Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

  • Thread starter Earth
Here's an idea I recently thought up. So, anyone who has played GT5 online knows how cars will "ghost" when that player pauses the game. I was just thinking, it looks odd to see a semi-visible car sitting on the side of the road, or sometimes even in the middle. So I think that in GT6 online mode, whenever you, or other players pause the game, a little indicator should appear next to the screen-name, letting people know that a person is paused. Not only that, but the car should remain visible, or, "unghosted", so that it just looks like a parked car. However, in order to prevent the car from being damaged or messed with, there should be a feature that allows the car to be invincible while paused, or maybe even capable of being driven through.

And just one more thing I might add in; I think there should also be an indicator next to the screen-name whenever someone is typing a message or using a microphone, instead of only seeing it in the lobby menu. That's all. :)

Terrible idea. They ghost for an obvious reason, why would you want to make them solid or confuse the matter by making them solid but able to drive through them?
Terrible idea. They ghost for an obvious reason, why would you want to make them solid or confuse the matter by making them solid but able to drive through them?

I was wondering when little 'ol SimonK would come along to trash my idea. Was I expecting you to hate my idea? Of course! I haven't seen you agree with a SINGLE idea on here. I also haven't seen any creative ideas come out of you either. So how about you keep your dissenting comments to yourself, instead of trying to make people feel awful about their idea with the most stabbing response possible.
Nope. If anyone posts an idea I'm quite free to give my opinion on it within the rules of the forum. I don't have to post my own ideas to get that right. Like I said before, get a thicker skin or don't post ideas if you don't want them criticized.
I'd improve (to my thinking at least) zyla's idea a bit - about that pause thing... I think SimonK was right to some extent. Not ghosting would make it a bit confusing indeed; I suppose the icon indicating a player is afk would be a bit invisible while one would be passing by.

IMO cars should always ghost after you pause your game, even when your ride is moving (in which case it should stop immediately AND ghost). After that, there would be a short, say, 2- or 3-second countdown so the player can prepare to drive again.

It's kinda annoying when you gotta afk for a moment just to come back and see your car being trolled by some kid with X1 or supah-power-Vayrone.
Nope. If anyone posts an idea I'm quite free to give my opinion on it within the rules of the forum. I don't have to post my own ideas to get that right. Like I said before, get a thicker skin or don't post ideas if you don't want them criticized.

I also have every right to be upset if you hate on my idea. All you have to do is simply say you disagree. Believe it or not, there are nicer ways to disagree with a person than how you do.
This is the internet, you need a thicker skin if you're going to survive. What I posted was not nasty at all and you're going to encounter much worse than that.
This is the internet, you need a thicker skin if you're going to survive. What I posted was not nasty at all and you're going to encounter much worse than that.

Assuming I don't have thick skin is where you're wrong. I have thick skin, and I'm well aware of the dangers and the dark waters of the Internet. But I'll tell you, no matter how thick a person's skin, they have the right to defend a point they make if it's being criticized.

I never said you hurt my feelings, I was just trying to support my idea. If you don't like, fine. I'm just tired of seeing you attack almost everything that is posted on GTP.
Whatever but next time you have an idea be prepared to defend that idea if someone doesn't like it. Don't just moan that someone doesn't like your idea, defend it and tell us why it would be good.
Whatever but next time you have an idea be prepared to defend that idea if someone doesn't like it. Don't just moan that someone doesn't like your idea, defend it and tell us why it would be good.

Fair enough, but I believe I explained why I wanted that feature in the idea post itself.
Yes but I then said it would cause confusion, if you see a car is solid you don't expect to be able to drive through it, you'll try to avoid it. If it's left solid and people can hit it that causes massive problems, that's why they ghost. So what would be your response to that?
Picture this... drag race of your career; your rival is rockin some serious opposition with his good-ol' American Muscle against your nimble import... the only way to win is by power shifting...

Sorry about that lads, just watched Born to Race, again. But seriously though, how cool would that be? With power shifting comes consequences; engine blowouts, transmission failures etc. The world of drag racing in the Gran Turismo series will be ''revolutionized''. With consequences that can send your car to the shop for a couple of game days/weeks depending on your budget, drag racing will become more competative and serious. No more noobs showing off their ''skill'' in tuning cars with their brand new GTR '09/ACR Viper/Veyron. No more boring exotic car races.

With power shifting mentioned, why not brake-boosting? (Yeah I said it.) Personally, I'm more of a street-racing/ street level drag racing type of guy. I don't max out my cars with the most expensive parts, I buy what I need.

With that said, I would love to see rims (categorized by brand), body kits (from ridiculous ricer, to a sense of purpose), when I strip everything out of my car, I don't want to see the radio, dashboard, gps, etc., bucket seats (basically, interior design like in Midnight Club), specific engine parts ( NFS: Underground with the colorable engine bay and fuel injection lines), classical Nitros Oxide (from Hollywood style flames to a sense of purpose, meaning a boost in engine performance without the flames depending on the fuel-injection system you installed amongst other parts), and last-but-not-least, realistic pricing; there is A LOT you can do with 10 grand.

Thank you, and I do apologize for the long post


Upgrade or redesign the physics of the game. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE A CORNER AT 110 KM/H in an Alpha Rome Brera. My suspension settings based on real life should do the same job as in real life.

