Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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Oooh. I just realized, the ability to have right or left hand drive, so you can have what suits you better, or the one you want. :)
I think it could be useful on some races.
Also adds to the visual realism...

Yes! "The Real Driving Simulator" should have turn signals like the "Real" cars they have put in the game.
This is a racing game, so when your in the middle of racing, you say this to yourself.

"Lemme indicate to the AI so they won't crash or ram me." >.<
What would be the point?
It's not like you would use them lapping the Nurburgring.

Because GT6 will most likely have a city course or places to cruise. Also, it's kind of hard to call it a simulator if you leave out certain features like that.
Because GT6 will most likely have a city course or places to cruise. Also, it's kind of hard to call it a simulator if you leave out certain features like that.
Don't take this the wrong way, but honestly what are the chances of PD putting something like that in GT?
The way I see it, very VERY slim.
Don't take this the wrong way, but honestly what are the chances of PD putting something like that in GT?
The way I see it, very VERY slim.

I honestly can't remember where I heard or read it, but supposedly PD will be putting some sort of city in the game with stoplights and stop signs, maybe even a freeway. I'm not totally sure if they will, but I think I remember seeing it on here.
I honestly can't remember where I heard or read it, but supposedly PD will be putting some sort of city in the game with stoplights and stop signs, maybe even a freeway. I'm not totally sure if they will, but I think I remember seeing it on here.

I'm almost 100% sure that they won't.
I don't know where you heard that, but I don't think it was official.
I honestly can't remember where I heard or read it, but supposedly PD will be putting some sort of city in the game with stoplights and stop signs, maybe even a freeway. I'm not totally sure if they will, but I think I remember seeing it on here.

Yes Kaz did say that and he wanted to but the reason he said "we didn't have time to implement that in the game". The little demonstration with the Honda CR-V going around the city that is all white it was basically like that but way more detail
Yes Kaz did say that and he wanted to but the reason he said "we didn't have time to implement that in the game". The little demonstration with the Honda CR-V going around the city that is all white it was basically like that but way more detail

I see. That's good to know.
A proper rally mode for A-Spec as well as online, something like what the rally special event in GT5 is like but with more cars on the stage, better pacenotes and a full championship A-Spec event.
More realistic damage and visible damage my second one may not fit here but police cars that are premium ex crown Victoria from usa and canada dodge charger from usa Nissan skyline from japan please correct me if mistaken i am American or even from Pakistan those truck things.
when i won the super gt league, they gave me like 200000cr, but the chassis refresh cost like 500000cr when i noticed this i said this is kind of counter productive specially in a game with so much cars. they should give more cr on important races the gain/spend ratio on this game makes it feel like a street racing game (i know i sucks). another thing is instead of releasing small chunks of dlc why dont they release expansion packs specially on real season changes to make it feel more valuable and worthwhile and stay competitive with other sims.
better menus
make the license worth again
return of the clear event record in case you want to earn an event prize again.
include only the best version of the car or every car has a variation example;
skyline gtr
versus menu against cpu in case u want to race with a specific ar and or specific pp
sell any car you want
gt auto between championship races it was so annoying that other cars that were on the race has fresh oil and squeaky clean.
no leveling system i dont want to need to be an expert or spend all my life leveling just for ride a gtone race car unless you are online or racing events
eliminate the communist currency system that gt5 has. all your money can be lost on a single purchase. remember this is a game leave the serious stuff and penalties on the game's racetrack
a more robust and complex tuning system that lets you tune engine and turbo not only upgrade also engine exchange like in txr3
take advantage or acquire rights for super gt because everybody that played most of gt games knows that gt has relied heavily on japanese racing on its games
livery editor (many will hate me) not preset stickers but livery files that can be create via special software to be uploaded from a pc to the game
better focus on aero parts due that front splitters didn't produce any down force i think and makes the tunning car championship more interesting.
no 4k please i dont want frame drops like in 1,2,5p and 5. (in case of ps4) the hardware will be like an i5 with a 67xx or 68xx series card is not that an os less computer makes the ps4 runs like two i7 with quad sli gtx 680s.
they should create the content on an extremely powerful workstation that not ever a quad xenon with quad sli workstation can run it to store the cars track data in case those might be used in future games to avoid the the standard/premium situation.
focus more on stable fps and physics than on flashy graphics something like gt3 and 4
no hdr effects that makes the tunnels look very bright outdoors dark and sky white.
better collision and crash physics because i want to crash in tr6 and make my evo fly like in the trailer (lol) and penalize more the nfsword/burnout type driver
sound engine based on physics, dimensions of engine, valve size,#,cylinders, etc maybe not tires because may be too difficult to calculate due road variations.
dedicated servers (impossible but who knows)
Get rid of the ABC tune saves and allow unlimited tunes with ability to save with name. My reference would be the tune save system in Race07.
I would like less limitations on how you can tune your Car , and Change the Setup Configuration , so its more like real life ie Tire pressure in Kg's Toe angle in Real life format not the 1 to 10 ratio as the 1-10 ratios is to limeted ,

Change how the cars are ranked The performance points is to restricting and make its in order to change the Cars Class you gotta either add or take parts away . they could also make it so adjusting the Cars settings doesn't change the Level its in

Rally racing should play a bigger part of the game then it dose in GT5 .

