Oh just remembered it would be cool if the AI's cars (and your own obviously) could break down in the middle of the race (only if they are in poor condition or have a lot of distance traveled) and in doing so block the track and just stand there smoking from the hood (Like in DIRT 3, it made everything so much more exciting you're just driving in rally at night and BOOM out of nowhere there's a car in the middle of the road. Another thing I hope they will do is improve the AI and their actions, the current AI seems so bland and scripted. If they made it so that AI could crash spin out and crash into each other and in doing so total out it will also raise the intensity of races. I'm not saying that AI should drive like drunk F1 drivers (there's a good thought) but so that say you're following closely behind some AI the AI begins driving more carelessly (in order to outrun you and throw you off) and in doing so crash or spin out (like that too hot too cold thing with the B Spec drivers). It would be so cool to see Endurance races narrowed down to like 6 or 8 people and that brings me to my next point MORE AI PER RACE instead of the usual max of 12 how about throwing in like 25 for endurance, Nascar and higher spec races? Finally again with the off road courses do it like DIRT don't put barriers everywhere let the driver veer of course and crash into some tree

. Finally add more customization options for the cars and tracks (props maybe?) and allow us to do more things with our driver, maybe like a free roam (as said before) in the special route city, maybe even add like a location where people could publish their vehicles and other players could get out of their cars and rate those cars or socialize with others and maybe even challenge them to races or arrange trades. That's all I have for now really hope to see some of this stuff in GT6 and PLEASE REMOVE SOME OF THE STANDARD DUPES (by that I mean cars manufactured within 5 years of each other that don't have any change in appearance or stats, like the R33 95' and R33 97') we don't need so many cars 500-650 would do especially if they are premium