Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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More than loading times what makes GT5's system awful is how the menus are arranged. Can't blame the ps3's deficiencies much on that regard but the "game designers" themselves.

But even if they were properly made all the ownership stuff will still be a chore for everyone, more of it considering amar wants to expand it even if loading times are halved.

Here's a "20+ minutes" example and it shows other annoyances. Start gt5, disclaimers, get the time zone error (most users must be getting that as it is optional to synchronize it), then the intro video (same), an unnecessary main menu that takes loads to load even when no one cares about it after a day since we all want to go straight to gt life. That's a minute right there, and on that time I'd have picked a car and a track on forza4 and would be on a loading screen. Moreover I'd have played 45 seconds and counting on guitar hero 6, which has superb menus.

Finally on gt life I have to claim the dlc cars tickets and others so lets say 20, which is 10 minutes. Well lets go check the ocd and browse the ncd, another 5 minutes if you buy some cars, and then finally racing online (3 minutes considering the awful filters and loading times).
Uhm fgt ovals, but I need to do an oil change and restore the car. Ok, leave the lobby (which is a pain in the ass on itself), wait for everything to load, go to gt auto (the longest loading menu of the game), oil change, restore chassis, restore engine, go back to gt life (4 minutes). Finally get back to the lobby again (3 minutes) but the race already started.

Ok lets give the game a second chance, how about tuning some cars. That means going into the worst garage ever invented, going to gt auto (ugh), back to gt life then the separate tuning menu and trying them on track. Including being finally in-game that takes at least 5 minutes that could be easily avoided.
Ok I tested that one how about I pick another one in-game.......nope, can't (offline). Leave the track, gt life, repeat, throw the game away.

The dog somehow didn't eat the disc I threw away, third shot. Lets collect some cars, which is kind of obvious considering I can only pick like 40 in arcade mode out of more than a 1000 (gj PD).......and that's were mayhem begins, with 1000 cars each taking a minute and a lot more considering the ucd has to be refreshed and credits have to be farmed, probably on B-spec (another abomination).

When collecting cars in GT5 there are to the very least 24 hours wasted because of bad game design; 24 hours+ on black screens and menus that could have been avoided and used on playing the game. Add to that all what I described and more (yes I didn't mention even half of the biggest issues, like installing the game on the hdd) and the game is unbearable without actually getting to play it........and amar wants to expand it.

All that is mentioned on game reviews, and if it wasn't because this is a part of the GT series the game on itself would have been crushed (7.0 grade for an AAA title) because of this. Actually gt5 was crushed by gtp users, as we see every single day here, and the mainstream audience thinks forza4 and forza horizon are better games and that are progressing at least twice as fast. In forza4 I can be playing with 99% of cars in one minute and a half, that takes 24+ hours in GT5.

People overrate loading times. Lets be incredibly optimistic and say those will be halved somehow. That's still 18+ hours as menu and animations time is a longer than loading times, and that's without considering all the propositions that amar made which will certainly increase the annoyances and time.
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The menus aren't that badly designed, it's mostly just the slowness of them that makes them frustrating. Sure they're not perfect, and sure it's probably Polyphony's fault that the menus are so slow rather than the PS3 itself since almost every other PS3 game in existence seems to manage responsive menus that don't require a loading screen in between each page, but for the most part they're fairly logically designed.

My biggest gripe with the menus (aside from speed) is scrolling through cars and tracks in, say, Arcade Mode. It would've been much preferable to have a selection menu more akin to the new car dealership, where it's a 2D array using up the whole screen to show you way more of your available choices at once rather than a 1D list that you have to scroll through horizontally forever just to find what you want.

But I'll be honest, I've played way less GT5 than I have Forza 3, Forza 4, or GT4, so I may not be as intimately familiar with all of GT5's menu annoyances as someone who's played it a lot.
You know what I really want?
The ability to create videos as stunning as the Spec II intro without fiddling with fancy video editors. Perhaps adding your own music, or adding any song from the game. Linking multiple replays, recording a little driving or setting up AI to act for your movie. Export in HD.