We can all agree F3 totally sucked , I don't mean to sound like a Fornatic but F4 was a really good game they really hit the mark with what people wanted in a racing simulator minus a rally mode While FH is the worst game of all its not even worth playing tried the demo and Said **** this S*** I aint wasting my money .

As a hard Core racer I don't care what Game system as I have all 3 Just Give me a Racing simulator that I can play that's fun while Challenging but not monotonous

Other Features I would like to seen in GT6 is

-A good rally mode , Rally racing in other GT games made it fun

- Allow us to custom paint our cars and make so their is no limit to what designs we can create ( lets face it in order to compete you gotta add some things that the Competition has )

- Have a auction house in which we can sell our the cars we don't want to other players that might like it , with no price Caps on what we can sell them for This includes Won Cars no matter what their Value is .

- More Cars

Things To improve on

- Less limitations

-Get ride of the B spec mode as its gets boring

- Instead of having to do the same races over and over again to level up just add more Races and make it easier to Reach the top level
As it stands In GT5 Its not even worth trying to get the top level as you gotta do the same races over and over again To get to level up so you can do the next race

-Make it so winning one race levels you up to do the next race .

In GT5 Sony made the mistake of making the game to repetitive , which is why people such as my self Turned to other games such as F2 and F4
And to many limitations .

Limitations and Repetitiveness don't make a game harder it makes it boring unplayable and not fun at all , after all its game and should be fuuuuuuun

Make these changes in GT6 and I will be happy Happy happy :):):):):):):):)

much, much better menus.

much, much lesser loading times and overall less wasting time in things that aren't gameplay or fun (related to having unnecessary menus)

game customization and more options (did I mention menus?).
For example more filters in online racing, both for finding lobbies and in-game race options (well implemented one-make would be nice), and being able to choose a default start-up menu (lets say "my home" instead of main screen. That alone saves 20 seconds every single time).

and finally, I want the game to feel more "alive" like prior GTs were. Again menus play a part.

To add to my list allow the host of the on line race to be able to take collisions of so people don't get rammed of the road by other players .

Personally I don't like the damage thing being forced on us that should be an option and as to making the AI more difficult ,,, Allow people to choose from Easy to hard to Professional , regardless of what level you are at

No. Livery editor is much more than stickers. You can create whatever you want in the game.

Look at Forza paint videos.

I think he means with stickers a system from NFS underground or the Logo on the GT Academy Cars. Correct me if i'm wrong.

I agree:tup:👍👍

Hell yes :) . As long as Kaz model hot ones though ;) .

This feature was in Gran Turismo 4 where in long endurance races, you could swap between A-Spec and B-Spec if required, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem for Gran Turismo 6.

I say get rid of B spec totaly Its such a boar to sit their and what a AI race . And it wastes space for other good options

Most of everything I wanted has already been said. Here is my list.

-Brake/transmission whine
-realistic engine sounds
-longer lasting tires
-make license tests mandatory
-HAVE A COMPLETE GAME. I hope the game is nothing like GT5 but more like a GT2 and GT4 combo.

-Front/rear wing replacement (if damaged) when pitting.

Screw that I say get rid of the license , they are a nuisance really People don't want to **** around with needles Crap just to Race . This is one Of GTs major Down falls , Most people want to jump in a car and Race

Forget frist day down loads and other S*** let the person race as soon as they get the game , then deal with such crap as down loads

I agree with this. Perhaps when people sell cars, they go to the used car dealership, where people could buy them, and the money would go to the seller. It would also say who is selling it, or if they don't want their PSN known, you could sell the car as annonymous. The game would chose the price for you though, based upon the mileage and modifications. This just prevents people posting a Nissan Cube for 20 mill or something.