Also crash physics. By that I mean a realistic crash physics integrated in the game with crushing twisting bending, etc. Tire shredding; rust; visible chassis damadges (this is where a mechanics dug out comes in so you can actually see the damadge for yourself), drivetrain damadges, etc.
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lets see, features. What could I suggest in order to contribute to this thread?
I would say engine swaps, but I think that's been suggested already.

A used car dealership like in the older GT games. I'm really fed up with having to scroll with only 20 random cars at a time when there's over 700 cars that are in the same UCD. It would be nice if PD would put the UCD back to the older style. In GT1 & GT2, you got to look for used cars from each car manufacture and they would just show cars that are only of that manufacture. Cheaper cars were at the bottom while the expensive ones were at the top.
I really miss that UCD. I was expecting it to be there. But hopefully, there wont be a need for a UCD due to all the cars being premium.

BTW, on some other version of GT5 the name of the Online Dealership is changed to Online Collectors Dealership... I saw it on one of DUBS' videos on YT. Is there a difference between the two?
Also, to add to my classic UCD suggestion above, how about rather than just standards in the UCD (I don't think PD will give up standards for GT6, but the standard cars may have better detail in GT6, possibly near the premium car quality we have now in GT5), but premiums should also be in the UCD too. It felt silly that every premium car was in the Dealership section while standards were in the UCD, that must be changed.
Also, to add to my classic UCD suggestion above, how about rather than just standards in the UCD (I don't think PD will give up standards for GT6, but the standard cars may have better detail in GT6, possibly near the premium car quality we have now in GT5), but premiums should also be in the UCD too. It felt silly that every premium car was in the Dealership section while standards were in the UCD, that must be changed.

I think I remember posting a similar reply a while back, but I do agree with you.
The standard cars are never going to get better, they're old PS2 models built in a very basic way. You can't polish a turd and all those standard cars need to be binned and new premium models built from scratch.

They can't get away with PS2 models on a PS4 game.
Also more than 12 drivers in A spec mode!
Like 50 drivers on 24 hours of Le Mans, Nordsleife, Spa...

There should be more 24 hours races as well

Time cycles shouldn't be on every track but maybe on every track that exists in real life!
Also more than 12 drivers in A spec mode!
Like 50 drivers on 24 hours of Le Mans, Nordsleife, Spa...

There should be more 24 hours races as well

Time cycles shouldn't be on every track but maybe on every track that exists in real life!

Why, doesn't time exist on fictional tracks? Of course it should be on every track.
I think I remember posting a similar reply a while back, but I do agree with you.

oh, you did? I'm sorry, I didn't see any post like that. This is probably why I should always check the previous pages to make sure noone posted the same thing.

The standard cars are never going to get better, they're old PS2 models built in a very basic way. You can't polish a turd and all those standard cars need to be binned and new premium models built from scratch.

Simon, it could happen whether you like it or not. Of course, I don't believe they'll be the same, PS2 car models as in GT4. I bet the standard cars will be the built the same quality as the models in GTHD or even our GT5 premiums are built while the premiums will probably be better detailed.
Of course, this is what I think will happen. I do agree that PD can't get away with PS2 models on a PS4 game though.
oh, you did? I'm sorry, I didn't see any post like that. This is probably why I should always check the previous pages to make sure noone posted the same thing.

No, it's quite alright. It was a month or two ago, so you wouldn't have found it very easily. No worries. :)
Simon, it could happen whether you like it or not. Of course, I don't believe they'll be the same, PS2 car models as in GT4. I bet the standard cars will be the built the same quality as the models in GTHD or even our GT5 premiums are built while the premiums will probably be better detailed.
Of course, this is what I think will happen. I do agree that PD can't get away with PS2 models on a PS4 game though.

No, Kaz has already said the current 'premium' models are already detailed enough far beyond the PS3 so those cars will carry over to a PS4 game and basically we'll see them in more detail on track like the current photomode versions.

It would make no sense at all from a development point of view to build cars to anything but the current premium quality, starting from scratch. Anything less than that would be just unfinished and I'm confident they've had enough time + however long before GT6 is actually released to get a decent number of finished premium cars. Not 1000, but they don't need a 1000.

We'll see though.
No, Kaz has already said the current 'premium' models are already detailed enough far beyond the PS3 so those cars will carry over to a PS4 game and basically we'll see them in more detail on track like the current photomode versions.

It would make no sense at all from a development point of view to build cars to anything but the current premium quality, starting from scratch. Anything less than that would be just unfinished and I'm confident they've had enough time + however long before GT6 is actually released to get a decent number of finished premium cars. Not 1000, but they don't need a 1000.

We'll see though.

Huge +1 @SimonK. 👍 That makes a lot of sense to have GT6 on the PS4. :)
I can guarantee engine swaps have been mentioned here before, but I want to add to that idea. Most people agree that engine swaps should be limited to manufacturers, which is fine since it prevents silly things such as Fiats with W16 motors. But I'd like to see maybe ten or fifteen engines that are available to most cars, even if they're not from the same manufacturer. These engines would be the tried and true ones that are shoehorned into a variety of cars; 2JZ motors, LS motors, a Chevy small block, or the 302 V8 from Mustangs of the past. I'd love to put a 302 V8 into a Miata and have my very own Monster Miata.