That's all I wish for.
GT5 loads better on newer PS3 consoles as they are more advanced in different ways. I still have my old classic PS3 to this day and have only ever bought the old ones simply because they look cool. But Now that I know the new ones perform better with less internet lag and faster internet speeds along with much quicker loading times and less menu bugs.

The loading problem is't entirely Polyphony's fault but more to the fact of what type of PS3 you are using and what condition it is in.

My PS3 is soo old now it can't even open Playstation Store anymore.

And also Avens if you hate GT5 this much for no clear reason then you might as well get off this site and lock yourself up in Forza Planet instead and start row there.
And also Avens if you hate GT5 this much for no clear reason then you might as well get off this site and lock yourself up in Forza Planet instead and start row there.

His reasoning was very clear, however some people switch off to rational arguments whenever they hear Forza mentioned...
GT5 loads better on newer PS3 consoles as they are more advanced in different ways. I still have my old classic PS3 to this day and have only ever bought the old ones simply because they look cool. But Now that I know the new ones perform better with less internet lag and faster internet speeds along with much quicker loading times and less menu bugs. [/B]

That may be the case, but I've recently started playing GT5 on my fairly new (had it less than 6 months) and only lightly used (maybe only 15-20 hours total) PS3 slim and the responsiveness of the menus in GT5 are still quite poor. I've never played GT5 on a "fat" PS3, but if it's even worse, then yikes! That's really gotta suck. :lol:
Ok so I was watching some races this weekend and thought about a new feature that could be lots of fun. Let call it ...race live. So let say with DTM or BTCC any race series really, have live info and mesh your play with it. So say Gordon Sheddon is the BTCC points leader in real life, you can race the same season and tracks and have your times mix with real info. So race the same tracks, choose from the lot of BTCC (DTM, or other race types) and possibly beat the real leaders. As the real races are raced, you have the chance to change the outcome in the game. So IF in real life Jason Plato wins the long as you beat his points in the game YOU would be the champ.

You could have the real rules for each type of race championship, all the cars and all the drivers and have your shot to actually beat them.

Ask me questions if anything is unclear..I know I didnt exactly explain it the best
That may be the case, but I've recently started playing GT5 on my fairly new (had it less than 6 months) and only lightly used (maybe only 15-20 hours total) PS3 slim and the responsiveness of the menus in GT5 are still quite poor. I've never played GT5 on a "fat" PS3, but if it's even worse, then yikes! That's really gotta suck. :lol:

Yes it does suck. Especially as my previous PS3 died but still had 1 spare but cant go on PS Store to get the Gran Turismo DLC but atleast I have the save :)
Ok so I was watching some races this weekend and thought about a new feature that could be lots of fun. Let call it ...race live. So let say with DTM or BTCC any race series really, have live info and mesh your play with it. So say Gordon Sheddon is the BTCC points leader in real life, you can race the same season and tracks and have your times mix with real info. So race the same tracks, choose from the lot of BTCC (DTM, or other race types) and possibly beat the real leaders. As the real races are raced, you have the chance to change the outcome in the game. So IF in real life Jason Plato wins the long as you beat his points in the game YOU would be the champ.

You could have the real rules for each type of race championship, all the cars and all the drivers and have your shot to actually beat them.

Ask me questions if anything is unclear..I know I didnt exactly explain it the best

It does make sense but to be honest and trying not to be rude, my mind right now is purley thinking "WTF!?"

Please don't be offended by this but thats just what I'm thinking
Avens, I see you have your opinion, I have mine. That is good.

However, this discussion is not about GT5, but GT6. I was simply pointing out my personal take on expansion of one very unique feature that GT games have and which I am particularly fond of, and my personal ideas regarding its potential development in GT6.

You are just using the same cycle of arguments regarding GT5 menu design I've been reading around here for ages. Without any need to spin that historical nonsense over and over again I will just conclude it all comes back to subjective preferences.

