Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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Still wrong. That isn't lag.

Really? Explain and not just by saying "wrong, no, still wrong"

Just because the bottom right gos up to say there's boost doesn't mean there is. And just saying in real life if the car did that it would be turbo lag right? I think yes.
When turbos only boost power in the higher revs, that isn't lag.

Lag is when you floor it, and the turbo doesn't even start spooling up until some time later. Gran Turismo doesn't calculate that at all.

That's exactly what those cars do

Trust me i have been over this with many people. It's not on a lot of cars but it is certain that those two have turbo lag in GT5.

Also the boost gage in the bottom right of your screen isn't that accurate to show it but it is there on a few cars. Oh almost forgot got one. The VW BUS is another
No, it isn't. There is a turbo gauge that shows that.

Ok once again the gauge yes doesn't show it BUT it is there. You can believe this or not. It has been discussed many time that is turbo lag

So you are saying if you looked at a car in real life standing out side of it and it took off like that you wouldn't think that was turbo lag?
Ok once again the gauge yes doesn't show it BUT it is there. You can believe this or not. It has been discussed many time that is turbo lag
I've had this argument too many times. It isn't there, the gauge is proof of that. You can't deny it.

So you are saying if you looked at a car in real life standing out side of it and it took off like that you wouldn't think that was turbo lag?

I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.
I've had this argument too many times. It isn't there, the gauge is proof of that. You can't deny it.

I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say.

Ok you can believe me or not about the gauge not going to start that argument again because there's no point when i was like you and didn't want to believe it at first.

What i meant by in the real life senaryo was... So if you were standing next to the car and you saw the no RPM take off in real life and it did what those 3 cars did what would you think it was?
Answer is turbo lag
Ok you can believe me or not about the gauge not going to start that argument again because there's no point when i was like you and didn't want to believe it at first.
It's not a matter of me beliving you or not. You're wrong.

What i meant by in the real life senaryo was... So if you were standing next to the car and you saw the no RPM take off in real life and it did what those 3 cars did what would you think it was?
Answer is turbo lag

Still doesn't make any sense.
It's not a matter of me beliving you or not. You're wrong.

Still doesn't make any sense.

Ok i will let you live in denial. And call me wrong but that is your false logic.

And how does that not make sense?
You claim to know what turbo lag is and know all about it to call me wrong. When you know what those cars are doing in the game is turbo lag.

But you don't want to admit it because of the gauge being incorrect and the same for every car in the game. You knew what I meant in me explaining with a real life senaryo. You can't see the boost gauge if you were sitting next to it if it took off like that you would probably say it was boost lag. What's hard to understand about the real life senaryo?
Ok i will let you live in denial. And call me wrong but that is your false logic.

And how does that not make sense?
You claim to know what turbo lag is and know all about it to call me wrong. When you know what those cars are doing in the game is turbo lag.

But you don't want to admit it because of the gauge being incorrect and the same for every car in the game. You knew what I meant in me explaining with a real life senaryo. You can't see the boost gauge if you were sitting next to it if it took off like that you would probably say it was boost lag. What's hard to understand about the real life senaryo?

What was hard to understand was the paragraph itself. I couldn't even understand what you were trying to say.
Don't take this the wrong way, but your English isn't the best.
What was hard to understand was the paragraph itself. I couldn't even understand what you were trying to say.
Don't take this the wrong way, but your English isn't the best.

I know it isn't that good never was and probably never will. But my math skills are off the charts haha.

But anyway sorry about that then.

But i was trying to say that if you had seen that any of those exact cars do what they are doing in GT5 in real life it would be turbo lag. This was discussed like over a year ago on some thread when someone mentioned what i am telling you now. I just hope that in GT6 they the make the gauge accurate and for God sake let us adjust how many pounds of boost
Personally, I would say that GT doesn't simulate turbo lag because the boost gauge is almost a secondary indicator of how much throttle you're applying.

When you give more or less throttle, the boost gauge follows your input exactly.