No letting the game chose the price of a car someone wants to sell would totally suck , If I bust my butt to create a good design and Tuning set up on the car I should be able to set the price to what ever I feel is right ,,, If people think the price is to high Then it wont get sold , If the Car has a crapy setup and someone pays to much ,, to bad you lose , Buy the Car take the risk .. same as if some sets the starting bid to low and it sells for less then they were hoping to bad they loose

I think it should be an auction house , Seller sets the starting price , and people place bids ,,,, good tuners will Get a reputation and their Cars will sell Bad tuners will get a reputation and their cars wont sell

More Freedom is the way to go
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1) add the leaves on the track, so that when driving on it they flew up into the air, and worsened handling. You can also add puddles, branches, sand and other details ...
2) to add temperature fluctuations that they affect power engine and condition of the tires.
3) to add height to let it affect air density and atmospheric pressure and changed the engine power.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks to google translator:)
I agree with this. Perhaps when people sell cars, they go to the used car dealership, where people could buy them, and the money would go to the seller. It would also say who is selling it, or if they don't want their PSN known, you could sell the car as annonymous. The game would chose the price for you though, based upon the mileage and modifications. This just prevents people posting a Nissan Cube for 20 mill or something.

Agree with anything except the "game choses price" part. Nobody want's to buy a f-worded Cube for 20 million anyway.

I might want it to be more like an auction, so the seller will just put a start price and determine how long the auctioning will last.
Hydralics? But not just for lolz.
There should be two kinds, automatic and manual.
When put on automatic, two more options will be available; inside or outside
Outside - The tires on the outside of the turn lift up enabling the car to go faster in said corner. This however, puts more stress on the inside tires, causing them to wear out faster.
Inside - Balances out the tires surface area, enabling the tires to wear down more evenly and slightly slower.
There should also be 2 types of hydralics, each having 2 subtypes. The two types are sport and fully custom, and the subtypes are on/off and variable.
The custom hydralics' lift speed, initial force and lasting force should be changable. The length of said hydralics should also be modifiable.
I guess I am just throwing things out now, lol
I say get rid of B spec totaly Its such a boar to sit their and what a AI race . And it wastes space for other good options


I hate it when i get two of one car (ex. the GT40) and i cant sell them. So it will be a welcome change if they fix that.
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Hydralics? But not just for lolz.
There should be two kinds, automatic and manual.
When put on automatic, two more options will be available; inside or outside
Outside - The tires on the outside of the turn lift up enabling the car to go faster in said corner. This however, puts more stress on the inside tires, causing them to wear out faster.
Inside - Balances out the tires surface area, enabling the tires to wear down more evenly and slightly slower.
There should also be 2 types of hydralics, each having 2 subtypes. The two types are sport and fully custom, and the subtypes are on/off and variable.
The custom hydralics' lift speed, initial force and lasting force should be changable. The length of said hydralics should also be modifiable.
I guess I am just throwing things out now, lol

No. Just, no.
Hydralics? But not just for lolz.
There should be two kinds, automatic and manual.
When put on automatic, two more options will be available; inside or outside
Outside - The tires on the outside of the turn lift up enabling the car to go faster in said corner. This however, puts more stress on the inside tires, causing them to wear out faster.
Inside - Balances out the tires surface area, enabling the tires to wear down more evenly and slightly slower.
There should also be 2 types of hydralics, each having 2 subtypes. The two types are sport and fully custom, and the subtypes are on/off and variable.
The custom hydralics' lift speed, initial force and lasting force should be changable. The length of said hydralics should also be modifiable.
I guess I am just throwing things out now, lol

Sorry to say this and trying not to be mean but.... All of this is kinda stupid! No simulator ever will have any of these things! Hydraulics are for impressing little 8 year olds! Not true men!
The solution to the "too many Miatas" complaint: sort the colors GT1/GT2 style. :)

In those games, Miata colors are sorted like this, for istance, on a normal '96 model (in the first GT):

Chaste White
Silver Stone Metallic
Brilliant Black
Classic Red
British Racing Green
SR Limited/Sparkle Green Metallic
G Limited/Satellite Blue Mica
B2 Limited/Twilight Blue Mica

Looking on the bolded, special color editions of Miatas can be just merged into one. ;)
That isn't the main problem with the Miatas, the main problem is that there are 11 different variations of them included 3 times, the only difference is the different regional name. MX-5, MX-5 Miata, Eunos Roadster.
Sorry to say this and trying not to be mean but.... All of this is kinda stupid! No simulator ever will have any of these things! Hydraulics are for impressing little 8 year olds! Not true men!

You never know. They might put it in. Might. And who said anything about impressing? If anything, you could use it in arcade mode when going over a jump to barrel rolls and flips and other such. I am not one for popularity.

No. Just, no.

lol, I wasn't entirely serious. I just threw out some idea I had. It could be something they add for no real reason at all. idk.
The ability to shout a swear word or give someone the middle finger (road rage) when you get bumped or when a car in front is blocking you when pressing/holding the horn/hooter :-D hehe. Oh and the game should auto save if the power goes out unexpectedly especially when you've done 99% of a endurance or important race and the power fails and you have to start all over! Happened to me a few times already:|
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