I understand how some (not "majority", you have to be very careful with that you know, you can't judge anything regarding "majority" from GTPlanet, because 150K members here - of which majority is not active, which can be easily seen from site-database - are only a very small percentage of GT5 buyers - thus not "majority" by any mean, we come under the nice badge of "vocal minority" at best) do not like the way GT5 handles some "procedures" in the game, but it is their right to.

Because, on the other hand - and I know it may sound completely unbelievable to you - there are some people that do not like how some other games treat that same "procedures".

But as I said - personal preference. Nothing more, nothing less.

Also, you may sound surprised, but those "crushing reviews" have done nothing much to actual reception of the game. GT5 has great sales results which have been - surprisingly, you will agree - made not in the very "launch period" (when all those "crushing reviews" were done) but through later years, reaching more then 9 million in 2 years.

In the same time - and please, I sincerely advise you to take this just as an counter-argument to your own initial argument, I really, really hate this kind of comparisons - both games you mention as example of which "mainstream audience thinks are better and developing twice as fast" didn't manage to reach half of GT5 sales combined. Even more, if you would add all 4 titles of that "example series" released in this generation and throw it against Prologue (which was also "crushed" by reviews as "glorified demo" and similar nonsensical labelling) and GT5 together, all 4 of them can't come even close to sales of GT5:P and GT5 combined. And guess what, you know who buys 99% of games? "Mainstream audience". Voting with the wallet and that stories, you know. So please, restrain to call in opinions of "mainstream audience" with ideas how vocal minorities of various communities represents it. Mainstream audience opinion is something you can read from sales numbers in the periods after some game has already lived its "post release window" life, not from reading bitching on forums and talking among mind-like buddies.

So, to conclude: 24+ hours for obtaining 1K cars and looking at the black screen or not, there are few very noticeable conclusions we can draw from various sources regarding post-release state of GT5:

- PD invested serious amount of time and effort to improve GT5 with patches in almost all areas they could,
- 2 years after the release game still gets insane amounts of post-release support (not patches, but new functionalities, options, improved physics, improved graphics, sounds, new content, constant new challenges in form of Seasonals, etc)
- almost all complaints of the vocal minority has been either corrected and implemented in the game, or noted and accepted by PD with expressed intention to be corrected in the future
- there are still more than 100.000 unique players-ID's registered at every 2-week Time Trial/Drift Trial that are playing this game on regular basis, even game itself was "crushed by reviews" and even it is more then 2 years old
- unlike any other game on the current overall gaming market worldwide, GT5 still gets full-new disc-releases despite being 2-year old original release, of which 2 completely new standalone releases has been made in past 3 months (European "GT5 Academy Edition" and Asian "GT5 2013 Edition")

And now for the final. I happen to run a small GT community myself, only Croatian players, 100+ members, not important by any margin. But all of them are not into voicing their opinions on forums (many of them are just lurkers to GTP) or going into mindless debates. They just love the game as it is and they play it. They do not care about loading screens, they take need to maintain their cars as something nice and cool and they really enjoy the music of Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" while they're changing oil for every vehicle we've agreed to run that weekend for our private races.

All of them would like to have that particular aspect of the game more developed. To be made even more important. More real-life like. To have even pronounced consequences for using the cars. Even if it means more loading screens. Because it is something that actually makes them to actually connect with their Standard M3 GTR more. And I guess my initial proposals were made from that same love and same intention. To care about my cars even more. To avoid crashing them recklessly - because I will have consequences in long-term. To avoid driving them like red-area of revs is the only area of revs - because I have will consequences in long-term. To love my cars. Not just to "own" them because of the sake of owning them. It is the greatest magic of this game.

