Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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Am I the only one who misread "Ability to park my car, turn off the engine, get out, and sit on my hood." as "Ability to park my car, turn off the engine, get out, and s**t on my hood." :\

Just an idea, but would it work if when you tried to sell a car you could set your own price and waiting a few days for it to sell (like in real life). How quickly it will sell (and if it sells at all) would be determined by original price, milage, condition, Win/loss ratio in races, how much it was tuned, and to a slightly lesser extent a random thing like what event you did last and when to make it less predictable. To help players find out prices (perfect prices or lower will lead to a car being sold after 1 day),the used car store can appraise cars for a small sum of cash, their appraisals will usually be accurate but leasing to the low end but every now and then (1 in 30 chance?) they may be off by a good amount of Cr. (Ie a car worth 15,000 being appraised at 8,000 or 21,000). If you sell a car and later regret it, there is a chance of seeing it and other cars people sold online in the used car shop (At 100% accurate prices with a couple thousand extra cr added on the prevent exploits).
I don't know if already posted, but, here is what i think.

Better User Interface, it could be integrated like BF3 for an example, invite/join lounges or open lobbys directly from your friends list.

That open lobby interface sucks ! it could be a search filter with an advanced options.

And for me the most important thing. The online sharing media
like export a video replay to youtube ou for you ps3, an image to flickr, etc, etc.

You could put some song on the lounge/lobby directly from grooveshark or other social sharing plataform as well.

what you guys think ?
I'd really like to see a track maker where you can actually LAYOUT the track yourself. And have the ability to PUBLICLY share them with others.

Oh yeah, the and the ability to put pictures of your own as decals on your car.
I don't know if these are already listed but here I go.

-More tuning options during race/pitstop
We need to be able to adjust tuning options during pitstops such as air pressure, wedge, ballast, wing settings etc. This is especially important during endurance races where the car/conditions can change dramatically, needing the ability to adjust te car.

-The ability to have B-spec Bob(s) have stints with you in A-spec endurance
I think A-spec Endurances would be better and more realistic if a few B-spec Bobs could take a stint or two during the race instead of having to go for a whole 24 hours.

Or you could also have an online co-op type deal for endurance races.
Also, all tracks need Day to Night transitions and weather.

It is done great in GT5 (visually, physically there is work with weather to be done), but it is only available for a few places
Also, all tracks need Day to Night transitions and weather.

It is done great in GT5 (visually, physically there is work with weather to be done), but it is only available for a few places

Absolutely. Especially once Project CARS comes out and has that exact feature, 24 hour night and weather cycles on EVERY track. They got away with what they put in GT5 because the other rival, Forza, wasn't doing anything at all but by the time GT6 comes out it's going to have to be on every track.

They also need to stop counting them as seperate layouts. 30 tracks, 60 layouts because they each have weather/time change. Lol no PD.
I'm not going to read the OP (lol) so I'll just write that I hope GT6 returns to having tracks in sunset instead of sunny cloudy day.

That's "the post apocalyptic feel" of deep forest. I call it not being dull, and it applies to lots of tracks that in gt1/2/3/4 had charisma but now are boring.

I agree about Deepforest. Some tracks are also unnecessarily long - was playing GT1 today and High Speed Ring is much more fun than the current incarnation on GT4 and GT5.

I also hate Tokyo Route 246. Every race on it with a car with less than 900hp feels like a chore. I feel that some tracks would've been better off with lap times of around 1:20 for ~400hp cars.
How about customizable tires. Instead of pre-set levels of thickness or quality.

Rims, for lolz I guess.

And a customizable exhaust. So we can make our cars sound like beasts and perform like them.
for Endurance Races section why not have it that when you have the two Le Mans, one without the chicanes and one with, the one that has no chicanes should only have cars from 1989 and before and the one with should have cars from 1990 to present day.
How about an event maker, so in arcade I won't be tasked with the impossible when selecting a slow vehicle. In other words. Make it so when I select a DeLorean in arcade, I don't have to race against a bunch of Veyrons/Tuscan Speed 12s/Nardos.
How about an event maker, so in arcade I won't be tasked with the impossible when selecting a slow vehicle. In other words. Make it so when I select a DeLorean in arcade, I don't have to race against a bunch of Veyrons/Tuscan Speed 12s/Nardos.

👍 I have this problem when i want to race a caterham 7 in arcacde mode. It picks Citroen Road Concept cars.:ouch: I would love to see this in GT6, or at least the option to set HP restrictions.
My list:

Optional damage
Less track restrictions (2player)
Customization (more rims, less tuner looking spoilers, real brand decals (similar to NFS prostreet) body kits that look like racecars)
Realism with CPU drivers (cutting off apex problem addressed)
Less tire wear
Fast forward in B-spec (like gt4 but more than 3x)
for Endurance Races section why not have it that when you have the two Le Mans, one without the chicanes and one with, the one that has no chicanes should only have cars from 1989 and before and the one with should have cars from 1990 to present day.

👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 AGREED but there should be a shorter one too, "mini Le Mans" like maybe an hour for those who don't want to spend a week on the same track
Semi-Endurance Races.

Sort of a step down from Endurance Races, so people don't just go from 3 laps on the Nur to 200 laps on Indy.

So people have a way to grind cash and yet not waste an entire day of their life just for a petty amount of cash.
^Or, referring to the last statement in your post, simply increase the amount of money won.

Really, what we receive from non-special events is just pathetic.
We need a rewards system that not only utilizes the current method of using a calculation to determine how many bonus credits you get based upon how much slower your vehicle was than the AI opposition in the seasonal events, but also takes a page out of the book of Forza, and allows even more credits to be earned determined by the difficulty settings you choose.
We need a rewards system that not only utilizes the current method of using a calculation to determine how many bonus credits you get based upon how much slower your vehicle was than the AI opposition in the seasonal events, but also takes a page out of the book of Forza, and allows even more credits to be earned determined by the difficulty settings you choose.

There should be no difficultu setting in GT6. It should progress harder as usual and thats what makes it an amazing game. Difficulty settings are for :censored:ys!
There should be no difficultu setting in GT6. It should progress harder as usual and thats what makes it an amazing game. Difficulty settings are for :censored:ys!

Don't attack my opinion or state that I'm a certain female part. I think it's a good system, and it can still get progressively more difficult as the game progresses on, which it should.
There should be no difficultu setting in GT6. It should progress harder as usual and thats what makes it an amazing game. Difficulty settings are for :censored:ys!

In what way does GT5 get progressively harder? The AI are the same drones throughout A-Spec, the only thing that makes anything 'hard' is having the right car for the task.

Difficulty settings are not for female lady parts, they're a great way to give everyone a good challenge in a game. Hard settings for those that like a challenge, easy for those that aren't as good. I know when I play a first person shooter I never play them on hard or above because I'm not good enough, I wouldn't enjoy a game that forced me to play it at very high difficulty, likewise one that is too easy. GT5 is too easy with the exception of the time trials but they're only you against the game.
That list is overly demanding. There are only a few things that PD can do at a time for each game. If you want supreme realism, do this in real life. Actually go to a track and race. GT is a great game the way its been and has only been ruined because of everyone wanting too much and speculating too much.