/GT5, i for one, cant wait.

They A.I. should be second after car realism, which it wasnt. In GT4 it was pretty clear to me that the graphics came first, then improving the realism and phyics over the last game which I dont think it really was that far ahead. For being "The Real Driving Simulation" they have got some of the physics fundemantally wrong - Suspension settings and understeer/oversteer physics.

Gt4 is great game, but their list of priorities(sp) were all wrong. For being the the 4th game in the series, GT4 should have been a bit further ahead.

You shouldn't be so happy to cough for any old game, especially a game that is so established as GT. Only lack of sales will make PD up their game, IF they dont for GT5 - but hopefully they will :-)
If not Forza will be their to pick up the peices. I think both MS and PD will push each other in the next gen to produce some excellent racing sims. Although Forza 2 hant been confirmed yet, I would be amazed if it isnt planned...
If PD is anything like EA (for whom I worked during the Madden, NCAA, and NASCAR Thunder 2004 production season), then no one on the staff will be allowed to register or post at any of the gaming sites, at least not from PD work computers.

Managers/Supervisors at EA did monitor sites, but mostly looking for anyone who breached confidentiality. One tester was, in fact, fired when his brother posted some information about post production issues that his brother had told him.

The big, corporate game producers are very serious about breach of confidentiality.

I can see y they fired him,..any leeks can cause some serious rumors, causing people to expect things that are not going to happen, which would bring a ton of dissapointment. When i was living in jamaica a rumor went around that gt2 was going to damage and u were going to have to pay to fix it and a whole bunch of other crap...ha when i finnaly got the thing i was totally dissapointed :indiff:, but it was a small price to pay.
Also it can lead to leaks to other game companies giving them extra ideas....which is not good.
Though GT4 graphics are great, the quality of graphics in GT3 were just fine. So was the movement of the cars in GT3. The handling of the cars were a little off; GT4 is better at that. But, overall, PD should have increased the performance of the AI more than what they did. (Which was zero, BTW.)

Yes, they come here to read what we say. I bet they take our ideas seriously too, mentioning them at meetings. It would be stupid not to. It would also be stupid to mention every idea here... he-he.

For GT5, the first priority should be improved AI. Then, features like more cars on the track. Then, better vehicle movement. GT4 cars moved too twitchy and not smooth, like in GT3. I'm sure handling can be improved a bit, which should be next. Next, car sounds. Better engine and exhaust notes. More creaks and suspension noise. Next, image improvement and more details of track background and objects, such as trees, clouds, people, grass, leaves, tire smoke, dust, planes, blimps, etc. Note; the track itself, and the track buildings in GT4, looked good enough. Next, car image quality and details, specifically reflection off of the cars, including working, user-activated head lights and horn, glow-in-the-dark racing decals for race cars, LED race position lights, etc. Then, track image quality with more details like clag, tire marks and surface detail. Next, would be to add more people, who have more real animated movement. Flag men, perhaps? It would be nice to see the white flag waved on the last lap, then the checkered flag at the end of the last lap by real people. Then, real time weather effects, like dusk to night, rain to sunshine, and vice versa, snow, fog, haze, etc. Finally, vehicle damage and then online play, which I personally don't really care for all that much, which is why I listed them last.
OK so lets assume PD make the AI great in GT5....i can see the posts here already, "how the hell do i win the Gt World Championship" etc etc, there are some very difficult races already in GT4 - 206 cup and Speedster challenge spring to mind...(Altho i admit most are easy..)

Forget the AI, your all missing the point that in a couple of years online racing will get rid of the need for them altogether....then the real racing starts and GT will take a step up to a whole new in my opinion driving physics and realsim are top priority, AI has never bothered me as i end up racing my own best times round circuits when races are over anyway.
Well, the AI bothers plenty of other people myself included, the Speedster race isn't hard either, it can be beaten pretty easilly. I don't think I've come across a single hard race in GT4 when I've used a car equal to the AI, I have to handicap my car to make the races close, and when I do that the AI justdrives into me on every corner. Theres no excuse for AI that bad.
Well, the AI bothers plenty of other people myself included, the Speedster race isn't hard either, it can be beaten pretty easilly. I don't think I've come across a single hard race in GT4 when I've used a car equal to the AI, I have to handicap my car to make the races close, and when I do that the AI justdrives into me on every corner. Theres no excuse for AI that bad.

Yes u have a point, a good one actually...the AI needs to be improved so we (the ones who want a challenge) can actually enjoy a good battle.
I was playin project gotham 2, a couple days ago and the AI in there is pretty impresive, ive even notice that they will late break when trying to overtake u during a turn. Gt4 on the other hand, the AI will simply run into your rear end, And i dont even think they push the cars all the way. I was doing a F1 race on Nurburg, and the AI was set on the hard, and when we were coming down the long front stretch, i noticed i was over taking some of them even without drafting, also when i b-speced a lap on nurburg to test this, using the R92CP, i noticed that bob kept the car at 200 Mph, even when i set him push. When i took the car on the same run, i was able to hit over 225. If PD can make the AI more challenging, GT will a whole lot more fun.