And as I said on the beginning - it is only my subjective opinion and my subjective wish for the future. Nothing less, nothing more. I am deeply sorry if it annoyed you that much. However, you should reconsider how there are many people that does not want that GT series lose its own charm and uniqueness and become like some other games. And thankfully - as something quantifiable as "sales" can teach us all - there are still millions of people that think the same. And I am really happy to know that.
His reasoning was very clear, however some people switch off to rational arguments whenever they hear Forza mentioned...

It was clear as in he presented it to make sense but he's not got a valid point. He's just taking tiny things that barley anybody notices and trying to make them sound a bazzillion times worse.
It was clear as in he presented it to make sense but he's not got a valid point. He's just taking tiny things that barley anybody notices and trying to make them sound a bazzillion times worse.

The aggregate effect of many small details is very much noticeable. As far as menu navigation goes, GT5 is the worst of the series by far. If I am pushed for time, I don't want to have to spend excessive amounts of time through bad menu design and self-congratulatory superfluous animations just to get to the racing.

It is very aggravating, especially since PD had more than enough time to get the basics right. It's that kind of sloppy design from PD that has allowed Forza to become so prominent.

It is a very valid point that avens makes.
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My thought is that is was soooo long and covered so much that it would fit, it just wouldn't blend, and seem ridiculous, and it also is sort of a rant. Otherwise I agree and was a case where I didn't actually read through all of the threads.
I'd move then delete if possible but I can't move it to another thread nor can I delete the thread. If I could I would copy the original post and move it but I don't want to double post if I can avoid it.

Ask a mod to move your post to another thread.
First of all amar you have to admit gt5 failed miserably menu system wise and that most of it is related to badly developing your point of being more immersive.

Secondly, your sales data is misleading. Yes GT5 outsold forza4 but it's a fact that the GT series is selling a lot less than before (for various reasons) and that customers are shifting into other games and platforms. It's not like GT5 outsold everyone you know, as if you are comparing AAA titles then it is 1 game in 8 years and counting competing against 5+ from each of the other franchises.
In other words the mainstream audience is speaking with their wallet. The GT series is not as massive as it used to be while other established franchises are still up there, and most importantly there are new ones that sell more than the GT series or year by year are getting up there while GT goes down the toilet.

More concretely, in the same period of time the forza series went from being nothing to surpassing the GT series in home console sales on the same period of time. Yes GT5 sold nominally well but that's one game in 8 years and counting, same period in which the forza series sold around 15m on 5 games, and the second one is including not updated numbers so it must be higher. There are other new franchises that compete with GT5-GT6's sales year by year like dirt and f1, since those release one game a year (getting consistent 1m+ sales) whereas PD likes to take its time.
Same with NFS and mario kart, though they are a established franchise.

In the end the point is yes GTP is a vocal minority, but the majority speaks with its wallet and it says they are leaving the GT franchise and going to others instead that are directly competing with it sales wise. And that's just sales (quantity), because it is a fact GT5 got worse reviews than the games I'm comparing it with (quality).

edit: I am considering prologue sells with gt5's, plus tt and all other games released after gt4. I didn't directly consider gran turismo psp since it's a different platform.
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First of all amar you have to admit gt5 failed miserably menu system wise and that most of it is related to badly developing your point of being more immersive.

Secondly, your sales data is misleading. Yes GT5 outsold forza4 but it's a fact that the GT series is selling a lot less than before (for various reasons) and that customers are shifting into other games and platforms. It's not like GT5 outsold everyone you know, as if you are comparing AAA titles then it is 1 game in 8 years and counting competing against 5+ from each of the other franchises.
In other words the mainstream audience is speaking with their wallet. The GT series is not as massive as it used to be while other established franchises are still up there, and most importantly there are new ones that sell more than the GT series or year by year are getting up there while GT goes down the toilet.

More concretely, in the same period of time the forza series went from being nothing to surpassing the GT series in home console sales on the same period of time. Yes GT5 sold nominally well but that's one game in 8 years and counting, same period in which the forza series sold around 15m on 5 games, and the second one is including not updated numbers so it must be higher. There are other new franchises that compete with GT5-GT6's sales year by year like dirt and f1, since those release one game a year (getting consistent 1m+ sales) whereas PD likes to take its time.
Same with NFS and mario kart, though they are a established franchise.