If it lagged, the boost gauge wouldn't catch up to your throttle input right away.
Personally, I would say that GT doesn't simulate turbo lag because the boost gauge is almost a secondary indicator of how much throttle you're applying.

When you give more or less throttle, the boost gauge follows your input exactly.

If it lagged, the boost gauge wouldn't catch up to your throttle input right away.

I have said before. The boost gauge is highly inaccurate on pretty much every car. But really inaccurate on a few cars that were notorious for having turbo lag. They need to fix this next time around
FWIW, if you stall your car in GT5, and you push the accelerator, the turbo gauge will indicate that the turbo is spinning, even though it shouldn't.
Still wrong. That isn't lag.

Oh for Peterborough's sake! The VW BUS has turbo lag, when you floor it you can blindly tell that it does not kick in soon enough. The BUS goes as a VVW BUS does when you floor it until the turbo kicks in. Also the same think on the VW Beetle (Premium DLC)

You can tell tthis by the sound of the RPM's and the sound of the turbo and the acceleration. It's clearly obvious that it has Turbo lag.
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Can we just stop arguing about turbo lag and get back to listing things? not making any progress here
Here I'll start
Customizable license plates
Gameplay - Race officiating

I wanna see flags, safety cars.

I want a real racing sim instead of real driving sim. The driving part is already great. No need to improve it in my estimation. I would much rather see BLACK FLAG, yellow flag, blue flag, pace car etc.

Perhaps one person in an in an online room could act as race director. Maybe the room mod or a designee of the room mod. That person could observe the race, maybe with a multiple view screen. The computer could replay contact situations or off track excursions to the race director for possible action (BLACK FLAG). The computer could also show lapped traffic situations etc. I'm thinking a few screens for the race director to look around and maybe two more for the computer to show him stuff.

Also, the room mod should be able to select from a set of pre determined rules for the room, like a set of canned driver's meeting rules. You could have full on FIM style rules, and then less professional rules sets all the way down to like a track day with restricted passing etc. I'd like the rules to be clear at the outset. Sometimes it is appropriate to have the FIM fender up means right to the line rules, and sometimes it is more appropriate to have gentlemen's rules where inadvertent contact should not result in a pass, etc.
Another idea - NO JUMPING OUT of a race before it is over because you aren't winning.

At least it should be an option for the room mod to set. I think that would cut down on stoners and d-bags ruining other peoples races and points. Nothing is more frustrating than when someone bumps you off on lap one turn one only to quit on lap two. Then you try extra hard to work your way back up for fewer points in the end.

If you are going to race then you should be committed to the end.

Too many stoners can't wait 'till the end of the race to pack another bowl.
I want Polyphony to be very simple and pure with the next Gran Turismo.

Around 200 – 300 Cars
No fluff, no standard models, just the best choices of cars on the planet. Project Gotham Racing 4 has the best ever selection in my eyes, and they had around 100.

Around 15 – 25 Tracks
Tracks are what make me come back to racing games, not hundreds of cars. A nice selection of some of the best like Spa and Silverstone, mixed with their own in house creations.

Little legacy holdover
Don’t bring back fan favourite tracks or cars, we’ve got the old games to play so don’t need them again. Choose the best and stick to it.

Open play events
Stop limiting players choice and preventing content from being enjoyed. Take a cue from Forza and allow all content to be easily selectable.

Finally, get a hold of the technology and present it to the user in a simple way. Allow us to put the disc in and start playing in a reasonable time frame. Don’t force us to install and patch like GT5 ever again!
Put the game on hold...
Seriously...I can wait for GT6, but I am not gonna get it if they just leave GT5 in the dust.
I want Polyphony to be very simple and pure with the next Gran Turismo.
Little legacy holdover
Don’t bring back fan favourite tracks or cars, we’ve got the old games to play so don’t need them again. Choose the best and stick to it.

Sorry but that's one of the silliest things I've read in this thread.

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