I must say I have had plenty of fun with GT5 !!
But it has some major and minor flaws.
My negative wishlist would probably be:
1. Paint-chips ---> Paint store with a colour wheel and different special settings (Matte, Colourshift, Polarized etc) and a Firm section with colours from all ingame Manufactures to obtain exactly the Rosso Corsa for example. Saves huge amount of space on BR and gamesave.
2. Museum --> waste of space make a Manufacturer Info button in the NCD so you can read the important things of the Manufacture History.
3. B-Spec and 24h races (and races above 4h´s) --> Come on !! I didn´t like the B-Spec in GT4 and still despise it. They drive awefull and can´t be trained for a Track, Car or a Track-Car-Combo (In GT4 you could do the training, I know.).
24h races --> They are cool in Real life but leaving the Console running for 24h´s (96h for all 4 Races !!!) at these days (climatic change etc.) is just plainly ignorant and just pure BS.
Having more 1-4 hour races on various Tracks with various classes//pp-ranges would be better.
==> drop the 9hours, 1000miles and the 24h races. (Although we have the save option I´m still thinking drop those loooooong races)
4. Drop the Skid Recovery Force. It isn´t a aid for beginners it´s a cheat. If you start with a sim (GT5 isn´t realy a sim but is close to it) you know you are "bad" at it. TCS, ASM was and is enough. After you get experienced you can turn them off even when you are a casual gamer.
5. A limited amount of RM-able cars or do following example:
The S2000 LM Race Car is standard. Make it premium but only for RM-ing. You buy a S2000 and you go to GT-Auto press RM and you perform a Rac-Mod for it in different ways.
1. S2K LM
2. Spoon S2k Race Car
3. PD plain white RM.
=> 3 premium S2K´more but only attainable through RM-ing. (Just modle the changes to be made for the Stock S2k to be RM´d instead of doing all from scratch)
===> This way you limit the base Car amount but still have the possible huge Car-Number.
6. Same AI, Same Seasonal AI (!!!!!!!) and rolling starts for all events (For Oval-racing
it´s a must-have). A bit more "racing-brain": Trying to get the draft, try to keep the position (change the d-line pre brakeing turn (Nürb T1 for example)) and just be a bit faster due to standing starts
Well there is something mor but this is it for the moment.
7. Same penalty system: For know you can sometimes dive-bomb someone and the other one gets a ramming penalty for your move because he steered in normally.
Seperate options: Both (Ramming and cutting), Only cutting.
=> this would leave room for BTCC style racing (a bit tougher and harder) but with proper cutting rules and directly penelisation.
Change the way a penalty is handed out. Not drive 50kph for X-seconds (can be outdone with pressing clutch or the Handbrake to get lowest RPM), instead hand out a drive-through penalty next time you drive by the pits (at the last turn you loose control and the Car drives through pit and at petexit you control the car again).
8. Same way to limit the bhp in your lounge//lobby:
At the moment you only can limit in steps (305 next limit is 315), make it closer or even a number you want (like done with weight).