In the end the point is yes GTP is a vocal minority, but the majority speaks with its wallet and it says they are leaving the GT franchise and going to others instead that are directly competing with it sales wise. And that's just sales (quantity), because it is a fact GT5 got worse reviews than the games I'm comparing it with (quality).

edit: I am considering prologue sells with gt5's, plus tt and all other games released after gt4. I didn't directly consider gran turismo psp since it's a different platform.

You sir are being quite vein and you seem to massively overreact. Pleas just calm down its not that bad and not that big of a deal.
GT5 loads better on newer PS3 consoles as they are more advanced in different ways. I still have my old classic PS3 to this day and have only ever bought the old ones simply because they look cool. But Now that I know the new ones perform better with less internet lag and faster internet speeds along with much quicker loading times and less menu bugs.

The loading problem is't entirely Polyphony's fault but more to the fact of what type of PS3 you are using and what condition it is in.

My PS3 is soo old now it can't even open Playstation Store anymore.

And also Avens if you hate GT5 this much for no clear reason then you might as well get off this site and lock yourself up in Forza Planet instead and start row there.

Baloney. I have a 2nd generation slim console bought in 2010 and the GT5 menus are still sluggish, poorly thought out and with huge loading times between each one. They were on day one in 2010, they still are now. Loading the garage is sluggish, even the first main menu it takes a while before the pointer appears.
It does make sense but to be honest and trying not to be rude, my mind right now is purley thinking "WTF!?"

Please don't be offended by this but thats just what I'm thinking
What? Just an aspect of the game unexplored. Instead of loading us with cars no one wants it give some cool race cars, tons of new tracks and essentially new challenges. It's something that I think real race fans would appreciate...definitely not for everyone but then again ALL aspects of anything aren't for everyone. It might be a lot, but there are ways to make it happen
That idea was actually mentioned a few years ago, I remember a BBC article where a company was testing the idea of a live race but I can't find it. I'd think it is still several years off though in terms of tech.
That idea was actually mentioned a few years ago, I remember a BBC article where a company was testing the idea of a live race but I can't find it. I'd think it is still several years off though in terms of tech.

Thats cool...I would love to see something like that. Wonder why its so far off, they had a similar setup with the 2K games for basketball if I remember correctly. Either way I would love to play something like that
Real life roads. (Col de Turini,Stelvio pass,British B-roads etc) and some challenge based on this surely.

Finnish back roads and maybe a route 66, just for fun, sort of have a freedrive around these roads, and since GT6 will most likely come out on PS4 then it should have the advanced graphics and a better processor and be able to handle extreme content like that.
Engine edits

- More off a Manly Car Sound >.^
-Engine Sticking out off the bonnet ''Like they have on real drag cars


Drifting events.
Drag Events.
Sprint events.

Better Vehicels:
Holdens into the Dealership

Free Roam:
Driving in a town doing race's like forza, etc.

Car Decal;
More Body Kits
Racing Parts
More Rims
More Spoilers
Engine edits

- More off a Manly Car Sound >.^
-Engine Sticking out off the bonnet ''Like they have on real drag cars


Drifting events.
Drag Events.
Sprint events.

Better Vehicels:
Holdens into the Dealership

Free Roam:
Driving in a town doing race's like forza, etc.

Car Decal;
More Body Kits
Racing Parts
More Rims
More Spoilers

So the "best vehicles" are motorbikes and Holdens... I'll just say that's unique.
So the "best vehicles" are motorbikes and Holdens... I'll just say that's unique.

Im pretty sure he said he would like to see holden in the ncd I dont see where he said it was the best vehicles.
have a true 1/4 mile drag track like las vegas in gt4, have a pink slip option where if you lose you cant scam and have a trade option where you cant scam people